
Shortcode Reference

The options that can be passed to a TubePress shortcode

This page lists all of the options that can be used in a TubePress shortcode.

This section lists the options used to control the sources of TubePress video galleries. For each source name listed below, supply it to mode to have TubePress fetch videos from the given source.

General Source Options


Defines the source of videos for the video gallery that you'd like TubePress to display.

Valid valuesAny of the YouTube, Dailymotion, or Vimeo gallery source names defined on this page
Default valueuser
Example shortcode[tubepress mode="user" userValue="3hough"]

Dailymotion Sources


DescriptionConfigures TubePress to fetch the videos marked as "favorites" by a Dailymotion user. The Dailymotion user is identified by the value you supply to dailymotionFavoritesValue.
Dailymotion docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress mode="dailymotionFavorites" dailymotionFavoritesValue="IGN"]


DescriptionConfigures TubePress to fetch the videos that were both uploaded by a given Dailymotion user and featured by Dailymotion. The user is identified by the value you supply to dailymotionFeaturedValue.
Dailymotion docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress mode="dailymotionFeatured" dailymotionFeaturedValue="IGN"]


DescriptionConfigures TubePress to fetch a list of Dailymotion videos. Supply a comma-separated list of Dailymotion video IDs to the dailymotionListValueoption.
Dailymotion docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress mode="dailymotionList" dailymotionListValue="x3rx1nb, x2xv8yy"]


DescriptionConfigures TubePress to fetch videos from a Dailymotion playlist.
Dailymotion docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress mode="dailymotionPlaylist" dailymotionPlaylistValue="x416ip"]


DescriptionConfigures TubePress to fetch Dailymotion videos related to a specific Dailymotion video. The target video is identified by the value supplied to the dailymotionRelatedValue option.
Dailymotion docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress mode="dailymotionRelated" dailymotionRelatedValue="x2xv8yy"]


DescriptionConfigures TubePress to fetch Dailymotion videos matching the given search term. This is just as if you were searching on dailymotion.com.
Dailymotion docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress mode="dailymotionSearch" dailymotionSearchValue='cats playing piano']


DescriptionConfigures TubePress to fetch the videos from a given Dailymotion user's subscriptions. The target user is identified by the value you supply to the dailymotionSubscriptionsValue option.
Dailymotion docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress mode="dailymotionSubscriptions" dailymotionSubscriptionsValue="IGN"]


DescriptionConfigures TubePress to fetch Dailymotion videos tagged with the given term.
Dailymotion docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress mode="dailymotionTag" dailymotionTagValue='olympics']


DescriptionConfigures TubePress to fetch videos uploaded by a given Dailymotion user.
Dailymotion docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress mode="dailymotionUser" dailymotionUserValue='RedBull']

Vimeo Sources


DescriptionConfigures TubePress to fetch videos from a Vimeo album.
Vimeo docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress mode="vimeoAlbum" vimeoAlbumValue='3643712']


DescriptionConfigures TubePress to fetch videos in which a given Vimeo user appears.
Vimeo docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress mode="vimeoAppearsIn" vimeoAppearsInValue='ehough']


DescriptionConfigures TubePress to fetch videos from a Vimeo category.
Vimeo docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress mode="vimeoCategory" vimeoCategoryValue='Documentary']


DescriptionConfigures TubePress to fetch videos from a Vimeo Channel.
Vimeo docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress mode="vimeoChannel" vimeoChannelValue='staffpicks']


DescriptionConfigures TubePress to fetch videos from a Vimeo Group.
Vimeo docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress mode="vimeoGroup" vimeoGroupValue='travelhd']


DescriptionConfigures TubePress to fetch videos liked by a given Vimeo user.
Vimeo docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress mode="vimeoLikes" vimeoLikesValue='ehough']


DescriptionConfigures TubePress to fetch Vimeo videos matching the given search term. This is just as if you were searching on vimeo.com.
Vimeo docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress mode="vimeoSearch" vimeoSearchValue='cats playing piano']


DescriptionConfigures TubePress to fetch Vimeo videos tagged with the given term.
Vimeo docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress mode="vimeoTag" vimeoTagValue='soccer']


DescriptionConfigures TubePress to fetch videos uploaded by a given user.
Vimeo docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress mode="vimeoUploadedBy" vimeoUploadedByValue='ehough']

