The playlist identified with the request's <code>playlistId</code> parameter cannot be found

kindly email me the fix please.

@mechesdarling You have been emailed.

Hi, we are also having this problem, we are waiting for the update but it’s not in WP panel yet. Can you send the fix to my email please?

@tools You have been emailed.

I am having this issue too. Using 5.1.8 and when I hit check for updates, nothing happens.

@jamierowe please check your email. (Version 5.1.9 has not yet been released, but I will update this page when it is available for download.)

Hi - I’m having the same issue not feeding the playlists into the site anymore.

“YouTube responded with an error: The playlist identified with the request’s playlistId parameter cannot be found.”

@heather please check your email

Hi @elisabeth,

Can you also kindly email me the solution? Thank you in advance!

@jc22 you have been emailed!

Hi I have the same issue, please send me the solution. Thanks

Hi @info3, please check your email!

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I’m getting this error on all of my playlists – I haven’t changed anything on my end at all in years. I updated wordpress hoping this would help and still nothing. Currently running WP 5.1.8 as well as Tubepress Pro 5.1.8

I have a few playlists and none of them work – Here is the code for one of the pages:
[tubepress mode=“playlist” playlistValue=“PLSSLpl48xR-qFwnUEYMAwnBZtrLp31DwV” resultsPerPage=“48” thumbWidth=“220” thumbHeight=“125” playerLocation = “popup”]

My site is

@damon, thanks for reaching out. Please check your email!

We are also experiencing the issue. I’m seeing the error

YouTube responded with an error: The playlist identified with the request’s playlistId parameter cannot be found.

Our site is

Can you also send the fix to my email? Thank you.

@thetoyinsider yes, please check your email

Hi I am having the same issue can you please send me the fix as well? Thanks!

Hi, can you also email me the fix? Our playlist stopped working on Thank you!