[21:19:53.683099 - INFO] 21:19:53.678420 (Primary Bootstrapper) Hello! Thanks for using TubePress version 5.1.6
[21:19:53.683653 - INFO] 21:19:53.681579 (Primary Bootstrapper) Check the HTML source for additional debug info.
[21:19:53.683661 - INFO] 21:19:53.681615 (Boot Settings) No readable settings file at /var/www/html/wp-content/tubepress-content/config/settings.php
[21:19:53.683665 - INFO] 21:19:53.681793 (Boot Settings) Seeing if we can use /tmp/tubepress-system-cache-8d2acae9366c65b192a983c1bdae9c70/tubepress-5.1.6 as our system cache directory
[21:19:53.683668 - INFO] 21:19:53.681817 (Boot Settings) /tmp/tubepress-system-cache-8d2acae9366c65b192a983c1bdae9c70/tubepress-5.1.6 is a writable directory, so we should be able to use it.
[21:19:53.683684 - INFO] 21:19:53.681845 (Boot Settings) Final settings from settings.php below:
[21:19:53.683691 - INFO] 21:19:53.681854 (Boot Settings) Add-on blacklist: []
[21:19:53.683697 - INFO] 21:19:53.681857 (Boot Settings) Class loader enabled? yes
[21:19:53.683701 - INFO] 21:19:53.681868 (Boot Settings) Cache directory: /tmp/tubepress-system-cache-8d2acae9366c65b192a983c1bdae9c70/tubepress-5.1.6
[21:19:53.683705 - INFO] 21:19:53.681871 (Boot Settings) Cache enabled? yes
[21:19:53.683708 - INFO] 21:19:53.681873 (Boot Settings) Serialization encoding: base64
[21:19:53.683717 - INFO] 21:19:53.681875 (Boot Settings) Ajax URL:
[21:19:53.683720 - INFO] 21:19:53.681877 (Boot Settings) Base URL:
[21:19:53.683724 - INFO] 21:19:53.681880 (Boot Settings) User content URL:
[21:19:53.683727 - INFO] 21:19:53.681888 (Container Supplier) Determining if system cache is available.
[21:19:53.683730 - INFO] 21:19:53.681903 (Container Supplier) /tmp/tubepress-system-cache-8d2acae9366c65b192a983c1bdae9c70/tubepress-5.1.6/TubePressServiceContainer.php is a readable file. Now including it.
[21:19:53.683733 - INFO] 21:19:53.682012 (Container Supplier) Service container found in cache? yes
[21:19:53.683737 - INFO] 21:19:53.682019 (Container Supplier) System cache is available. Excellent!
[21:19:53.683740 - INFO] 21:19:53.682022 (Container Supplier) Rehydrating cached service container.
[21:19:53.683743 - INFO] 21:19:53.682028 (Container Supplier) Done rehydrating cached service container.
[21:19:53.683746 - INFO] 21:19:53.682054 (Primary Bootstrapper) Attempting to include classmap from /tmp/tubepress-system-cache-8d2acae9366c65b192a983c1bdae9c70/tubepress-5.1.6/classmap.php
[21:19:53.683750 - INFO] 21:19:53.682076 (Primary Bootstrapper) /tmp/tubepress-system-cache-8d2acae9366c65b192a983c1bdae9c70/tubepress-5.1.6/classmap.php is readable.
[21:19:53.683753 - INFO] 21:19:53.682094 (Primary Bootstrapper) Successfully loaded a map of 830 classes from /tmp/tubepress-system-cache-8d2acae9366c65b192a983c1bdae9c70/tubepress-5.1.6/classmap.php.
[21:19:53.683758 - INFO] 21:19:53.682101 (Primary Bootstrapper) Boot completed in 0.559807 milliseconds. Actual performance will be better when debugging is not active.
[21:19:53.683804 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) Hooking into WordPress
[21:19:53.683849 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) add_filter() for plugin_row_meta with priority 10 and 2 argument(s)
[21:19:53.683864 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) add_filter() for upgrader_pre_install with priority 10 and 2 argument(s)
[21:19:53.683871 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) add_filter() for puc_request_info_query_args-tubepress with priority 10 and 1 argument(s)
[21:19:53.683876 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) add_filter() for puc_request_info_result-tubepress with priority 10 and 1 argument(s)
[21:19:53.683882 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) add_filter() for jetpack_photon_skip_for_url with priority 10 and 3 argument(s)
[21:19:53.683890 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) add_action() for admin_enqueue_scripts with priority 10 and 1 argument(s)
[21:19:53.683897 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) add_action() for admin_head with priority 10 and 1 argument(s)
[21:19:53.683902 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) add_action() for admin_menu with priority 10 and 1 argument(s)
[21:19:53.683910 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) add_action() for admin_print_scripts-settings_page_tubepress with priority 10 and 1 argument(s)
[21:19:53.683926 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) add_action() for init with priority 10 and 1 argument(s)
[21:19:53.683933 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) add_action() for in_plugin_update_message-tubepress/tubepress.php with priority 10 and 1 argument(s)
[21:19:53.683939 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) add_action() for load-admin_page_tubepress_oauth2 with priority 10 and 1 argument(s)
[21:19:53.683944 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) add_action() for load-admin_page_tubepress_oauth2_start with priority 10 and 1 argument(s)
[21:19:53.683949 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) add_action() for widgets_init with priority 10 and 1 argument(s)
[21:19:53.683954 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) add_action() for wp_ajax_nopriv_tubepress with priority 10 and 1 argument(s)
[21:19:53.683973 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) add_action() for wp_ajax_tubepress with priority 10 and 1 argument(s)
[21:19:53.683981 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) add_action() for wp_head with priority 10 and 1 argument(s)
[21:19:53.684176 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) Done hooking into WordPress
[21:19:53.700036 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) WordPress action widgets_init invoked with 1 argument(s). We will re-dispatch as tubepress.wordpress.action.widgets_init.
[21:19:53.700056 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) Start dispatch of event tubepress.wordpress.action.widgets_init
[21:19:53.700162 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) End dispatch of event tubepress.wordpress.action.widgets_init
[21:19:53.825078 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) WordPress action init invoked with 1 argument(s). We will re-dispatch as tubepress.wordpress.action.init.
[21:19:53.825109 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) Start dispatch of event tubepress.wordpress.action.init
[21:19:53.827951 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) End dispatch of event tubepress.wordpress.action.init
Live Demo - TubePress [21:19:53.905593 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) WordPress action wp_head invoked with 1 argument(s). We will re-dispatch as tubepress.wordpress.action.wp_head.
[21:19:53.905618 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) Start dispatch of event tubepress.wordpress.action.wp_head
[21:19:53.905733 - INFO] (Delegating Template Engine) Start render of template cssjs/styles
[21:19:53.905810 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) Seeing if we can find cssjs/styles.tpl.php in the theme hierarchy. Theme tubepress/default version 5.1.6.
[21:19:53.905822 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) Looks like this is the first time searching for a theme that contains cssjs/styles.tpl.php. Theme tubepress/default version 5.1.6.
[21:19:53.905834 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) Unable to find source of template cssjs/styles.tpl.php from theme hierarchy.
[21:19:53.905867 - INFO] (Delegating Template Engine) Template engine tubepress_template_impl_php_PhpEngine cannot find template cssjs/styles
[21:19:53.905899 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) Seeing if we can find cssjs/styles.html.twig in the theme hierarchy. Theme tubepress/default version 5.1.6.
[21:19:53.905907 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) Looks like this is the first time searching for a theme that contains cssjs/styles.html.twig. Theme tubepress/default version 5.1.6.
[21:19:53.905915 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) Unable to find source of template cssjs/styles.html.twig from theme hierarchy.
[21:19:53.906042 - INFO] (Delegating Template Engine) Template engine tubepress_template_impl_twig_Engine will handle template cssjs/styles
[21:19:53.906062 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) Seeing if we can find cssjs/styles.html.twig in the theme hierarchy. Theme tubepress/default version 5.1.6.
[21:19:53.906072 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) We already tried to find a theme that contains cssjs/styles.html.twig in the theme hierarchy but didn't find it anywhere. Theme tubepress/default version 5.1.6.
[21:19:53.906213 - INFO] (Delegating Template Engine) Finished rendering template cssjs/styles
[21:19:53.906269 - INFO] (Delegating Template Engine) Start render of template cssjs/scripts
[21:19:53.906286 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) Seeing if we can find cssjs/scripts.tpl.php in the theme hierarchy. Theme tubepress/default version 5.1.6.
[21:19:53.906296 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) Looks like this is the first time searching for a theme that contains cssjs/scripts.tpl.php. Theme tubepress/default version 5.1.6.
[21:19:53.906305 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) Unable to find source of template cssjs/scripts.tpl.php from theme hierarchy.
[21:19:53.906326 - INFO] (Delegating Template Engine) Template engine tubepress_template_impl_php_PhpEngine cannot find template cssjs/scripts
[21:19:53.906339 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) Seeing if we can find cssjs/scripts.html.twig in the theme hierarchy. Theme tubepress/default version 5.1.6.
[21:19:53.906347 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) Looks like this is the first time searching for a theme that contains cssjs/scripts.html.twig. Theme tubepress/default version 5.1.6.
[21:19:53.906354 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) Unable to find source of template cssjs/scripts.html.twig from theme hierarchy.
[21:19:53.906417 - INFO] (Delegating Template Engine) Template engine tubepress_template_impl_twig_Engine will handle template cssjs/scripts
[21:19:53.906429 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) Seeing if we can find cssjs/scripts.html.twig in the theme hierarchy. Theme tubepress/default version 5.1.6.
[21:19:53.906437 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) We already tried to find a theme that contains cssjs/scripts.html.twig in the theme hierarchy but didn't find it anywhere. Theme tubepress/default version 5.1.6.
[21:19:53.906493 - INFO] (Delegating Template Engine) Finished rendering template cssjs/scripts
[21:19:53.906634 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) End dispatch of event tubepress.wordpress.action.wp_head

[21:19:53.915180 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) Start dispatch of event tubepress.wordpress.shortcode_found
[21:19:53.915241 - INFO] (Shortcode Listener) WordPress sent us a shortcode to parse with 11 attribute(s).
[21:19:53.915251 - INFO] (Shortcode Listener) Attributes follow...