YouTube Sources


DescriptionConfigures TubePress to fetch the videos marked as "favorites" by a YouTube user or channel. The YouTube user or channel is identified by the value you supply to favoritesValue.
YouTube docsClick here
NoteThe user/channel's favorites playlist must be set to "public" visibility.
Example shortcode[tubepress mode="favorites" favoritesValue="3hough"]


DescriptionConfigures TubePress to fetch videos from a YouTube playlist.
YouTube docsClick here
NoteCurrently, only public playlists can be shown with TubePress.
Example shortcode[tubepress mode="playlist" playlistValue="6813408AE8D50E6F"]


DescriptionConfigures TubePress to fetch YouTube videos matching a search term. Supply space-separated search terms to the tagValue option. To search for an exact phrase, enclose the phrase in double quotes. Use the pipe character (`
YouTube docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress mode="tag" tagValue='"pittsburgh steelers" highlights -playoffs']


DescriptionConfigures TubePress to fetch YouTube videos uploaded by a YouTube user or channel. The YouTube channel or user is defined by the value you supply to the userValue option.
YouTube docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress mode="user" userValue="3hough"]


DescriptionConfigures TubePress to fetch a list of YouTube videos. Supply a comma-separated list of YouTube video IDs to the youtubeListValue option.
YouTube docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress mode="youtubeList" youtubeListValue="X9ZoKKQsxis, MD5bFCDfySc"]


DescriptionConfigures TubePress to fetch YouTube videos related to a specific YouTube video. The target YouTube video is identified by the value supplied to the youtubeRelatedValue option.
YouTube docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress mode="youtubeRelated" youtubeRelatedValue="ZTUVgYoeN_b"]


This section lists all of the TubePress options that apply to video thumbnails.

General thumbnail options

The options below apply to all video providers (YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, etc.).


DescriptionUse Ajax to paginate (clicking on "Next", etc.) through galleries. This avoids a full page reload and is usually a better experience for your users.
Default valuefalse
Valid valuestrue or false
Example shortcode[tubepress ajaxPagination="false"]


DescriptionReplaces video thumbnail images with fully-functional embedded video players.
Default valuetrue
Valid valuestrue or false
NoteThis is only available with the QuickPlay Add-On for TubePress
Example shortcode[tubepress enableQuickplay="false"]


DescriptionAutomatically adjust the height of thumbnail rows in TubePress galleries, ensuring that the metadata (runtime, title, description, etc.) for each video is completely visible.
Default valuetrue
Valid valuestrue or false
NoteThis is only available with the Flexible Thumbnail Rows Add-On for TubePress
Example shortcode[tubepress flexibleThumbnailRows="false"]


DescriptionDynamically adjust the width of thumbnail columns to best fit their container. This generally improves the appearance of the thumbnail gallery, but can cause problems in complex site layouts.
Default valuetrue
Valid valuestrue or false
Example shortcode[tubepress fluidThumbs="false"]


DescriptionUse highest-quality thumbnails. This allows thumbnail sizes greater than 120px x 90px without causing distortion.
Default valuefalse
Valid valuestrue or false
Example shortcode[tubepress hqThumbs="true"]


DescriptionShow pagination links ("Next", "Prev", etc.) above the thumbnail gallery.
Default valuefalse
Valid valuestrue or false
Example shortcode[tubepress paginationAbove="true"]


DescriptionShow pagination links ("Next", "Prev", etc.) below the thumbnail gallery.
Default valuefalse
Valid valuestrue or false
Example shortcode[tubepress paginationBelow="true"]


DescriptionDefines how many videos from a video source should be on each page of the gallery.
Default value30
Valid valuesAny integer between 1 and 50 (inclusive)
Example shortcode[tubepress resultsPerPage="30"]


DescriptionThe desired height (in pixels) of video thumbnails.
Default value90
Valid valuesAny positive integer
Example shortcode[tubepress thumbHeight="30"]


DescriptionThe desired width (in pixels) of video thumbnails.
Default value90
Valid valuesAny positive integer
Example shortcode[tubepress thumbWidth="30"]


The options below apply only to Dailymotion.


