About the Support category

Ask questions and get answers about TubePress. This includes installation, setup, troubleshooting, or questions about features and capabilities.

Users of all skill level are welcome to post topics. Staff members monitor this category very closely

Category rules:

  1. This is not the place for billing issues or account/login help. Instead, contact us directly and we’ll be glad to help.
  2. Provide as much detail about your issue as you can. The more data you provide up front, the faster we can get things working.

    • Do you have a URL to a page on your site that demonstrates the problem? If so, please share it! Many issues are easy fixes that can be diagnosed remotely
    • Which TubePress product are you using? e.g. TubePress Pro, TubePress Express
    • What kind of website do you have? e.g. WordPress, Wix, Jimdo

A post was split to a new topic: Migrate data from TubePress free plugin to Pro version