[21:19:53.915261 - INFO] (Shortcode Listener) mode : user
[21:19:53.915268 - INFO] (Shortcode Listener) uservalue : PenWeddings
[21:19:53.915288 - INFO] (Shortcode Listener) youtubehideblackbars : true
[21:19:53.915294 - INFO] (Shortcode Listener) resultsperpage : 9
[21:19:53.915301 - INFO] (Shortcode Listener) thumbwidth : 225
[21:19:53.915307 - INFO] (Shortcode Listener) thumbheight : 127
[21:19:53.915314 - INFO] (Shortcode Listener) resultcountcap : 84
[21:19:53.915320 - INFO] (Shortcode Listener) dailymotionthumbnailpreferredsize : 180px
[21:19:53.915327 - INFO] (Shortcode Listener) dailymotionthumbnailratio : widescreen
[21:19:53.915333 - INFO] (Shortcode Listener) dailymotionfamilyfilter : true
[21:19:53.915339 - INFO] (Shortcode Listener) descriptionlimit : 200
[21:19:53.915345 - INFO] (Shortcode Listener) Shortcode content is:
[21:19:53.917140 - INFO] (Option Logger) Accepted valid value: mode = user
[21:19:53.917307 - INFO] (Option Logger) Accepted valid value: userValue = PenWeddings
[21:19:53.917349 - INFO] (Option Logger) Accepted valid value: youtubeHideBlackBars = 1
[21:19:53.917417 - INFO] (Option Logger) Accepted valid value: resultsPerPage = 9
[21:19:53.917461 - INFO] (Option Logger) Accepted valid value: thumbWidth = 225
[21:19:53.917499 - INFO] (Option Logger) Accepted valid value: thumbHeight = 127
[21:19:53.917534 - INFO] (Option Logger) Accepted valid value: resultCountCap = 84
[21:19:53.917591 - INFO] (Option Logger) Accepted valid value: dailymotionThumbnailPreferredSize = 180px
[21:19:53.917638 - INFO] (Option Logger) Accepted valid value: dailymotionThumbnailRatio = widescreen
[21:19:53.917664 - INFO] (Option Logger) Accepted valid value: dailymotionFamilyFilter = 1
[21:19:53.917699 - INFO] (Option Logger) Accepted valid value: descriptionLimit = 200
[21:19:53.917824 - INFO] (WP Shortcode Listener) Shortcode listener invoked for gallery_tubepress shortcode
[21:19:53.917833 - INFO] (WP Shortcode Listener) No inner content in shortcode. Nothing to do.
[21:19:53.918040 - INFO] (HTML Cache Driver - Filesystem) Starting to build HTML cache driver. User candidate is ""
[21:19:53.918053 - INFO] (HTML Cache Driver - Filesystem) We don't have a directory that we can use for the HTML cache. Giving up and falling back to system directory.
[21:19:53.918063 - INFO] (HTML Cache Driver - Filesystem) Final HTML cache directory is "/tmp/tubepress-system-cache-8d2acae9366c65b192a983c1bdae9c70/tubepress-5.1.6/cache-html"
[21:19:53.918217 - INFO] (HTML Cache Listener) HTML cache is not enabled or disabled for debugging.
[21:19:53.918327 - INFO] (Search Listener) Not configured for search results
[21:19:53.918440 - INFO] (Option Logger) Accepted valid value: galleryId = 1605647702
[21:19:53.918452 - INFO] (Gallery Listener) Starting to build thumbnail gallery 1605647702
[21:19:53.918461 - INFO] (Gallery Listener) Asking collector for a page.
[21:19:53.918474 - INFO] Pro user, leaving collection up to collection listeners.
[21:19:53.918609 - INFO] (Modern Multisource Listener) Explicit mode set in ephemeral options. Delegating.
[21:19:53.918652 - INFO] (Legacy Multisource Listener) Multiple sources not detected.
[21:19:53.918707 - INFO] (YouTube Feed Handler) Determining if PenWeddings a YouTube user or channel ID. First, we'll assume it's a user
[21:19:53.920905 - INFO] (HTTP Client) Dispatching tubepress.core.http.event.request event for GET to https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels?part=id&forUsername=PenWeddings&maxResults=1&fields=etag%2Citems%2Fid&key=AIzaSyD8h50b041aMaacCN1WHP_BSXzfsUzOMrk
[21:19:53.921296 - INFO] (API Cache Driver - Filesystem) Starting to build API cache driver. User candidate is ""
[21:19:53.921312 - INFO] (API Cache Driver - Filesystem) We don't have a directory that we can use for the API cache. Giving up and falling back to system directory.
[21:19:53.921322 - INFO] (API Cache Driver - Filesystem) Final API cache directory is "/tmp/tubepress-system-cache-8d2acae9366c65b192a983c1bdae9c70/tubepress-5.1.6/api-calls"
[21:19:53.921421 - INFO] (API Cache Listener) Asking cache for https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels?part=id&forUsername=PenWeddings&maxResults=1&fields=etag%2Citems%2Fid&key=AIzaSyD8h50b041aMaacCN1WHP_BSXzfsUzOMrk
[21:19:53.932736 - INFO] (API Cache Listener) Cache miss for https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels?part=id&forUsername=PenWeddings&maxResults=1&fields=etag%2Citems%2Fid&key=AIzaSyD8h50b041aMaacCN1WHP_BSXzfsUzOMrk.
[21:19:53.932838 - INFO] (OAuth2 Listener) OAuth2 signing listener invoked for GET to https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels?part=id&forUsername=PenWeddings&maxResults=1&fields=etag%2Citems%2Fid&key=AIzaSyD8h50b041aMaacCN1WHP_BSXzfsUzOMrk with 1 registered OAuth2 provider(s)
[21:19:53.932860 - INFO] (OAuth2 Listener) Seeing if Vimeo wants to authorize GET to https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels?part=id&forUsername=PenWeddings&maxResults=1&fields=etag%2Citems%2Fid&key=AIzaSyD8h50b041aMaacCN1WHP_BSXzfsUzOMrk
[21:19:53.932895 - INFO] (OAuth2 Listener) Vimeo declined to authorize GET to https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels?part=id&forUsername=PenWeddings&maxResults=1&fields=etag%2Citems%2Fid&key=AIzaSyD8h50b041aMaacCN1WHP_BSXzfsUzOMrk
[21:19:53.932917 - INFO] (HTTP Client) No listeners created a response for GET to https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels?part=id&forUsername=PenWeddings&maxResults=1&fields=etag%2Citems%2Fid&key=AIzaSyD8h50b041aMaacCN1WHP_BSXzfsUzOMrk. A network request will be made instead.
[21:19:53.932935 - INFO] (HTTP Client) About to perform actual GET to https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels?part=id&forUsername=PenWeddings&maxResults=1&fields=etag%2Citems%2Fid&key=AIzaSyD8h50b041aMaacCN1WHP_BSXzfsUzOMrk
[21:19:53.932941 - INFO] (HTTP Client) Request headers follow:
[21:19:53.932957 - INFO]    Host: www.googleapis.com
[21:19:53.932964 - INFO]    Accept-Encoding: gzip
[21:19:53.932970 - INFO]    User-Agent: tubepress/5.1.6 curl/7.64.0 PHP/7.3.8
[21:19:54.024477 - INFO] (HTTP Client) GET to https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels?part=id&forUsername=PenWeddings&maxResults=1&fields=etag%2Citems%2Fid&key=AIzaSyD8h50b041aMaacCN1WHP_BSXzfsUzOMrk has completed.
[21:19:54.024576 - INFO] (HTTP Client) Dispatching tubepress.core.http.event.response event for GET to https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels?part=id&forUsername=PenWeddings&maxResults=1&fields=etag%2Citems%2Fid&key=AIzaSyD8h50b041aMaacCN1WHP_BSXzfsUzOMrk
[21:19:54.035729 - INFO] (HTTP Client) Response headers from GET to https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels?part=id&forUsername=PenWeddings&maxResults=1&fields=etag%2Citems%2Fid&key=AIzaSyD8h50b041aMaacCN1WHP_BSXzfsUzOMrk follow:
[21:19:54.035815 - INFO]    Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
[21:19:54.035844 - INFO]    Vary: Origin, X-Origin, Referer
[21:19:54.035851 - INFO]    Content-Encoding: gzip
[21:19:54.035856 - INFO]    Date: Thu, 09 May 2024 21:19:54 GMT
[21:19:54.035862 - INFO]    Server: scaffolding on HTTPServer2
[21:19:54.035868 - INFO]    Cache-Control: private
[21:19:54.035874 - INFO]    X-XSS-Protection: 0
[21:19:54.035879 - INFO]    X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
[21:19:54.035883 - INFO]    X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
[21:19:54.035886 - INFO]    Alt-Svc: h3=":443"; ma=2592000,h3-29=":443"; ma=2592000
[21:19:54.035890 - INFO]    Transfer-Encoding: chunked
[21:19:54.035977 - INFO] (HTTP Client) Raw result for GET to https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels?part=id&forUsername=PenWeddings&maxResults=1&fields=etag%2Citems%2Fid&key=AIzaSyD8h50b041aMaacCN1WHP_BSXzfsUzOMrk is in the HTML source for this page. { "etag": "0seBRlwKX6slpOpmGK_s8wiHWkE", "items": [ { "id": "UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q" } ] }
[21:19:54.036030 - INFO] (YouTube Feed Handler) PenWeddings is a YouTube user with channel ID UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q
[21:19:54.036088 - INFO] (YouTube Feed Handler) Looking up the channel ID for the videos uploaded by UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q
[21:19:54.036603 - INFO] (HTTP Client) Dispatching tubepress.core.http.event.request event for GET to https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels?id=UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q&part=contentDetails&maxResults=1&fields=etag%2Citems%2FcontentDetails&key=AIzaSyD8h50b041aMaacCN1WHP_BSXzfsUzOMrk
[21:19:54.036670 - INFO] (API Cache Listener) Asking cache for https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels?id=UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q&part=contentDetails&maxResults=1&fields=etag%2Citems%2FcontentDetails&key=AIzaSyD8h50b041aMaacCN1WHP_BSXzfsUzOMrk
[21:19:54.036754 - INFO] (API Cache Listener) Cache miss for https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels?id=UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q&part=contentDetails&maxResults=1&fields=etag%2Citems%2FcontentDetails&key=AIzaSyD8h50b041aMaacCN1WHP_BSXzfsUzOMrk.
[21:19:54.036776 - INFO] (OAuth2 Listener) OAuth2 signing listener invoked for GET to https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels?id=UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q&part=contentDetails&maxResults=1&fields=etag%2Citems%2FcontentDetails&key=AIzaSyD8h50b041aMaacCN1WHP_BSXzfsUzOMrk with 1 registered OAuth2 provider(s)
[21:19:54.036792 - INFO] (OAuth2 Listener) Seeing if Vimeo wants to authorize GET to https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels?id=UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q&part=contentDetails&maxResults=1&fields=etag%2Citems%2FcontentDetails&key=AIzaSyD8h50b041aMaacCN1WHP_BSXzfsUzOMrk
[21:19:54.036806 - INFO] (OAuth2 Listener) Vimeo declined to authorize GET to https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels?id=UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q&part=contentDetails&maxResults=1&fields=etag%2Citems%2FcontentDetails&key=AIzaSyD8h50b041aMaacCN1WHP_BSXzfsUzOMrk
[21:19:54.036822 - INFO] (HTTP Client) No listeners created a response for GET to https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels?id=UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q&part=contentDetails&maxResults=1&fields=etag%2Citems%2FcontentDetails&key=AIzaSyD8h50b041aMaacCN1WHP_BSXzfsUzOMrk. A network request will be made instead.