DescriptionSelect the desired height (in pixels) of the thumbnails served from Dailymotion. Higher resolutions will generally look better but will negatively impact your site's load time. For best results, choose the value closest to (but not less than) your actual thumbnail height.
Default valueoriginal
Valid valuesmax, 720px, 480px, 360px, 240px, 180px, 120px, or 60px
Example shortcode[tubepress dailymotionThumbnailPreferredSize="720px"]


DescriptionSelect the desired aspect ratio of the Dailymotion thumbnails.
Default valueoriginal
Valid valuesoriginal, widescreen, or square
Example shortcode[tubepress dailymotionThumbnailRatio="widescreen"]


The options below apply only to YouTube.


DescriptionMost YouTube videos come with several thumbnails. By setting this option to true, each time a user visits a gallery they will see a randomly-selected thumbnail for each video. This option conflicts with hqThumbs.
Default valuefalse
Valid valuestrue or false
Example shortcode[tubepress randomize_thumbnails="true"]


DescriptionHides the "black bars" on most YouTube thumbnails.
Default valuefalse
Valid valuestrue or false
NoteRequires the YouTube Black Bars Remover Add-On
Example shortcode[tubepress youtubeHideBlackBars="true"]


This section lists all of the TubePress options that apply to the collection of videos from a remote video provider (YouTube, Vimeo, etc.).


The options below apply to all video providers (Vimeo, Dailymotion, etc.).


DescriptionDefines the overall sort order of a video feed.
Default valuedefault
Valid values
  • alphabetical Alphabetical sort based on the video's title (Vimeo only)
  • default TubePress chooses the "best" sort order for the video source, e.g. search-based galleries are sorted by relevance, and user uploads are sorted by newest
  • likes Most-liked videos first (Vimeo only)
  • longest Longest videos first (Vimeo only)
  • newest Newest videos first
  • oldest Oldest videos first
  • random Retrieves videos in a random order (Dailymotion only)
  • ranking Highest-ranked videos first (Dailymotion only)
  • rating Highest-rated videos first (YouTube only)
  • relevance Applies only to search-based galleries or interactive searching. Videos most relevant to the search term will be shown first.
  • reverseAlphabetical Reverse alphabetical sort based on the video's title
  • shortest Shortest videos first (Vimeo only)
  • title Videos will be shown in alphabetical order of their titles (YouTube only)
  • trending Most-trending videos first (Dailymotion only)
  • viewCount Videos with the most views will be shown first
NoteNot all sort orders can be used with every video source.
Example shortcode[tubepress orderBy="newest"]


DescriptionDefines an additional sorting to apply to each individual page of a video gallery.
Default valuenone
Valid values
  • commentCount Videos with more comments will be shown before others
  • duration Longest-running videos shown first
  • newest Newest videos first
  • none Do nothing
  • oldest Oldest videos first
  • random Shuffles videos on the page
  • rating Highest-rated videos first
  • title Videos will be shown in alphabetical order of their titles
  • viewCount Videos with the most views will be shown first
Example shortcode[tubepress perPageSort="newest"]


DescriptionSet a maximum limit on the total number of videos in a gallery. This can both limit the number of videos that show up on a page (if resultsPerPage > resultCountCap), or reduce the number of pagination links for a gallery. Set to 0 to disable any limit.
Default value0
Valid valuesAny non-negative integer
Example shortcode[tubepress resultCountCap="100"]


DescriptionFor keyword-based galleries, or during interactive searching, this option can filter the results to videos uploaded by the given user or channel.
Default valueempty
Valid valuesAny Vimeo username, a Dailymotion user ID, or a YouTube username or channel ID.
Example shortcode[tubepress searchResultsRestrictedToUser="3hough"]


DescriptionA list of video IDs that should never appear in TubePress's output.
Default valueempty
Valid valuesA comma-separated list of YouTube, Vimeo, or Dailymotion video IDs.
Example shortcode[tubepress videoBlacklist="HSrtIrVCm64, BnS-rTbFw2g, 3045633"]


The options below apply only to Dailymotion.


DescriptionLimit to videos declared (by the video owner) to be from the given country.
Default valueempty
Valid valuesAny two-digit country code
Dailymotion docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress dailymotionCountry="FR"]


DescriptionExclude videos declared (by the video owner) to be in the given genre.
Default valueempty
Valid valuesAny genre that might exist on Dailymotion. There is no finite list of genres.
Dailymotion docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress dailymotionExcludeGenre="sports"]


DescriptionEnables or disables Dailymotion's family filter, which attempts to filter out videos with explicit or adult content.
Default valuetrue
Valid valuestrue or false
Dailymotion docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress dailymotionFamilyFilter="true"]


