
Private Videos

Restrict access to your videos

Vimeo users with a paid Vimeo subscription (such as Plus, Pro, Business, or Premium) are given extensive privacy controls over their videos. This allows you to maintain a private video collection that is only accessible on your TubePress-powered website. For additional control, you could place your TubePress galleries behind a paywall or password-protected area of your site.

The rest of this page describes the one-time setup procedure that grants TubePress access to your private videos.

Step 1: Adjust your video privacy settings

For each video that you’d like to hide, set its privacy settings (e.g. https://vimeo.com/235586097/settings/privacy) to "Hide this video from vimeo.com". This will prevent the video from showing up anywhere outside your site.

Step 2: Create a Vimeo "API App"

  1. Visit https://developer.vimeo.com/apps to view/manage your Vimeo "API Apps".

  2. You may have at least one app there already. If so, go ahead and click on the app name.

    Vimeo apps

    If you don’t have an app, click the "Create App" button to create a new app. You can use anything you’d like for the App Name, Description, and URL. You don’t need to bother with any of the other fields.

    new Vimeo app

Step 3: Obtain an Access Token

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  1. Scroll down the page and you’ll see an "Authentication" section. Ensure that you select:

    1. "Authenticated (you)"
    2. "Public" and "Private" scopes

    Then click the "Generate" button.

    new access token

  2. Vimeo will show you your new access token under the "Personal Access Tokens" section. Select and copy this token.

    select and copy new access token

  3. Open the settings for your TubePress gallery from your Wix Website Editor. Under All Settings > Feed tab > Vimeo, enter your new API key in the Access Token field.

    paste access token

  4. Click the "Save" button.

Step 4: Utilize your Access Token

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