[21:19:54.036836 - INFO] (HTTP Client) About to perform actual GET to https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels?id=UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q&part=contentDetails&maxResults=1&fields=etag%2Citems%2FcontentDetails&key=AIzaSyD8h50b041aMaacCN1WHP_BSXzfsUzOMrk
[21:19:54.036842 - INFO] (HTTP Client) Request headers follow:
[21:19:54.036852 - INFO]    Host: www.googleapis.com
[21:19:54.036858 - INFO]    Accept-Encoding: gzip
[21:19:54.036864 - INFO]    User-Agent: tubepress/5.1.6 curl/7.64.0 PHP/7.3.8
[21:19:54.077278 - INFO] (HTTP Client) GET to https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels?id=UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q&part=contentDetails&maxResults=1&fields=etag%2Citems%2FcontentDetails&key=AIzaSyD8h50b041aMaacCN1WHP_BSXzfsUzOMrk has completed.
[21:19:54.077375 - INFO] (HTTP Client) Dispatching tubepress.core.http.event.response event for GET to https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels?id=UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q&part=contentDetails&maxResults=1&fields=etag%2Citems%2FcontentDetails&key=AIzaSyD8h50b041aMaacCN1WHP_BSXzfsUzOMrk
[21:19:54.077965 - INFO] (HTTP Client) Response headers from GET to https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels?id=UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q&part=contentDetails&maxResults=1&fields=etag%2Citems%2FcontentDetails&key=AIzaSyD8h50b041aMaacCN1WHP_BSXzfsUzOMrk follow:
[21:19:54.077987 - INFO]    Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
[21:19:54.078031 - INFO]    Vary: Origin, X-Origin, Referer
[21:19:54.078036 - INFO]    Content-Encoding: gzip
[21:19:54.078040 - INFO]    Date: Thu, 09 May 2024 21:19:54 GMT
[21:19:54.078044 - INFO]    Server: scaffolding on HTTPServer2
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From the Mad Hatter's welcome to the grandeur of cathedral vows and reception under sparkling fireworks, each moment was brimming with character.\n\nBut amidst all this splendor, it's their vows that echo through every memory. Quoting a favorite song, Josh said, 'Everything is pointless without you,' a sentiment that resonates in every laugh, tear, and dance. This is not just a wedding; it's a testament to a love that declares, with every heartbeat, that life is truly incomplete without the other.\n\n\nMusic licensed through Musicbed. http://share.mscbd.fm/penweddings SyncID: MB01WBVSR9IK668\n\n\nGEAR LIST: \n\nCAMERAS\nSony a7siii -- https://bhpho.to/3NTGvIa\nDJI Mavic 3 Pro -- https://bhpho.to/3MOUY6Z\n\nLENSES\nSony 70-200 2.8 GM iii -- https://bhpho.to/3NWUDAt\nZEISS Batis 85mm f/1.8 -- https://bhpho.to/4aQtDfG\nSony Planar T* FE 50mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/4aHTZAN \nSony Distagon T* FE 35mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/3S9TMio\nSigma 24-70mm f/2.8 DG DN Art -- https://bhpho.to/41MKwUF\nZEISS Batis 18mm f/2.8 Lens -- https://bhpho.to/3qVZBVU\n\nSUPPORT\nReally Right Stuff TQC-14 Series 1 Mk2 -- https://bhpho.to/4aPjccA \niFootage Komodo K5 Fluid Head -- https://bhpho.to/3vseEbI\nSirui P-324S Monopod -- https://tinyurl.com/siruimonopod \nManfrotto MVH500AH head -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMVH500AH\nJoby Gorillapod -- https://tinyurl.com/gorillapodjoby \nPlatypod -- https://tinyurl.com/platypodmax\nRL Handcrafts Clydesdale Lite Harness - https://bhpho.to/3tLrJwk\n\nAUDIO\nTascam DR10L -- https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr10l \nCountryman B3 Lavalier Mic black -- https://bhpho.to/48r2C0M\nCountryman B3 Lavalier Mic white -- https://bhpho.to/47mxs9G\nTascam DR100 -- https://bhpho.to/47uFbCB\nZoom H2n -- https://bhpho.to/3S9UMmJ\nShure LensHopper -- https://bhpho.to/4aPS50G\n\nBAGS/CASES\nThink Tank Airport Advantage XT -- https://bhpho.to/48HUdpy\nThink Tank Airport TakeOff V2.0 -- https://bhpho.to/4b1HzE3\nThink Tank Urban Access 15 Backpack -- https://bhpho.to/3NUwkDh\n\n\nWEDDING PRO TEAM:\nWedding Planner | Dreams In Detail \nPhotography | Imogeneve Photography, Charlotte Griffiths, Andrew Bayda, Miss Aniela\nWedding Filmmaker | PenWeddings \nVenue | Chateau Challain\nFlorals | Butterfly Floral, Rutger M Flowers, Mister Brett Events\nBand/MC | Shine Live Band Paris\nWelcome Party Entertainment | Black Rabbit Projects\nWelcome Party Lighting | Jacob Co Creative\nAfter Party DJ | DJ Yoav\nCatering | Lessaveurs Dupre, In Season Dining\nBeauty Team | Riri Roya, Kristi Grimm, LaBelle Visage NJ\nLive Painting | Event Illustrator\nPool Party | Chateau Detresse\nBride's Gowns | Galia Lahav\n\n\n(Some of the above links are affiliate links. This means if we tell you about a product or service we love and you purchase something, we get a small percentage back. Thanks for trusting our referrals, and for helping us continue to invest time in wedding filmmaking education.)", "thumbnails": { "default": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/hUepbdqF_L8/default.jpg", "width": 120, "height": 90 }, "medium": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/hUepbdqF_L8/mqdefault.jpg", "width": 320, "height": 180 }, "high": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/hUepbdqF_L8/hqdefault.jpg", "width": 480, "height": 360 }, "standard": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/hUepbdqF_L8/sddefault.jpg", "width": 640, "height": 480 }, "maxres": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/hUepbdqF_L8/maxresdefault.jpg", "width": 1280, "height": 720 } }, "channelTitle": "PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films", "playlistId": "UU1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q", "position": 0, "resourceId": { "kind": "youtube#video", "videoId": "hUepbdqF_L8" }, "videoOwnerChannelTitle": "PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films", "videoOwnerChannelId": "UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q" } }, { "kind": "youtube#playlistItem", "etag": "RnrJRaWaswNiEC5ZjIMm2q2YDz8", "id": "VVUxRHl4NWFyS0xLSW1maU1wY0dMMDFRLlJzM3hYQzZNdEM4", "snippet": { "publishedAt": "2023-10-08T18:48:07Z", "channelId": "UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q", "title": "Biltmore Estate Wedding | Crowd roars when bride enters rain-delayed ceremony", "description": "|| Copyright, PenWeddings ||\n\n♥ Christy & Michael's incredible celebration at Biltmore Estate ♥ \n\nTo the blue hills of Asheville they went for four magical days. Morning fog unveiled the beauty of The Biltmore Estate, while vintage Porsche drives through the North Carolina mountains set the tone for brunches, hugs, toasts, laughs, and late-night parties. Oh, and there may have also been a storm of epic proportions and moves from plan A to plan B to... well, who's keeping count? But true to their friends' words, Christy and Michael are pure sunshine, and did they ever light up the room.\n\n\nMusic licensed through Musicbed. http://share.mscbd.fm/penweddings\nSyncID: MB01OP4XOKF9QB8\n\n\nGEAR LIST: \n\nCAMERAS\nSony a7siii -- https://bhpho.to/3NTGvIa\nDJI Mavic 3 Pro -- https://bhpho.to/3MOUY6Z\n\nLENSES\nSony 70-200 2.8 GM iii -- https://bhpho.to/3NWUDAt\nZEISS Batis 85mm f/1.8 -- https://bhpho.to/4aQtDfG\nSony Planar T* FE 50mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/4aHTZAN \nSony Distagon T* FE 35mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/3S9TMio\nSigma 24-70mm f/2.8 DG DN Art -- https://bhpho.to/41MKwUF\nZEISS Batis 18mm f/2.8 Lens -- https://bhpho.to/3qVZBVU\n\nSUPPORT\nReally Right Stuff TQC-14 Series 1 Mk2 -- https://bhpho.to/4aPjccA \niFootage Komodo K5 Fluid Head -- https://bhpho.to/3vseEbI\nSirui P-324S Monopod -- https://tinyurl.com/siruimonopod \nManfrotto MVH500AH head -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMVH500AH\nJoby Gorillapod -- https://tinyurl.com/gorillapodjoby \nPlatypod -- https://tinyurl.com/platypodmax\nRL Handcrafts Clydesdale Lite Harness - https://bhpho.to/3tLrJwk\n\nAUDIO\nTascam DR10L -- https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr10l \nCountryman B3 Lavalier Mic black -- https://bhpho.to/48r2C0M\nCountryman B3 Lavalier Mic white -- https://bhpho.to/47mxs9G\nTascam DR100 -- https://bhpho.to/47uFbCB\nZoom H2n -- https://bhpho.to/3S9UMmJ\nShure LensHopper -- https://bhpho.to/4aPS50G\n\nBAGS/CASES\nThink Tank Airport Advantage XT -- https://bhpho.to/48HUdpy\nThink Tank Airport TakeOff V2.0 -- https://bhpho.to/4b1HzE3\nThink Tank Urban Access 15 Backpack -- https://bhpho.to/3NUwkDh\n\n\nWEDDING PRO TEAM:\nPlanning & Design: @missieporter of @ashevilleeventco\nVenue: @BiltmoreWeddingsNC @biltmoreestate\nPhotography: @perryvaile\nWedding Filmmaker: @penweddings\nFlorals: @floressenceflowers\nLighting and A/V: @frostfl_events\nBand/MC: @thedowntownband\nVintage Getaway Car: @coatscars\nVintage Adventure Shoot Car: @weddingcars.rent\nTransportation: The Trolley Company & @vaninblk\nPrinted Material/Signage: @dbsinvitations\nCeremony Music: @carolinamusicplanner\nPhoto Booth: @remixweddings\nBeauty: @beprettycharlotte & @cottonrougeandco\nLinens, Napkins and Reveal Wall: @bbjlatavola\nRentals: @professionalparty, @thecluxelook, @whitedoorevent, @emersonjamesrental, @curatedeventscharleston, @crushbyeventworks, @industryeventrentals\nRehearsal Dinner: @eventsathighlandbrewing @highlandbrewing\n\n\n\n(Some of the above links are affiliate links. This means if we tell you about a product or service we love and you purchase something, we get a small percentage back. Thanks for trusting our referrals, and for helping us continue to invest time in wedding filmmaking education.)", "thumbnails": { "default": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Rs3xXC6MtC8/default.jpg", "width": 120, "height": 90 }, "medium": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Rs3xXC6MtC8/mqdefault.jpg", "width": 320, "height": 180 }, "high": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Rs3xXC6MtC8/hqdefault.jpg", "width": 480, "height": 360 }, "standard": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Rs3xXC6MtC8/sddefault.jpg", "width": 640, "height": 480 }, "maxres": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Rs3xXC6MtC8/maxresdefault.jpg", "width": 1280, "height": 720 } }, "channelTitle": "PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films", "playlistId": "UU1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q", "position": 1, "resourceId": { "kind": "youtube#video", "videoId": "Rs3xXC6MtC8" }, "videoOwnerChannelTitle": "PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films", "videoOwnerChannelId": "UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q" } }, { "kind": "youtube#playlistItem", "etag": "GxymE8QAX1W8DTn5yY7o3L3Km-o", "id": "VVUxRHl4NWFyS0xLSW1maU1wY0dMMDFRLkVVODB1bWpleVZB", "snippet": { "publishedAt": "2023-08-22T18:08:55Z", "channelId": "UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q", "title": "Wedding In France | Destination wedding video at Chateau Challain", "description": "♥ Michelle & Josh's destination wedding in France at Chateau Challain ♥ \n\nLost in the enchantment of a French chateau tale: A Mad Hatter's welcome, cathedral vows, Galia Lahav dreams, character-filled scenes, carriage whispers, fireworks painting the night sky, and a 'hangover' pool party for the morning after. Michelle & Josh's week? Lord have mercy, where do I begin?