DescriptionOnly include videos featured by Dailymotion.
Default valuefalse
Valid valuestrue or false
Dailymotion docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress dailymotionFeaturedOnly="true"]


DescriptionOnly include videos declared (by the video owner) to be in the given genre.
Default valueempty
Valid valuesAny genre that might exist on Dailymotion. There is no finite list of genres.
Dailymotion docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress dailymotionGenre="sports"]


DescriptionOnly include videos with vertical resolutions greater than or equal to 720p.
Default valuefalse
Valid valuestrue or false
Dailymotion docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress dailymotionHdOnly="true"]


DescriptionLimit to videos detected (by Dailymotion) to use the given language.
Default valuenone
Valid valuesAny of the code values found here, or none to include all detected languages.
Dailymotion docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress dailymotionLanguageDetected="it"]


DescriptionLimit to videos declared (by the video owner) to be in the specified language(s).
Default valuenone
Valid valuesA comma-separated list of two-digit language codes.
Dailymotion docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress dailymotionLanguagesDeclared="ru, be, uk"]


DescriptionOnly include videos with the given broadcast status.
Default valueall
Valid values
  • all Include all broadcast statuses
  • onlyLive Only include live videos
  • onlyLiveOffAir Only include live videos (off-air)
  • onlyLiveOnAir Only include live videos (on-air)
  • onlyLiveUpcoming Only include live videos (upcoming)
  • onlyNonLive Only include non-live videos
Dailymotion docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress dailymotionLiveFilter="onlyLiveOnAir"]


DescriptionSets the desired localization for Dailymotion results.
Default valuetrue
Valid valuesAny of the locale codes found here.
Dailymotion docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress dailymotionLocale="ko_KR"]


DescriptionOnly include videos longer than or equal to the given number of minutes. Set to 0 to include all videos.
Default value0
Valid valuesAny non-negative integer
Dailymotion docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress dailymotionOnlyLongerThan="10"]


DescriptionOnly include videos that match a full-text search for the given term.
Default valueempty
Valid valuesAny string.
Dailymotion docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress dailymotionOnlySearch="yosemite national park"]


DescriptionOnly include videos shorter than or equal to the given number of minutes. Set to 0 to include all videos.
Default value0
Valid valuesAny non-negative integer
Dailymotion docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress dailymotionOnlyShorterThan="10"]


DescriptionOnly include videos with the given tag (exact match)
Default valueempty
Valid valuesAny string.
Dailymotion docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress dailymotionOnlyStrongTag="yosemite"]


DescriptionOnly include videos with the given tags (full-text search)
Default valueempty
Valid valuesA comma-separated list of tags.
Dailymotion docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress dailymotionOnlyTags="yosemite, california, park"]


DescriptionOnly include videos uploaded by the given Dailymotion users.
Default valueempty
Valid valuesA comma-separated list of any of the following:
  • Exact user IDs (e.g. IGN)
  • User URLs on Dailymotion (e.g. http://www.dailymotion.com/ign or http://www.dailymotion.com/user/splashnews/1)
Dailymotion docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress dailymotionOnlyOwners="user1, user2, user3"]


DescriptionOnly include videos with the given partner status.
Default valueall
Valid values
  • all Include all videos
  • onlyPartner Only include partner videos
  • onlyUserGenerated Only include non-partner (user-generated) videos
Dailymotion docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress dailymotionPartnerFilter="onlyUserGenerated"]


DescriptionOnly include videos with the given free/paid status.
Default valueall
Valid values
  • all Include all videos
  • onlyPremium Only include premium (paid) videos
  • onlyNonPremium Only include non-premium (free) videos
Dailymotion docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress dailymotionPremiumFilter="onlyNonPremium"]


The options below apply only to YouTube.


DescriptionSome videos have embedding disabled. Enabling this option will exclude these videos from your galleries. Most users will never need to modify this option.
Default valuetrue
Valid valuestrue or false
YouTube docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress embeddableOnly="true"]


DescriptionFilter out restricted content.
Default valuemoderate
Valid values
  • none YouTube will not perform any filtering.
  • moderate YouTube will filter some videos.
  • strict YouTube will try to exclude all restricted videos.
YouTube docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress filter_racy="strict"]


DescriptionYour Google API key. YouTube will use this for logging and quota purposes.
Default valueempty
Valid valuesAny valid Google API key. WordPress users can follow these instructions to obtain a new key. You may use a single key on multiple websites.
YouTube docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress googleApiKey="xxxx"]

Video Player

This section lists all of the TubePress options that apply to the embedded video player.


