December 06, 2012
Today we are happy to announce the availability of TubePress 3.0.0.RC1. This version includes a some awesome new features, a lot of bug fixes, and official support for the TubePress Add-On API. With the introduction of our API, you can now extend TubePress to get it to do, well, just about anything! You can find …
November 18, 2012
At TubePress, we take all customer feedback very seriously. One of the most important feedback channels for us is the list of feature requests hosted at Google Code. We’d like to remind you to vote – “star” in Google Code terminology – for the features that you would most like to see. This list is …
September 28, 2012
TubePress 2.4.5 is now available! This version simply includes a bug fix for the newly released format of YouTube playlist identifiers. All users are encouraged to upgrade. Please download your copy now and report any issues in the support forum. Have fun, and thank you for using TubePress! …
September 13, 2012
UPDATE: The problem appears to have been fixed: what the Players engineering team believes is a fix for this issue has been pushed to our production servers. UPDATE: YouTube has acknowledged the issue: There’s definitely and issue, presumably due to last night’s push, and we’ll get it resolved as quickly as we can. Thanks for …