\n\n\nMusic licensed through Musicbed. http://share.mscbd.fm/penweddings\nSyncID: MB01COEI4U0DSGB\n\nGEAR LIST: \n\nCAMERAS\nSony a7siii -- https://bhpho.to/3NTGvIa\nDJI Mavic 3 Pro -- https://bhpho.to/3MOUY6Z\n\nLENSES\nSony 70-200 2.8 GM iii -- https://bhpho.to/3NWUDAt\nZEISS Batis 85mm f/1.8 -- https://bhpho.to/4aQtDfG\nSony Planar T* FE 50mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/4aHTZAN \nSony Distagon T* FE 35mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/3S9TMio\nSigma 24-70mm f/2.8 DG DN Art -- https://bhpho.to/41MKwUF\nZEISS Batis 18mm f/2.8 Lens -- https://bhpho.to/3qVZBVU\n\nSUPPORT\nReally Right Stuff TQC-14 Series 1 Mk2 -- https://bhpho.to/4aPjccA \niFootage Komodo K5 Fluid Head -- https://bhpho.to/3vseEbI\nSirui P-324S Monopod -- https://tinyurl.com/siruimonopod \nManfrotto MVH500AH head -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMVH500AH\nJoby Gorillapod -- https://tinyurl.com/gorillapodjoby \nPlatypod -- https://tinyurl.com/platypodmax\nRL Handcrafts Clydesdale Lite Harness - https://bhpho.to/3tLrJwk\n\nAUDIO\nTascam DR10L -- https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr10l \nCountryman B3 Lavalier Mic black -- https://bhpho.to/48r2C0M\nCountryman B3 Lavalier Mic white -- https://bhpho.to/47mxs9G\nTascam DR100 -- https://bhpho.to/47uFbCB\nZoom H2n -- https://bhpho.to/3S9UMmJ\nShure LensHopper -- https://bhpho.to/4aPS50G\n\nBAGS/CASES\nThink Tank Airport Advantage XT -- https://bhpho.to/48HUdpy\nThink Tank Airport TakeOff V2.0 -- https://bhpho.to/4b1HzE3\nThink Tank Urban Access 15 Backpack -- https://bhpho.to/3NUwkDh\n\n\nWEDDING PRO TEAM:\nVenue: @chateauchallain\nEvent producer: @cicievents_cynthia\nPlanning: @dreamsindetail @by_nicoleharris @ashleytheimer_\nPhotography: @missaniela @imogenevephotography @charlottegriffithsphotographer @andrew_bayda\nFlorals: @butterflyfloral @rutgermflowers @misterbrettevents\nBand/MC: @shinelivebandparis\nWelcome Party Entertainment: @blackrabbitprojects\nWelcome Party Lighting: @jacobco_creative\nAfter Party DJ: @djyoav\nCatering: @lessaveurs_dupre @inseasondining\nBeauty Team: @riri_roya @kristi.grimm @labellevisagenj\nLive Painting: @eventillustrator\nPool Party: @chateaudetresse\nBride's Gowns: @galialahav\n\n\n\n(Some of the above links are affiliate links. This means if we tell you about a product or service we love and you purchase something, we get a small percentage back. Thanks for trusting our referrals, and for helping us continue to invest time in wedding filmmaking education.)", "thumbnails": { "default": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EU80umjeyVA/default.jpg", "width": 120, "height": 90 }, "medium": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EU80umjeyVA/mqdefault.jpg", "width": 320, "height": 180 }, "high": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EU80umjeyVA/hqdefault.jpg", "width": 480, "height": 360 }, "standard": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EU80umjeyVA/sddefault.jpg", "width": 640, "height": 480 }, "maxres": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EU80umjeyVA/maxresdefault.jpg", "width": 1280, "height": 720 } }, "channelTitle": "PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films", "playlistId": "UU1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q", "position": 2, "resourceId": { "kind": "youtube#video", "videoId": "EU80umjeyVA" }, "videoOwnerChannelTitle": "PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films", "videoOwnerChannelId": "UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q" } }, { "kind": "youtube#playlistItem", "etag": "LoUt5BCJu8pc-3mU8uLJxrbVi-M", "id": "VVUxRHl4NWFyS0xLSW1maU1wY0dMMDFRLmU5bEM0bFhiNDVz", "snippet": { "publishedAt": "2023-08-22T17:41:47Z", "channelId": "UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q", "title": "SoCal Wedding Video | Montage Laguna Beach | Destination wedding videographer", "description": "♥ Jess & Ben's Stunning SoCal Wedding at Montage Laguna Beach ♥ \n\nThree days of Jessica and Ben.\n\nOcean breezes. Culinary delights. Shots. Bear hugs. Cascading florals. More shots. Dance parties. Fashionistas.\n\nTrue love.\n\nAnd this is just the teaser...\n\n\nMusic licensed through Musicbed. http://share.mscbd.fm/penweddings\nSyncID: MB01CT7WSELAZHO\n\nGEAR LIST: \n\nCAMERAS\nSony a7siii -- https://bhpho.to/3NTGvIa\nDJI Mavic 3 Pro -- https://bhpho.to/3MOUY6Z\n\nLENSES\nSony 70-200 2.8 GM iii -- https://bhpho.to/3NWUDAt\nZEISS Batis 85mm f/1.8 -- https://bhpho.to/4aQtDfG\nSony Planar T* FE 50mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/4aHTZAN \nSony Distagon T* FE 35mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/3S9TMio\nSigma 24-70mm f/2.8 DG DN Art -- https://bhpho.to/41MKwUF\nZEISS Batis 18mm f/2.8 Lens -- https://bhpho.to/3qVZBVU\n\nSUPPORT\nReally Right Stuff TQC-14 Series 1 Mk2 -- https://bhpho.to/4aPjccA \niFootage Komodo K5 Fluid Head -- https://bhpho.to/3vseEbI\nSirui P-324S Monopod -- https://tinyurl.com/siruimonopod \nManfrotto MVH500AH head -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMVH500AH\nJoby Gorillapod -- https://tinyurl.com/gorillapodjoby \nPlatypod -- https://tinyurl.com/platypodmax\nRL Handcrafts Clydesdale Lite Harness - https://bhpho.to/3tLrJwk\n\nAUDIO\nTascam DR10L -- https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr10l \nCountryman B3 Lavalier Mic black -- https://bhpho.to/48r2C0M\nCountryman B3 Lavalier Mic white -- https://bhpho.to/47mxs9G\nTascam DR100 -- https://bhpho.to/47uFbCB\nZoom H2n -- https://bhpho.to/3S9UMmJ\nShure LensHopper -- https://bhpho.to/4aPS50G\n\nBAGS/CASES\nThink Tank Airport Advantage XT -- https://bhpho.to/48HUdpy\nThink Tank Airport TakeOff V2.0 -- https://bhpho.to/4b1HzE3\nThink Tank Urban Access 15 Backpack -- https://bhpho.to/3NUwkDh\n\n\nWEDDING PRO TEAM:\nPlanning & Design | @agoodaffair @agoodaffairnatalie\nPhotographer | @brandonkiddphoto\nWedding Filmmaker | @penweddings\nFlorals | @nisiesenchanted\nRentals & Decor | @delovelydetails @bbjlatavola @foundrentalco \nBand/MC | @elis.band\nVenue | @montagelaguna\nCatering | @bbhcatering\nBeauty | @1011makeupandhair\n\n\n\n(Some of the above links are affiliate links. This means if we tell you about a product or service we love and you purchase something, we get a small percentage back. Thanks for trusting our referrals, and for helping us continue to invest time in wedding filmmaking education.)", "thumbnails": { "default": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/e9lC4lXb45s/default.jpg", "width": 120, "height": 90 }, "medium": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/e9lC4lXb45s/mqdefault.jpg", "width": 320, "height": 180 }, "high": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/e9lC4lXb45s/hqdefault.jpg", "width": 480, "height": 360 }, "standard": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/e9lC4lXb45s/sddefault.jpg", "width": 640, "height": 480 }, "maxres": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/e9lC4lXb45s/maxresdefault.jpg", "width": 1280, "height": 720 } }, "channelTitle": "PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films", "playlistId": "UU1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q", "position": 3, "resourceId": { "kind": "youtube#video", "videoId": "e9lC4lXb45s" }, "videoOwnerChannelTitle": "PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films", "videoOwnerChannelId": "UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q" } }, { "kind": "youtube#playlistItem", "etag": "2g0Qgn7ZBZG3yVxrhoJ6b_sFurI", "id": "VVUxRHl4NWFyS0xLSW1maU1wY0dMMDFRLlQ3aHBXQmJMYVIw", "snippet": { "publishedAt": "2023-08-22T17:02:33Z", "channelId": "UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q", "title": "Colorful Wedding Video | Oklahoma City Golf & Country Club wedding", "description": "♥ Hannah & Trent's Colorful Oklahoma Wedding ♥ \n\nA brief glimpse into the kaleidoscope of colors and emotions that painted an unforgettable weekend. Stay tuned, because there is much more to come from Hannah & Trent's incredible celebration.