The options below apply to all video providers (YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, etc.).


DescriptionAutomatically start the next video in a gallery when playback of a video finishes.
Default valuefalse
Valid valuestrue or false
Example shortcode[tubepress autoNext="true"]


DescriptionAutomatically start video playback of any embedded video when the page is loaded.
Default valuefalse
Valid valuestrue or false
Example shortcode[tubepress autoplay="true"]


DescriptionThe height, in pixels, of the embedded video player that TubePress builds. If you are using responsive embeds, this will help dictate the aspect ratio of the video player.
Default value390
Valid valuesAny positive integer
Example shortcode[tubepress embeddedHeight="350"]


DescriptionFor playerLocation values that involve a scroll, this value defines the duration, in milliseconds, of how long the scroll should last. Set to 0 for an instant scroll.
Default value0
Valid valuesAny non-negative integer
Example shortcode[tubepress embeddedScrollDuration="100"]


DescriptionFor playerLocation values that involve a scroll, this value defines the offset, in pixels, from the top of the video player to where the browser window will scroll. Set to 0 to scroll to the exact top of the video player. Negative values will scroll to above the player, and positive values will scroll to below the player.
Default value0
Valid valuesAny integer
Example shortcode[tubepress embeddedScrollOffset="30"]


DescriptionFor playerLocation values that involve a scroll, this will either enable or disable the automated scroll behavior.
Default valuetrue
Valid valuestrue or false
Example shortcode[tubepress embeddedScrollOn="false"]


DescriptionThe width, in pixels, of the embedded video player that TubePress builds. If you are using responsive embeds, this will help dictate the aspect ratio of the video player.
Default value640
Valid valuesAny positive integer
Example shortcode[tubepress embeddedWidth="600"]


DescriptionIf enabled, video playback will auto-start after user clicks a video's thumbnail.
Default valuetrue
Valid valuestrue or false
Example shortcode[tubepress lazyPlay="true"]


DescriptionIf enabled, immediately restart playback of each video after it finishes.
Default valuefalse
Valid valuestrue or false
Example shortcode[tubepress loop="true"]


DescriptionDefines the "brand" of the embedded video player.
Default valueprovider_based
Valid values
  • provider_based Uses the provider’s player (e.g. the standard YouTube/Vimeo player)
  • embedplus Plays videos with EmbedPlus
  • longtail Plays videos with JW Player 5
Example shortcode[tubepress playerImplementation="longtail"]


DescriptionDefines the "location" of the embedded video player. This allows you to choose the location and effect of how the embedded videos play.
Default valuenormal
Valid values
  • normal Embedded player is placed inline above the thumbnail array
  • popup Videos play in an HTML popup window
  • youtube User is taken to the video’s home on youtube.com for viewing
  • vimeo User is taken to the video’s home on vimeo.com for viewing
  • shadowbox Video plays in a modal window with Shadowbox.js
  • jqmodal Video plays in a modal window with jqModal
  • solo Page refreshes, and video player replaces the entire thumbnail gallery
  • static Like normal, but each thumbnail click triggers a page refresh
  • tinybox Video plays in a modal window with TinyBox
  • fancybox Video plays in a modal window with Fancybox
Example shortcode[tubepress playerLocation="popup"]


DescriptionEnable or disable the resizing of the video player to best fit its container.
Default valuetrue
Valid valuestrue or false
Example shortcode[tubepress responsiveEmbeds="false"]


DescriptionShow or hide the video's title, description, and other meta information on the embedded video itself before playback begins.
Default valuefalse
Valid valuestrue or false
Example shortcode[tubepress showInfo="true"]


The options below apply only to YouTube.


