[08:51:26.752544 - INFO] 08:51:26.751153 (Primary Bootstrapper) Hello! Thanks for using TubePress version 5.1.6
[08:51:26.752562 - INFO] 08:51:26.751236 (Primary Bootstrapper) Check the HTML source for additional debug info.
[08:51:26.752567 - INFO] 08:51:26.751324 (Boot Settings) No readable settings file at /var/www/html/wp-content/tubepress-content/config/settings.php
[08:51:26.752571 - INFO] 08:51:26.751350 (Boot Settings) Seeing if we can use /tmp/tubepress-system-cache-8d2acae9366c65b192a983c1bdae9c70/tubepress-5.1.6 as our system cache directory
[08:51:26.752574 - INFO] 08:51:26.751379 (Boot Settings) /tmp/tubepress-system-cache-8d2acae9366c65b192a983c1bdae9c70/tubepress-5.1.6 is a writable directory, so we should be able to use it.
[08:51:26.752578 - INFO] 08:51:26.751390 (Boot Settings) Final settings from settings.php below:
[08:51:26.752582 - INFO] 08:51:26.751397 (Boot Settings) Add-on blacklist: []
[08:51:26.752586 - INFO] 08:51:26.751401 (Boot Settings) Class loader enabled? yes
[08:51:26.752589 - INFO] 08:51:26.751405 (Boot Settings) Cache directory: /tmp/tubepress-system-cache-8d2acae9366c65b192a983c1bdae9c70/tubepress-5.1.6
[08:51:26.752593 - INFO] 08:51:26.751408 (Boot Settings) Cache enabled? yes
[08:51:26.752596 - INFO] 08:51:26.751411 (Boot Settings) Serialization encoding: base64
[08:51:26.752600 - INFO] 08:51:26.751414 (Boot Settings) Ajax URL:
[08:51:26.752603 - INFO] 08:51:26.751417 (Boot Settings) Base URL:
[08:51:26.752606 - INFO] 08:51:26.751420 (Boot Settings) User content URL:
[08:51:26.752610 - INFO] 08:51:26.751426 (Container Supplier) Determining if system cache is available.
[08:51:26.752613 - INFO] 08:51:26.751438 (Container Supplier) /tmp/tubepress-system-cache-8d2acae9366c65b192a983c1bdae9c70/tubepress-5.1.6/TubePressServiceContainer.php is a readable file. Now including it.
[08:51:26.752617 - INFO] 08:51:26.751489 (Container Supplier) Service container found in cache? yes
[08:51:26.752620 - INFO] 08:51:26.751494 (Container Supplier) System cache is available. Excellent!
[08:51:26.752623 - INFO] 08:51:26.751497 (Container Supplier) Rehydrating cached service container.
[08:51:26.752626 - INFO] 08:51:26.751504 (Container Supplier) Done rehydrating cached service container.
[08:51:26.752630 - INFO] 08:51:26.751534 (Primary Bootstrapper) Attempting to include classmap from /tmp/tubepress-system-cache-8d2acae9366c65b192a983c1bdae9c70/tubepress-5.1.6/classmap.php
[08:51:26.752633 - INFO] 08:51:26.751544 (Primary Bootstrapper) /tmp/tubepress-system-cache-8d2acae9366c65b192a983c1bdae9c70/tubepress-5.1.6/classmap.php is readable.
[08:51:26.752637 - INFO] 08:51:26.751559 (Primary Bootstrapper) Successfully loaded a map of 830 classes from /tmp/tubepress-system-cache-8d2acae9366c65b192a983c1bdae9c70/tubepress-5.1.6/classmap.php.
[08:51:26.752640 - INFO] 08:51:26.751567 (Primary Bootstrapper) Boot completed in 0.365019 milliseconds. Actual performance will be better when debugging is not active.
[08:51:26.752668 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) Hooking into WordPress
[08:51:26.752701 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) add_filter() for plugin_row_meta with priority 10 and 2 argument(s)
[08:51:26.752712 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) add_filter() for upgrader_pre_install with priority 10 and 2 argument(s)
[08:51:26.752719 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) add_filter() for puc_request_info_query_args-tubepress with priority 10 and 1 argument(s)
[08:51:26.752724 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) add_filter() for puc_request_info_result-tubepress with priority 10 and 1 argument(s)
[08:51:26.752730 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) add_filter() for jetpack_photon_skip_for_url with priority 10 and 3 argument(s)
[08:51:26.752737 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) add_action() for admin_enqueue_scripts with priority 10 and 1 argument(s)
[08:51:26.752744 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) add_action() for admin_head with priority 10 and 1 argument(s)
[08:51:26.752749 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) add_action() for admin_menu with priority 10 and 1 argument(s)
[08:51:26.752755 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) add_action() for admin_print_scripts-settings_page_tubepress with priority 10 and 1 argument(s)
[08:51:26.752760 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) add_action() for init with priority 10 and 1 argument(s)
[08:51:26.752765 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) add_action() for in_plugin_update_message-tubepress/tubepress.php with priority 10 and 1 argument(s)
[08:51:26.752771 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) add_action() for load-admin_page_tubepress_oauth2 with priority 10 and 1 argument(s)
[08:51:26.752780 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) add_action() for load-admin_page_tubepress_oauth2_start with priority 10 and 1 argument(s)
[08:51:26.752788 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) add_action() for widgets_init with priority 10 and 1 argument(s)
[08:51:26.752796 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) add_action() for wp_ajax_nopriv_tubepress with priority 10 and 1 argument(s)
[08:51:26.752822 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) add_action() for wp_ajax_tubepress with priority 10 and 1 argument(s)
[08:51:26.752831 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) add_action() for wp_head with priority 10 and 1 argument(s)
[08:51:26.753167 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) Done hooking into WordPress
[08:51:26.793766 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) WordPress action widgets_init invoked with 1 argument(s). We will re-dispatch as tubepress.wordpress.action.widgets_init.