\n\n\nMusic licensed through Musicbed. http://share.mscbd.fm/penweddings\nSyncID: MB01GK4LTMXDFNB\n\nGEAR LIST: \n\nCAMERAS\nSony a7siii -- https://bhpho.to/3NTGvIa\nDJI Mavic 3 Pro -- https://bhpho.to/3MOUY6Z\n\nLENSES\nSony 70-200 2.8 GM iii -- https://bhpho.to/3NWUDAt\nZEISS Batis 85mm f/1.8 -- https://bhpho.to/4aQtDfG\nSony Planar T* FE 50mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/4aHTZAN \nSony Distagon T* FE 35mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/3S9TMio\nSigma 24-70mm f/2.8 DG DN Art -- https://bhpho.to/41MKwUF\nZEISS Batis 18mm f/2.8 Lens -- https://bhpho.to/3qVZBVU\n\nSUPPORT\nReally Right Stuff TQC-14 Series 1 Mk2 -- https://bhpho.to/4aPjccA \niFootage Komodo K5 Fluid Head -- https://bhpho.to/3vseEbI\nSirui P-324S Monopod -- https://tinyurl.com/siruimonopod \nManfrotto MVH500AH head -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMVH500AH\nJoby Gorillapod -- https://tinyurl.com/gorillapodjoby \nPlatypod -- https://tinyurl.com/platypodmax\nRL Handcrafts Clydesdale Lite Harness - https://bhpho.to/3tLrJwk\n\nAUDIO\nTascam DR10L -- https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr10l \nCountryman B3 Lavalier Mic black -- https://bhpho.to/48r2C0M\nCountryman B3 Lavalier Mic white -- https://bhpho.to/47mxs9G\nTascam DR100 -- https://bhpho.to/47uFbCB\nZoom H2n -- https://bhpho.to/3S9UMmJ\nShure LensHopper -- https://bhpho.to/4aPS50G\n\nBAGS/CASES\nThink Tank Airport Advantage XT -- https://bhpho.to/48HUdpy\nThink Tank Airport TakeOff V2.0 -- https://bhpho.to/4b1HzE3\nThink Tank Urban Access 15 Backpack -- https://bhpho.to/3NUwkDh\n\n\nWEDDING PRO TEAM:\nPlanning & Design | @aislebewithyouweddings\nPhotographer | @charlastorey\nWedding Filmmaker | @penweddings\nFlorals | @bowsandarrowsflowers\nRentals & Decor | @mariannesrentals & @percheventdecor\nStationery | @eros_stationery\nSeating Chart & Custom Acrylics | @woodenheartsboutiquellc\nCake | @amycakes7\nBand/MC | @thegroovelinedallas\nDance Floor | @imperial_floors_\nLighting | @stage2lighting\nVenue & Catering | @okcgcc\nCeremony & Cocktail Hour Musicians | @okcentertainment\nBeauty | @brushedokc\nRehearsal Dinner | @firstnationalokc\nGetaway Car | @tulsaweddingcar\nGelato Cart | @propmypartyokc\nBride's Gown | @warrenbarronbridal\nMenswear | @alltons_clothing\n\n\n\n(Some of the above links are affiliate links. This means if we tell you about a product or service we love and you purchase something, we get a small percentage back. Thanks for trusting our referrals, and for helping us continue to invest time in wedding filmmaking education.)", "thumbnails": { "default": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/T7hpWBbLaR0/default.jpg", "width": 120, "height": 90 }, "medium": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/T7hpWBbLaR0/mqdefault.jpg", "width": 320, "height": 180 }, "high": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/T7hpWBbLaR0/hqdefault.jpg", "width": 480, "height": 360 }, "standard": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/T7hpWBbLaR0/sddefault.jpg", "width": 640, "height": 480 }, "maxres": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/T7hpWBbLaR0/maxresdefault.jpg", "width": 1280, "height": 720 } }, "channelTitle": "PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films", "playlistId": "UU1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q", "position": 4, "resourceId": { "kind": "youtube#video", "videoId": "T7hpWBbLaR0" }, "videoOwnerChannelTitle": "PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films", "videoOwnerChannelId": "UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q" } }, { "kind": "youtube#playlistItem", "etag": "7PNOnAdC6KqnPHCzaCZ0YhdVD_E", "id": "VVUxRHl4NWFyS0xLSW1maU1wY0dMMDFRLmlXdVo1Tk5qSXhZ", "snippet": { "publishedAt": "2022-09-25T17:56:08Z", "channelId": "UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q", "title": "Romance at The Office | The Arlo Wedding | Austin, Texas wedding video", "description": "|| Copyright, PenWeddings ||\n\n♥ Romance in The Office • Gaby & Kevin's Austin wedding at The Arlo ♥\n\nThey grew up 20 miles apart in Miami, but it wasn't until Gaby and Kevin each took a job at the same company in Austin, Texas that their paths crossed. Kevin may or may not have found any excuse to pass by Gaby's desk multiple times a day. Eventually, he asked for her number, and they've been inseparable ever since.\n\n\nMusic licensed through Musicbed. http://share.mscbd.fm/penweddings\n\n\nGEAR LIST: \n\nCAMERAS\nSony a7siii -- https://bhpho.to/3NTGvIa\nDJI Mavic 3 Pro -- https://bhpho.to/3MOUY6Z\n\nLENSES\nSony 70-200 2.8 GM iii -- https://bhpho.to/3NWUDAt\nZEISS Batis 85mm f/1.8 -- https://bhpho.to/4aQtDfG\nSony Planar T* FE 50mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/4aHTZAN \nSony Distagon T* FE 35mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/3S9TMio\nSigma 24-70mm f/2.8 DG DN Art -- https://bhpho.to/41MKwUF\nZEISS Batis 18mm f/2.8 Lens -- https://bhpho.to/3qVZBVU\n\nSUPPORT\nReally Right Stuff TQC-14 Series 1 Mk2 -- https://bhpho.to/4aPjccA \niFootage Komodo K5 Fluid Head -- https://bhpho.to/3vseEbI\nSirui P-324S Monopod -- https://tinyurl.com/siruimonopod \nManfrotto MVH500AH head -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMVH500AH\nJoby Gorillapod -- https://tinyurl.com/gorillapodjoby \nPlatypod -- https://tinyurl.com/platypodmax\nRL Handcrafts Clydesdale Lite Harness - https://bhpho.to/3tLrJwk\n\nAUDIO\nTascam DR10L -- https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr10l \nCountryman B3 Lavalier Mic black -- https://bhpho.to/48r2C0M\nCountryman B3 Lavalier Mic white -- https://bhpho.to/47mxs9G\nTascam DR100 -- https://bhpho.to/47uFbCB\nZoom H2n -- https://bhpho.to/3S9UMmJ\nShure LensHopper -- https://bhpho.to/4aPS50G\n\nBAGS/CASES\nThink Tank Airport Advantage XT -- https://bhpho.to/48HUdpy\nThink Tank Airport TakeOff V2.0 -- https://bhpho.to/4b1HzE3\nThink Tank Urban Access 15 Backpack -- https://bhpho.to/3NUwkDh\n\n\nWEDDING PRO TEAM:\nWedding Filmmaker: @penweddings\nPlanning & Design: @pearleventsaustin @betsyvillanueva\nPhotography: @stacysmsphoto\nVenue: @eventsatthearlo\nFlorals: @bouquetsofaustin\nCatering: @cravecateringtx\nCake: @simonleebakery\nBand/MC: @strat_band\nAfter Party musicians: @sofitukker\nCeremony musicians: @terravistastrings\nRentals & Decor: @percheventdecor @premiereeventstx @peerlesseventsandtents\nDance floor: @centerstage_floors\nHair & Makeup: @leahtrogan\nDraping: @unique_design_and_events_\nLighting: @austineventlighting\nStationery: @the_inviting_pear\nGetaway car: @atxclassiccars\nIce sculpture: @full_spectrum_ice\nRehearsal Dinner Venue: @therileybuilding\nRehearsal Dinner Planning: @moeventco\n\n\n\n(Some of the above links are affiliate links. This means if we tell you about a product or service we love and you purchase something, we get a small percentage back. Thanks for trusting our referrals, and for helping us continue to invest time in wedding filmmaking education.)", "thumbnails": { "default": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/iWuZ5NNjIxY/default.jpg", "width": 120, "height": 90 }, "medium": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/iWuZ5NNjIxY/mqdefault.jpg", "width": 320, "height": 180 }, "high": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/iWuZ5NNjIxY/hqdefault.jpg", "width": 480, "height": 360 }, "standard": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/iWuZ5NNjIxY/sddefault.jpg", "width": 640, "height": 480 }, "maxres": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/iWuZ5NNjIxY/maxresdefault.jpg", "width": 1280, "height": 720 } }, "channelTitle": "PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films", "playlistId": "UU1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q", "position": 5, "resourceId": { "kind": "youtube#video", "videoId": "iWuZ5NNjIxY" }, "videoOwnerChannelTitle": "PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films", "videoOwnerChannelId": "UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q" } }, { "kind": "youtube#playlistItem", "etag": "7uOD6SWcDITCxAyLX9L3iObhFRM", "id": "VVUxRHl4NWFyS0xLSW1maU1wY0dMMDFRLkp2ZDhKc2Rtb0pn", "snippet": { "publishedAt": "2022-08-31T11:44:37Z", "channelId": "UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q", "title": "\"I Prayed For You\" | Christ-centered Scottsdale destination wedding video will make you cry", "description": "|| Copyright, PenWeddings ||\n\n♥ Chandler & Conner's Christ-centered Scottsdale destination wedding ♥\n\n\"I was praying for you the whole time by name and didn't know it.\"\n\nAs Chandler said it, “For years I prayed, asking God to bring me his best. I was praying for you the whole time by name and didn’t know it.” She met Conner Best, and knew quickly he was the one. Their Scottsdale destination wedding featured deep, heartfelt speeches and vows, and showcased a setting as beautiful as their story.\n\n\n\nMusic licensed through Musicbed. http://share.mscbd.fm/penweddings\n\n\nGEAR LIST: \n-CAMERAS-\nSony a7siii -- https://tinyurl.com/sonya7siii\nDJI Mavic 2 Pro -- https://tinyurl.com/djimavic2pro\n\n-LENSES-\nCanon 70-200 2.8 iii -- https://tinyurl.com/Canon7020028iii \nCanon 70-200 2.8 ii -- https://tinyurl.com/canon70200ii \nCanon 70-200 2.8 -- https://tinyurl.com/canon70200i \nCanon 50mm 1.2 -- https://tinyurl.com/canon50mm12 \nCanon 16-35 2.8 iii -- https://tinyurl.com/canon1635ii \nSigma Art 35 1.4 -- https://tinyurl.com/sigmaart35 \nSigma Art 50 1.4 -- https://tinyurl.com/sigmaart50 \nSigma Art 85 1.4 -- https://tinyurl.com/sigmaart85ef\n\n-SUPPORT-\nSirui P-324S Monopods -- amzn.to/2u1ReIR or https://tinyurl.com/siruimonopod \nManfrotto 535 tripod -- http://tinyurl.com/Manfrotto535\nManfrotto MT290XTC3US tripod -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMT290\nManfrotto MT055CXPRO4 tripod -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMT055\nManfrotto 502HD head -- http://tinyurl.com/Manfrotto502HD\nManfrotto MVH500AH head -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMVH500AH\nJoby Gorillapod -- amzn.to/2t7hIEe or https://tinyurl.com/gorillapodjoby \nPlatypod -- http://amzn.to/2G10Oht or https://tinyurl.com/platypodmax\nHoldfast Money Maker harness - https://tinyurl.com/holdfastmoneymaker\n\n-AUDIO-\nTascam DR10L -- amzn.to/2ubnmdB or https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr10l \nCountryman B3 Lavalier Mic black -- amzn.to/2u20Vaj Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic white -- amzn.to/2t7dzQG \nTascam DR100 -- https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr100\nZoom