DescriptionAutomatically fade out elements of the video player after a few moments of playback.
Default valuefadeOnlyProgressBar
Valid values
  • fadeBoth Fade both the progress bar and the video controls
  • fadeNone Always show both the progress bar and the video controls
  • fadeOnlyProgressBar Fade only the progress bar, but continue to show the video controls
YouTube docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress autoHide="fadeNone"]
NoteOnly applies to YouTube


DescriptionEnable or disable fullscreen playback capability.
Default valuetrue
Valid valuestrue or false
YouTube docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress fullscreen="false"]
NoteOnly applies to YouTube


DescriptionIf enabled, hides the YouTube logo from the video controls area.
Default valuetrue
Valid valuestrue or false
YouTube docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress modestBranding="false"]
NoteOnly applies to YouTube


DescriptionToggles display of related videos when playback finishes.
Default valuetrue
Valid valuestrue or false
YouTube docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress showRelated="false"]
NoteOnly applies to YouTube


DescriptionShow closed captions by default.
Default valuefalse
Valid valuestrue or false
YouTube docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress youtubeClosedCaptions="true"]
NoteOnly applies to YouTube


DescriptionDisable all keyboard controls for the video.
Default valuefalse
Valid valuestrue or false
YouTube docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress youtubeDisableKeyboardControls="true"]
NoteOnly applies to YouTube


DescriptionThe color theme of the video player.
Default valuedark
Valid valuesdark or light
YouTube docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress youtubePlayerTheme="light"]
NoteOnly applies to YouTube


DescriptionShow video annotations by default.
Default valuefalse
Valid valuestrue or false
YouTube docsClick here
Example shortcode[tubepress youtubeShowAnnotations="true"]
NoteOnly applies to YouTube

Meta display

This section lists TubePress options that apply to the video metadata (title, runtime, description, etc.) that show up with each video.

Meta Display Toggles

The options in the two tables below turn on or off the display of various bits of metadata for each video. Each option accepts true or false.

  • Example shortcode

    [tubepress description="true" views="false"]

Global Toggles

The options in the table below apply to all video providers (Dailymotion, YouTube, etc.).

Option nameToggles display of each video's...
authorauthor (uploader) display name
uploadeddate published
urloriginal URL
viewsviews count

YouTube Toggles

The options in the table below apply to YouTube.

Option nameToggles display of each video's ...
likesnumber of likes
showCountCommentsnumber of comments
showCountDislikesnumber of dislikes
showCountFavoritesnumber of times marked as a favorite

Miscellaneous Meta Display Options

Option namedateFormat
DescriptionSet the textual formatting of date information for videos. See date() for examples.
Default valueM j, Y
Valid valuesAny format accepted by PHP's date() function
Example shortcode[tubepress dateFormat="trl jS \of F Y h:i:s Aue"]
Option namedescriptionLimit
DescriptionThe maximum number of characters of a video's description that should be displayed. Descriptions over this limit will be truncated with .... Set to 0 for no limit.
Default value0
Valid valuesAny non-negative integer.
Example shortcode[tubepress descriptionLimit="20"]
Option namerelativeDates
DescriptionToggle display of relative dates, such as "last year" instead of "Nov 3, 1980". Currently only available in English (for now).
Default valuefalse
Valid valuestrue or false
Example shortcode[tubepress relativeDates="true"]

This section lists all of the TubePress options that apply to interactive search.


DescriptionThe name of a video provider (e.g. YouTube or Vimeo) which should be searched for matching videos.
Default valueempty
Valid valuesdailymotion, youtube, or vimeo
Example shortcode[tubepress searchProvider="vimeo"]


DescriptionUsed with output="ajaxSearchInput", this option defines a jQuery selector for which TubePress should place the search results.
Default valueempty
Valid valuesAny jQuery selector which identifies exactly one element on the page that can accept HTML.
Example shortcode[tubepress searchResultsDomId="#foobar"]


DescriptionIf set to true, TubePress will output search results only after the user has submitted search terms. It will be "invisible" if the user has not submitted search terms.
Default valuefalse
Valid valuestrue or false
Example shortcode[tubepress searchResultsOnly="true"]


DescriptionA URL defining where TubePress should send the user's search terms.
Default value$_SERVER[PHP_SELF] (i.e. the same page)
Valid valuesAny absolute URL where TubePress is loaded.
Example shortcode[tubepress searchResultsUrl="http://mysite.com/search.php"]


This section lists all of the TubePress options that apply to server-side caching.