[08:51:26.793802 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) Start dispatch of event tubepress.wordpress.action.widgets_init
[08:51:26.794125 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) End dispatch of event tubepress.wordpress.action.widgets_init
[08:51:26.879612 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) WordPress action init invoked with 1 argument(s). We will re-dispatch as tubepress.wordpress.action.init.
[08:51:26.879635 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) Start dispatch of event tubepress.wordpress.action.init
[08:51:26.881385 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) End dispatch of event tubepress.wordpress.action.init
Page Not Found – TubePress [08:51:27.003461 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) WordPress action wp_head invoked with 1 argument(s). We will re-dispatch as tubepress.wordpress.action.wp_head.
[08:51:27.003494 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) Start dispatch of event tubepress.wordpress.action.wp_head
[08:51:27.003615 - INFO] (Delegating Template Engine) Start render of template cssjs/styles
[08:51:27.003700 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) Seeing if we can find cssjs/styles.tpl.php in the theme hierarchy. Theme tubepress/default version 5.1.6.
[08:51:27.003713 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) Looks like this is the first time searching for a theme that contains cssjs/styles.tpl.php. Theme tubepress/default version 5.1.6.
[08:51:27.003725 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) Unable to find source of template cssjs/styles.tpl.php from theme hierarchy.
[08:51:27.003763 - INFO] (Delegating Template Engine) Template engine tubepress_template_impl_php_PhpEngine cannot find template cssjs/styles
[08:51:27.003815 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) Seeing if we can find cssjs/styles.html.twig in the theme hierarchy. Theme tubepress/default version 5.1.6.
[08:51:27.003835 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) Looks like this is the first time searching for a theme that contains cssjs/styles.html.twig. Theme tubepress/default version 5.1.6.
[08:51:27.003843 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) Unable to find source of template cssjs/styles.html.twig from theme hierarchy.
[08:51:27.004005 - INFO] (Delegating Template Engine) Template engine tubepress_template_impl_twig_Engine will handle template cssjs/styles
[08:51:27.004027 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) Seeing if we can find cssjs/styles.html.twig in the theme hierarchy. Theme tubepress/default version 5.1.6.
[08:51:27.004036 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) We already tried to find a theme that contains cssjs/styles.html.twig in the theme hierarchy but didn't find it anywhere. Theme tubepress/default version 5.1.6.
[08:51:27.004880 - INFO] (Delegating Template Engine) Finished rendering template cssjs/styles
[08:51:27.004997 - INFO] (Delegating Template Engine) Start render of template cssjs/scripts
[08:51:27.005026 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) Seeing if we can find cssjs/scripts.tpl.php in the theme hierarchy. Theme tubepress/default version 5.1.6.
[08:51:27.005036 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) Looks like this is the first time searching for a theme that contains cssjs/scripts.tpl.php. Theme tubepress/default version 5.1.6.
[08:51:27.005046 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) Unable to find source of template cssjs/scripts.tpl.php from theme hierarchy.
[08:51:27.005075 - INFO] (Delegating Template Engine) Template engine tubepress_template_impl_php_PhpEngine cannot find template cssjs/scripts
[08:51:27.005090 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) Seeing if we can find cssjs/scripts.html.twig in the theme hierarchy. Theme tubepress/default version 5.1.6.
[08:51:27.005098 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) Looks like this is the first time searching for a theme that contains cssjs/scripts.html.twig. Theme tubepress/default version 5.1.6.
[08:51:27.005105 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) Unable to find source of template cssjs/scripts.html.twig from theme hierarchy.
[08:51:27.005191 - INFO] (Delegating Template Engine) Template engine tubepress_template_impl_twig_Engine will handle template cssjs/scripts
[08:51:27.005206 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) Seeing if we can find cssjs/scripts.html.twig in the theme hierarchy. Theme tubepress/default version 5.1.6.
[08:51:27.005216 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) We already tried to find a theme that contains cssjs/scripts.html.twig in the theme hierarchy but didn't find it anywhere. Theme tubepress/default version 5.1.6.
[08:51:27.005300 - INFO] (Delegating Template Engine) Finished rendering template cssjs/scripts
[08:51:27.005451 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) End dispatch of event tubepress.wordpress.action.wp_head

404 not found - TV color bars