H2n -- http://amzn.to/2Exb97U or https://tinyurl.com/Zoomh2nrecorder\nShure LensHopper -- http://amzn.to/2C8qqqo or https://tinyurl.com/ShureLensHopper \n\n-BAGS/CASES-\nManfrotto case -- amzn.to/2u6D7BI or https://tinyurl.com/manfrottorollingcase\nThink Tank Airport Antidote 2.0 -- http://bit.ly/2DShB8A\nThink Tank Takeoff Rolling Camera Bag -- http://bit.ly/2E6kEea\nKelly Moore messenger bags -- https://tinyurl.com/kellymoorebags\n\n\nWEDDING PRO TEAM:\nWedding Filmmaker: @penweddings\nPlanning & Design: @detailsdarling\nPhotography: @brandonkiddphoto\nVenue: @mountainshadowsaz\nFlorals: @thewildflowersaz\nCake: @abakeshop\nDJ/MC: @tregothedj \nRentals & Decor: @primrentals & @eventrentsaz\nHair stylist: @biancajpastrana\nMakeup artist: @mua_nat\nPhotobooth: @pixsterphotobooth\nStationery printing: @primandpixie\nBride's Dress: @inesdisanto from @destinysbride\nBride's Veil: @galialahav from @stanleykorshakbride\nBride's Shoes: @louboutinworld\nMenswear: @suitsupply & @louboutinworld\nBridesmaids' dresses: @bhldn\n\n\n(Some of the above links are affiliate links. This means if we tell you about a product or service we love and you purchase something, we get a small percentage back. Thanks for trusting our referrals, and for helping us continue to invest time in wedding filmmaking education.)", "thumbnails": { "default": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Jvd8JsdmoJg/default.jpg", "width": 120, "height": 90 }, "medium": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Jvd8JsdmoJg/mqdefault.jpg", "width": 320, "height": 180 }, "high": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Jvd8JsdmoJg/hqdefault.jpg", "width": 480, "height": 360 }, "standard": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Jvd8JsdmoJg/sddefault.jpg", "width": 640, "height": 480 }, "maxres": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Jvd8JsdmoJg/maxresdefault.jpg", "width": 1280, "height": 720 } }, "channelTitle": "PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films", "playlistId": "UU1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q", "position": 6, "resourceId": { "kind": "youtube#video", "videoId": "Jvd8JsdmoJg" }, "videoOwnerChannelTitle": "PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films", "videoOwnerChannelId": "UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q" } }, { "kind": "youtube#playlistItem", "etag": "rS-ViRmCqjF2K80Fo11kSFg0n1Q", "id": "VVUxRHl4NWFyS0xLSW1maU1wY0dMMDFRLjFVS29oaml5RmxR", "snippet": { "publishedAt": "2022-08-30T17:34:27Z", "channelId": "UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q", "title": "Grooms Surprises Bride with Song | Highlands North Carolina wedding video, The Farm at Old Edwards", "description": "|| Copyright, PenWeddings ||\n\n♥ Rachel & Chas' beautiful Highlands, North Carolina wedding at The Farm at Old Edwards Inn ♥\n\nA few rain showers couldn't dampen Rachel & Chas' spirits on their gorgeous wedding day at The Farm at Old Edwards. Originally planned for 2020, they waited over a year to celebrate with their friends and family in the Highlands. The cherry on top of a perfect weekend was when Chas surprised Rachel at the reception with a performance of Taylor Swift's \"Lover.\" He had reached out to the band one month before the wedding and said, \"I'd like to serenade my bride.\" Rachel was shocked, and we're quite certain it made all the ladies swoon.\n\n\nMusic licensed through Musicbed. http://share.mscbd.fm/penweddings\n\n\nGEAR LIST: \n-CAMERAS-\nSony a7siii -- https://tinyurl.com/sonya7siii\nDJI Mavic 2 Pro -- https://tinyurl.com/djimavic2pro\n\n-LENSES-\nCanon 70-200 2.8 iii -- https://tinyurl.com/Canon7020028iii \nCanon 70-200 2.8 ii -- https://tinyurl.com/canon70200ii \nCanon 70-200 2.8 -- https://tinyurl.com/canon70200i \nCanon 50mm 1.2 -- https://tinyurl.com/canon50mm12 \nCanon 16-35 2.8 iii -- https://tinyurl.com/canon1635ii \nSigma Art 35 1.4 -- https://tinyurl.com/sigmaart35 \nSigma Art 50 1.4 -- https://tinyurl.com/sigmaart50 \nSigma Art 85 1.4 -- https://tinyurl.com/sigmaart85ef\n\n-SUPPORT-\nSirui P-324S Monopods -- amzn.to/2u1ReIR or https://tinyurl.com/siruimonopod \nManfrotto 535 tripod -- http://tinyurl.com/Manfrotto535\nManfrotto MT290XTC3US tripod -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMT290\nManfrotto MT055CXPRO4 tripod -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMT055\nManfrotto 502HD head -- http://tinyurl.com/Manfrotto502HD\nManfrotto MVH500AH head -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMVH500AH\nJoby Gorillapod -- amzn.to/2t7hIEe or https://tinyurl.com/gorillapodjoby \nPlatypod -- http://amzn.to/2G10Oht or https://tinyurl.com/platypodmax\nHoldfast Money Maker harness - https://tinyurl.com/holdfastmoneymaker\n\n-AUDIO-\nTascam DR10L -- amzn.to/2ubnmdB or https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr10l \nCountryman B3 Lavalier Mic black -- amzn.to/2u20Vaj Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic white -- amzn.to/2t7dzQG \nTascam DR100 -- https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr100\nZoom H2n -- http://amzn.to/2Exb97U or https://tinyurl.com/Zoomh2nrecorder\nShure LensHopper -- http://amzn.to/2C8qqqo or https://tinyurl.com/ShureLensHopper \n\n-BAGS/CASES-\nManfrotto case -- amzn.to/2u6D7BI or https://tinyurl.com/manfrottorollingcase\nThink Tank Airport Antidote 2.0 -- http://bit.ly/2DShB8A\nThink Tank Takeoff Rolling Camera Bag -- http://bit.ly/2E6kEea\nKelly Moore messenger bags -- https://tinyurl.com/kellymoorebags\n\n\nWEDDING PRO TEAM:\nWedding filmmaker | PenWeddings\nPlanning & Design | Beckon Events\nVenue & Catering | The Farm at Old Edwards Inn\nPhotography | Olivia Griffin Foto\nFlorals | Floressence Flowers\nCake | Couture Cakes of Greenville\nRehearsal Dinner | Highlander Mountain House\nBand | Perfect 10 Band & East Coast Entertainment\nCeremony musicians | Deans Duets\nRentals & Decor | Professional Party Rentals\nLounge furniture | Industry Event Rentals\nHair & Makeup | Latia Curtis\n\n\n(Some of the above links are affiliate links. This means if we tell you about a product or service we love and you purchase something, we get a small percentage back. Thanks for trusting our referrals, and for helping us continue to invest time in wedding filmmaking education.)", "thumbnails": { "default": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/1UKohjiyFlQ/default.jpg", "width": 120, "height": 90 }, "medium": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/1UKohjiyFlQ/mqdefault.jpg", "width": 320, "height": 180 }, "high": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/1UKohjiyFlQ/hqdefault.jpg", "width": 480, "height": 360 }, "standard": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/1UKohjiyFlQ/sddefault.jpg", "width": 640, "height": 480 }, "maxres": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/1UKohjiyFlQ/maxresdefault.jpg", "width": 1280, "height": 720 } }, "channelTitle": "PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films", "playlistId": "UU1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q", "position": 7, "resourceId": { "kind": "youtube#video", "videoId": "1UKohjiyFlQ" }, "videoOwnerChannelTitle": "PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films", "videoOwnerChannelId": "UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q" } }, { "kind": "youtube#playlistItem", "etag": "NEbTWF2qdGlzeeD2hXX4GRfoXoM", "id": "VVUxRHl4NWFyS0xLSW1maU1wY0dMMDFRLkRPZmx0TVRGcUFZ", "snippet": { "publishedAt": "2022-08-30T02:53:14Z", "channelId": "UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q", "title": "Sweetest Wedding Speech Ever | Little Girl Toasts to the Bride and Groom", "description": "|| Copyright, PenWeddings ||\n\nThe sweetest wedding speech ever! This surprise toast made everyone cry.\n\nWith: @pearleventsaustin @betsyvillanueva @stacysmsphoto @eventsatthearlo @full_spectrum_ice @leahtrogan @bouquetsofaustin @unique_design_and_events_ @austineventlighting @simonleebakery @cravecateringtx @percheventdecor @premiereeventstx @the_inviting_pear @terravistastrings @peerlesseventsandtents @centerstage_floors @atxclassiccars @strat_band @therileybuilding @moeventco", "thumbnails": { "default": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/DOfltMTFqAY/default.jpg", "width": 120, "height": 90 }, "medium": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/DOfltMTFqAY/mqdefault.jpg", "width": 320, "height": 180 }, "high": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/DOfltMTFqAY/hqdefault.jpg", "width": 480, "height": 360 }, "standard": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/DOfltMTFqAY/sddefault.jpg", "width": 640, "height": 480 }, "maxres": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/DOfltMTFqAY/maxresdefault.jpg", "width": 1280, "height": 720 } }, "channelTitle": "PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films", "playlistId": "UU1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q", "position": 8, "resourceId": { "kind": "youtube#video", "videoId": "DOfltMTFqAY" }, "videoOwnerChannelTitle": "PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films", "videoOwnerChannelId": "UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q" } } ], "pageInfo": { "totalResults": 255, "resultsPerPage": 9 } }