API Cache


DescriptionDefines how often TubePress will perform a full flush of its API cache. If you enter x, the API cache will be flushed every 1/x cache writes. Enter 0 to disable all cache flushing.
Default value20
Valid valuesAny non-negative integer
Example shortcode[tubepress cacheCleaningFactor="0"]


DescriptionThe absolute filesystem path of a directory on your web server where TubePress can store the API cache contents. This directory must be writable by the PHP process owner. If this option is left empty, TubePress will attempt to find and use the system temporary directory.
Default valueempty
Valid valuesAn absolute filesystem path of a writeable (by the PHP process owner) directory on the web server, or empty.
Example shortcode[tubepress cacheDirectory="/tmp/tubepress-cache"]


DescriptionEnables or disables the TubePress API cache. You should always leave the cache enabled unless you are debugging.
Default valuetrue
Valid valuestrue or false
Example shortcode[tubepress cacheEnabled="false"]
Option name cacheLifetimeSeconds
DescriptionHow long, in seconds, before an item in the TubePress API cache is considered to be stale.
Default value21600 (six hours)
Valid valuesAny positive integer
Example shortcode[tubepress cacheLifetimeSeconds="300"]

HTML Cache


DescriptionDefines how often TubePress will perform a full flush of its HTML cache. If you enter x, the HTML cache will be flushed every 1/x cache writes. Enter 0 to disable all cache flushing.
Default value100
Valid valuesAny non-negative integer
Example shortcode[tubepress htmlCacheCleaningFactor="300"]


DescriptionThe name of the HTTP request parameter that, when set to true, can remotely flush the cache. For instance, if you enter foobar, then adding ?foobar=true to the end of a URL would remotely trigger a clear of the HTML cache.
Default valuetubepress_clear_html_cache
Valid valuesAny string of word characters (alphanumerics, underscores, and hyphens)
Example shortcode[tubepress htmlCacheCleaningKey="somekey"]


DescriptionThe absolute filesystem path of a directory on your web server where TubePress can store the HTML cache contents. This directory must be writable by the PHP process owner. If this option is left empty, TubePress will attempt to find and use the system temporary directory.
Default valueempty
Valid valuesAn absolute filesystem path of a writeable (by the PHP process owner) directory on the web server, or empty.
Example shortcode[tubepress htmlCacheDirectory="/tmp/tubepress-cache"]


DescriptionEnables or disables the TubePress HTML cache. You should always leave the cache enabled unless you are debugging.
Default valuetrue
Valid valuestrue or false
Example shortcode[tubepress htmlCacheEnabled="false"]


DescriptionHow long, in seconds, before an item in the TubePress HTML cache is considered to be stale.
Default value21600 (six hours)
Valid valuesAny positive integer
Example shortcode[tubepress htmlCacheLifetimeSeconds="300"]

Single-video embedding

This section lists the options relevant to single video embedding with TubePress.


DescriptionCauses TubePress to generate HTML for a single video embed. The video to be displayed is defined by the value you supply to this option.
Default valueempty
Valid valuesAny video ID (YouTube, Dailymotion, etc.) that TubePress knows how to handle.
Example shortcode[tubepress video="lJtHNEDnrnY"]


This page lists all of the TubePress options that many users will not need to adjust.


DescriptionEnables or disables TubePress debugging. Keeping this enabled is a slight privacy risk, so if you are not experiencing difficulty with TubePress then feel free to disable it.
Default valuetrue
Valid valuestrue or false
Example shortcode[tubepress debugging_enabled="false"]


DescriptionExplicitly set the unique identifier of this HTML element. By default, TubePress will assign a large random number to each bit of HTML that it produces. This allows TubePress to differentiate and coordinate between multiple elements on the same page. By setting this option, you can choose a constant ID so that you can refer to the element via JavaScript.
Default valueempty
Valid valuesAny string, though a large positive integer is recommended.
Example shortcode[tubepress galleryId="123456"]


DescriptionDefines the HTTP method to use for most Ajax operations that TubePress performs. This can be useful to change when TubePress is used in web servers with tight security requirements.
Default valueGET
Valid valuesGET or POST (case sensitive)
Example shortcode[tubepress httpMethod="POST"]


DescriptionServe thumbnails and embedded video player over a secure connection. This is useful if you are running TubePress inside an HTTPS-only site.
Default valuefalse
Valid valuestrue or false
Example shortcode[tubepress https="true"]


DescriptionDefines what HTML TubePress will generate (e.g. a video gallery, a single video embed, interactive search widgets, etc.). Unless explicitly defined, TubePress will generate a video gallery.
Default valueempty
Valid values
  • searchInput User input (text field and search button) for interactive searching
  • searchOutput Search results from interactive searching
  • player A single embedded video (player only)
  • ajaxSearchInput User input (text field and search button) for asynchronous interactive searching
Example shortcode[tubepress output="ajaxSearchInput"]
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