[21:19:54.196606 - INFO] (YouTube Feed Handler) Decoded feed from YouTube is visible in the HTML source of this page.Array ( [kind] => youtube#playlistItemListResponse [etag] => DqXptWkDVBtQgrgdOde4WkGm7Co [nextPageToken] => EAAafVBUOkNBa2lFRVkyTTBORU5FUXdOREU1T0VJd05EWW9BVWo2Mm9yczNjLURBMUFCV2pnaVEyaG9WbFpVUmtWbFdHY3hXVmhLVEZSRmRFcGlWMXB3VkZoQ2FsSXdkM2ROVmtWVFJFRnFOak5tVDNOQ2FFTlJkMWxIVFVGUkln [items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [kind] => youtube#playlistItem [etag] => DC066_t65J1B8ZuYSzvdhS5V7KY [id] => VVUxRHl4NWFyS0xLSW1maU1wY0dMMDFRLmhVZXBiZHFGX0w4 [snippet] => Array ( [publishedAt] => 2024-01-08T17:39:24Z [channelId] => UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q [title] => Michelle & Josh's French Chateau Destination Wedding Video | Chateau Challain [description] => || Copyright, PenWeddings || ♥ Michelle & Josh's French Chateau Destination Wedding ♥ Michelle and Josh's fairytale wedding week in France is one we will never forget. From the Mad Hatter's welcome to the grandeur of cathedral vows and reception under sparkling fireworks, each moment was brimming with character. But amidst all this splendor, it's their vows that echo through every memory. Quoting a favorite song, Josh said, 'Everything is pointless without you,' a sentiment that resonates in every laugh, tear, and dance. This is not just a wedding; it's a testament to a love that declares, with every heartbeat, that life is truly incomplete without the other. Music licensed through Musicbed. http://share.mscbd.fm/penweddings SyncID: MB01WBVSR9IK668 GEAR LIST: CAMERAS Sony a7siii -- https://bhpho.to/3NTGvIa DJI Mavic 3 Pro -- https://bhpho.to/3MOUY6Z LENSES Sony 70-200 2.8 GM iii -- https://bhpho.to/3NWUDAt ZEISS Batis 85mm f/1.8 -- https://bhpho.to/4aQtDfG Sony Planar T* FE 50mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/4aHTZAN Sony Distagon T* FE 35mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/3S9TMio Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 DG DN Art -- https://bhpho.to/41MKwUF ZEISS Batis 18mm f/2.8 Lens -- https://bhpho.to/3qVZBVU SUPPORT Really Right Stuff TQC-14 Series 1 Mk2 -- https://bhpho.to/4aPjccA iFootage Komodo K5 Fluid Head -- https://bhpho.to/3vseEbI Sirui P-324S Monopod -- https://tinyurl.com/siruimonopod Manfrotto MVH500AH head -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMVH500AH Joby Gorillapod -- https://tinyurl.com/gorillapodjoby Platypod -- https://tinyurl.com/platypodmax RL Handcrafts Clydesdale Lite Harness - https://bhpho.to/3tLrJwk AUDIO Tascam DR10L -- https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr10l Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic black -- https://bhpho.to/48r2C0M Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic white -- https://bhpho.to/47mxs9G Tascam DR100 -- https://bhpho.to/47uFbCB Zoom H2n -- https://bhpho.to/3S9UMmJ Shure LensHopper -- https://bhpho.to/4aPS50G BAGS/CASES Think Tank Airport Advantage XT -- https://bhpho.to/48HUdpy Think Tank Airport TakeOff V2.0 -- https://bhpho.to/4b1HzE3 Think Tank Urban Access 15 Backpack -- https://bhpho.to/3NUwkDh WEDDING PRO TEAM: Wedding Planner | Dreams In Detail Photography | Imogeneve Photography, Charlotte Griffiths, Andrew Bayda, Miss Aniela Wedding Filmmaker | PenWeddings Venue | Chateau Challain Florals | Butterfly Floral, Rutger M Flowers, Mister Brett Events Band/MC | Shine Live Band Paris Welcome Party Entertainment | Black Rabbit Projects Welcome Party Lighting | Jacob Co Creative After Party DJ | DJ Yoav Catering | Lessaveurs Dupre, In Season Dining Beauty Team | Riri Roya, Kristi Grimm, LaBelle Visage NJ Live Painting | Event Illustrator Pool Party | Chateau Detresse Bride's Gowns | Galia Lahav (Some of the above links are affiliate links. This means if we tell you about a product or service we love and you purchase something, we get a small percentage back. Thanks for trusting our referrals, and for helping us continue to invest time in wedding filmmaking education.) [thumbnails] => Array ( [default] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/hUepbdqF_L8/default.jpg [width] => 120 [height] => 90 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/hUepbdqF_L8/mqdefault.jpg [width] => 320 [height] => 180 ) [high] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/hUepbdqF_L8/hqdefault.jpg [width] => 480 [height] => 360 ) [standard] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/hUepbdqF_L8/sddefault.jpg [width] => 640 [height] => 480 ) [maxres] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/hUepbdqF_L8/maxresdefault.jpg [width] => 1280 [height] => 720 ) ) [channelTitle] => PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films [playlistId] => UU1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q [position] => 0 [resourceId] => Array ( [kind] => youtube#video [videoId] => hUepbdqF_L8 ) [videoOwnerChannelTitle] => PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films [videoOwnerChannelId] => UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q ) ) [1] => Array ( [kind] => youtube#playlistItem [etag] => RnrJRaWaswNiEC5ZjIMm2q2YDz8 [id] => VVUxRHl4NWFyS0xLSW1maU1wY0dMMDFRLlJzM3hYQzZNdEM4 [snippet] => Array ( [publishedAt] => 2023-10-08T18:48:07Z [channelId] => UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q [title] => Biltmore Estate Wedding | Crowd roars when bride enters rain-delayed ceremony [description] => || Copyright, PenWeddings || ♥ Christy & Michael's incredible celebration at Biltmore Estate ♥ To the blue hills of Asheville they went for four magical days. Morning fog unveiled the beauty of The Biltmore Estate, while vintage Porsche drives through the North Carolina mountains set the tone for brunches, hugs, toasts, laughs, and late-night parties. Oh, and there may have also been a storm of epic proportions and moves from plan A to plan B to... well, who's keeping count? But true to their friends' words, Christy and Michael are pure sunshine, and did they ever light up the room. Music licensed through Musicbed. http://share.mscbd.fm/penweddings SyncID: MB01OP4XOKF9QB8 GEAR LIST: CAMERAS Sony a7siii -- https://bhpho.to/3NTGvIa DJI Mavic 3 Pro -- https://bhpho.to/3MOUY6Z LENSES Sony 70-200 2.8 GM iii -- https://bhpho.to/3NWUDAt ZEISS Batis 85mm f/1.8 -- https://bhpho.to/4aQtDfG Sony Planar T* FE 50mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/4aHTZAN Sony Distagon T* FE 35mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/3S9TMio Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 DG DN Art -- https://bhpho.to/41MKwUF ZEISS Batis 18mm f/2.8 Lens -- https://bhpho.to/3qVZBVU SUPPORT Really Right Stuff TQC-14 Series 1 Mk2 -- https://bhpho.to/4aPjccA iFootage Komodo K5 Fluid Head -- https://bhpho.to/3vseEbI Sirui P-324S Monopod -- https://tinyurl.com/siruimonopod Manfrotto MVH500AH head -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMVH500AH Joby Gorillapod -- https://tinyurl.com/gorillapodjoby Platypod -- https://tinyurl.com/platypodmax RL Handcrafts Clydesdale Lite Harness - https://bhpho.to/3tLrJwk AUDIO Tascam DR10L -- https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr10l Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic black -- https://bhpho.to/48r2C0M Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic white -- https://bhpho.to/47mxs9G Tascam DR100 -- https://bhpho.to/47uFbCB Zoom H2n -- https://bhpho.to/3S9UMmJ Shure LensHopper -- https://bhpho.to/4aPS50G BAGS/CASES Think Tank Airport Advantage XT -- https://bhpho.to/48HUdpy Think Tank Airport TakeOff V2.0 -- https://bhpho.to/4b1HzE3 Think Tank Urban Access 15 Backpack -- https://bhpho.to/3NUwkDh WEDDING PRO TEAM: Planning & Design: @missieporter of @ashevilleeventco Venue: @BiltmoreWeddingsNC @biltmoreestate Photography: @perryvaile Wedding Filmmaker: @penweddings Florals: @floressenceflowers Lighting and A/V: @frostfl_events Band/MC: @thedowntownband Vintage Getaway Car: @coatscars Vintage Adventure Shoot Car: @weddingcars.rent Transportation: The Trolley Company & @vaninblk Printed Material/Signage: @dbsinvitations Ceremony Music: @carolinamusicplanner Photo Booth: @remixweddings Beauty: @beprettycharlotte & @cottonrougeandco Linens, Napkins and Reveal Wall: @bbjlatavola Rentals: @professionalparty, @thecluxelook, @whitedoorevent, @emersonjamesrental, @curatedeventscharleston, @crushbyeventworks, @industryeventrentals Rehearsal Dinner: @eventsathighlandbrewing @highlandbrewing (Some of the above links are affiliate links. This means if we tell you about a product or service we love and you purchase something, we get a small percentage back. Thanks for trusting our referrals, and for helping us continue to invest time in wedding filmmaking education.) 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Michelle & Josh's week? Lord have mercy, where do I begin? Music licensed through Musicbed. http://share.mscbd.fm/penweddings SyncID: MB01COEI4U0DSGB GEAR LIST: CAMERAS Sony a7siii -- https://bhpho.to/3NTGvIa DJI Mavic 3 Pro -- https://bhpho.to/3MOUY6Z LENSES Sony 70-200 2.8 GM iii -- https://bhpho.to/3NWUDAt ZEISS Batis 85mm f/1.8 -- https://bhpho.to/4aQtDfG Sony Planar T* FE 50mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/4aHTZAN Sony Distagon T* FE 35mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/3S9TMio Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 DG DN Art -- https://bhpho.to/41MKwUF ZEISS Batis 18mm f/2.8 Lens -- https://bhpho.to/3qVZBVU SUPPORT Really Right Stuff TQC-14 Series 1 Mk2 -- https://bhpho.to/4aPjccA iFootage Komodo K5 Fluid Head -- https://bhpho.to/3vseEbI Sirui P-324S Monopod -- https://tinyurl.com/siruimonopod Manfrotto MVH500AH head -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMVH500AH Joby Gorillapod -- https://tinyurl.com/gorillapodjoby Platypod -- https://tinyurl.com/platypodmax RL Handcrafts Clydesdale Lite Harness - https://bhpho.to/3tLrJwk AUDIO Tascam DR10L -- https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr10l Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic black -- https://bhpho.to/48r2C0M Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic white -- https://bhpho.to/47mxs9G Tascam DR100 -- https://bhpho.to/47uFbCB Zoom H2n -- https://bhpho.to/3S9UMmJ Shure LensHopper -- https://bhpho.to/4aPS50G BAGS/CASES Think Tank Airport Advantage XT -- https://bhpho.to/48HUdpy Think Tank Airport TakeOff V2.0 -- https://bhpho.to/4b1HzE3 Think Tank Urban Access 15 Backpack -- https://bhpho.to/3NUwkDh WEDDING PRO TEAM: Venue: @chateauchallain Event producer: @cicievents_cynthia Planning: @dreamsindetail @by_nicoleharris @ashleytheimer_ Photography: @missaniela @imogenevephotography @charlottegriffithsphotographer @andrew_bayda Florals: @butterflyfloral @rutgermflowers @misterbrettevents Band/MC: @shinelivebandparis Welcome Party Entertainment: @blackrabbitprojects Welcome Party Lighting: @jacobco_creative After Party DJ: @djyoav Catering: @lessaveurs_dupre @inseasondining Beauty Team: @riri_roya @kristi.grimm @labellevisagenj Live Painting: @eventillustrator Pool Party: @chateaudetresse Bride's Gowns: @galialahav (Some of the above links are affiliate links. This means if we tell you about a product or service we love and you purchase something, we get a small percentage back. Thanks for trusting our referrals, and for helping us continue to invest time in wedding filmmaking education.) [thumbnails] => Array ( [default] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EU80umjeyVA/default.jpg [width] => 120 [height] => 90 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EU80umjeyVA/mqdefault.jpg [width] => 320 [height] => 180 ) [high] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EU80umjeyVA/hqdefault.jpg [width] => 480 [height] => 360 ) [standard] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EU80umjeyVA/sddefault.jpg [width] => 640 [height] => 480 ) [maxres] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EU80umjeyVA/maxresdefault.jpg [width] => 1280 [height] => 720 ) ) [channelTitle] => PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films [playlistId] => UU1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q [position] => 2 [resourceId] => Array ( [kind] => youtube#video [videoId] => EU80umjeyVA ) [videoOwnerChannelTitle] => PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films [videoOwnerChannelId] => UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q ) ) [3] => Array ( [kind] => youtube#playlistItem [etag] => LoUt5BCJu8pc-3mU8uLJxrbVi-M [id] => VVUxRHl4NWFyS0xLSW1maU1wY0dMMDFRLmU5bEM0bFhiNDVz [snippet] => Array ( [publishedAt] => 2023-08-22T17:41:47Z [channelId] => UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q [title] => SoCal Wedding Video | Montage Laguna Beach | Destination wedding videographer [description] => ♥ Jess & Ben's Stunning SoCal Wedding at Montage Laguna Beach ♥ Three days of Jessica and Ben. Ocean breezes. Culinary delights. Shots. Bear hugs. Cascading florals. More shots. Dance parties. Fashionistas. True love. And this is just the teaser... Music licensed through Musicbed. http://share.mscbd.fm/penweddings SyncID: MB01CT7WSELAZHO GEAR LIST: CAMERAS Sony a7siii -- https://bhpho.to/3NTGvIa DJI Mavic 3 Pro -- https://bhpho.to/3MOUY6Z LENSES Sony 70-200 2.8 GM iii -- https://bhpho.to/3NWUDAt ZEISS Batis 85mm f/1.8 -- https://bhpho.to/4aQtDfG Sony Planar T* FE 50mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/4aHTZAN Sony Distagon T* FE 35mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/3S9TMio Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 DG DN Art -- https://bhpho.to/41MKwUF ZEISS Batis 18mm f/2.8 Lens -- https://bhpho.to/3qVZBVU SUPPORT Really Right Stuff TQC-14 Series 1 Mk2 -- https://bhpho.to/4aPjccA iFootage Komodo K5 Fluid Head -- https://bhpho.to/3vseEbI Sirui P-324S Monopod -- https://tinyurl.com/siruimonopod Manfrotto MVH500AH head -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMVH500AH Joby Gorillapod -- https://tinyurl.com/gorillapodjoby Platypod -- https://tinyurl.com/platypodmax RL Handcrafts Clydesdale Lite Harness - https://bhpho.to/3tLrJwk AUDIO Tascam DR10L -- https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr10l Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic black -- https://bhpho.to/48r2C0M Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic white -- https://bhpho.to/47mxs9G Tascam DR100 -- https://bhpho.to/47uFbCB Zoom H2n -- https://bhpho.to/3S9UMmJ Shure LensHopper -- https://bhpho.to/4aPS50G BAGS/CASES Think Tank Airport Advantage XT -- https://bhpho.to/48HUdpy Think Tank Airport TakeOff V2.0 -- https://bhpho.to/4b1HzE3 Think Tank Urban Access 15 Backpack -- https://bhpho.to/3NUwkDh WEDDING PRO TEAM: Planning & Design | @agoodaffair @agoodaffairnatalie Photographer | @brandonkiddphoto Wedding Filmmaker | @penweddings Florals | @nisiesenchanted Rentals & Decor | @delovelydetails @bbjlatavola @foundrentalco Band/MC | @elis.band Venue | @montagelaguna Catering | @bbhcatering Beauty | @1011makeupandhair (Some of the above links are affiliate links. This means if we tell you about a product or service we love and you purchase something, we get a small percentage back. Thanks for trusting our referrals, and for helping us continue to invest time in wedding filmmaking education.) [thumbnails] => Array ( [default] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/e9lC4lXb45s/default.jpg [width] => 120 [height] => 90 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/e9lC4lXb45s/mqdefault.jpg [width] => 320 [height] => 180 ) [high] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/e9lC4lXb45s/hqdefault.jpg [width] => 480 [height] => 360 ) [standard] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/e9lC4lXb45s/sddefault.jpg [width] => 640 [height] => 480 ) [maxres] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/e9lC4lXb45s/maxresdefault.jpg [width] => 1280 [height] => 720 ) ) [channelTitle] => PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films [playlistId] => UU1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q [position] => 3 [resourceId] => Array ( [kind] => youtube#video [videoId] => e9lC4lXb45s ) [videoOwnerChannelTitle] => PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films [videoOwnerChannelId] => UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q ) ) [4] => Array ( [kind] => youtube#playlistItem [etag] => 2g0Qgn7ZBZG3yVxrhoJ6b_sFurI [id] => VVUxRHl4NWFyS0xLSW1maU1wY0dMMDFRLlQ3aHBXQmJMYVIw [snippet] => Array ( [publishedAt] => 2023-08-22T17:02:33Z [channelId] => UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q [title] => Colorful Wedding Video | Oklahoma City Golf & Country Club wedding [description] => ♥ Hannah & Trent's Colorful Oklahoma Wedding ♥ A brief glimpse into the kaleidoscope of colors and emotions that painted an unforgettable weekend. Stay tuned, because there is much more to come from Hannah & Trent's incredible celebration. Music licensed through Musicbed. http://share.mscbd.fm/penweddings SyncID: MB01GK4LTMXDFNB GEAR LIST: CAMERAS Sony a7siii -- https://bhpho.to/3NTGvIa DJI Mavic 3 Pro -- https://bhpho.to/3MOUY6Z LENSES Sony 70-200 2.8 GM iii -- https://bhpho.to/3NWUDAt ZEISS Batis 85mm f/1.8 -- https://bhpho.to/4aQtDfG Sony Planar T* FE 50mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/4aHTZAN Sony Distagon T* FE 35mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/3S9TMio Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 DG DN Art -- https://bhpho.to/41MKwUF ZEISS Batis 18mm f/2.8 Lens -- https://bhpho.to/3qVZBVU SUPPORT Really Right Stuff TQC-14 Series 1 Mk2 -- https://bhpho.to/4aPjccA iFootage Komodo K5 Fluid Head -- https://bhpho.to/3vseEbI Sirui P-324S Monopod -- https://tinyurl.com/siruimonopod Manfrotto MVH500AH head -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMVH500AH Joby Gorillapod -- https://tinyurl.com/gorillapodjoby Platypod -- https://tinyurl.com/platypodmax RL Handcrafts Clydesdale Lite Harness - https://bhpho.to/3tLrJwk AUDIO Tascam DR10L -- https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr10l Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic black -- https://bhpho.to/48r2C0M Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic white -- https://bhpho.to/47mxs9G Tascam DR100 -- https://bhpho.to/47uFbCB Zoom H2n -- https://bhpho.to/3S9UMmJ Shure LensHopper -- https://bhpho.to/4aPS50G BAGS/CASES Think Tank Airport Advantage XT -- https://bhpho.to/48HUdpy Think Tank Airport TakeOff V2.0 -- https://bhpho.to/4b1HzE3 Think Tank Urban Access 15 Backpack -- https://bhpho.to/3NUwkDh WEDDING PRO TEAM: Planning & Design | @aislebewithyouweddings Photographer | @charlastorey Wedding Filmmaker | @penweddings Florals | @bowsandarrowsflowers Rentals & Decor | @mariannesrentals & @percheventdecor Stationery | @eros_stationery Seating Chart & Custom Acrylics | @woodenheartsboutiquellc Cake | @amycakes7 Band/MC | @thegroovelinedallas Dance Floor | @imperial_floors_ Lighting | @stage2lighting Venue & Catering | @okcgcc Ceremony & Cocktail Hour Musicians | @okcentertainment Beauty | @brushedokc Rehearsal Dinner | @firstnationalokc Getaway Car | @tulsaweddingcar Gelato Cart | @propmypartyokc Bride's Gown | @warrenbarronbridal Menswear | @alltons_clothing (Some of the above links are affiliate links. This means if we tell you about a product or service we love and you purchase something, we get a small percentage back. Thanks for trusting our referrals, and for helping us continue to invest time in wedding filmmaking education.) [thumbnails] => Array ( [default] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/T7hpWBbLaR0/default.jpg [width] => 120 [height] => 90 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/T7hpWBbLaR0/mqdefault.jpg [width] => 320 [height] => 180 ) [high] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/T7hpWBbLaR0/hqdefault.jpg [width] => 480 [height] => 360 ) [standard] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/T7hpWBbLaR0/sddefault.jpg [width] => 640 [height] => 480 ) [maxres] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/T7hpWBbLaR0/maxresdefault.jpg [width] => 1280 [height] => 720 ) ) [channelTitle] => PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films [playlistId] => UU1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q [position] => 4 [resourceId] => Array ( [kind] => youtube#video [videoId] => T7hpWBbLaR0 ) [videoOwnerChannelTitle] => PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films [videoOwnerChannelId] => UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q ) ) [5] => Array ( [kind] => youtube#playlistItem [etag] => 7PNOnAdC6KqnPHCzaCZ0YhdVD_E [id] => VVUxRHl4NWFyS0xLSW1maU1wY0dMMDFRLmlXdVo1Tk5qSXhZ [snippet] => Array ( [publishedAt] => 2022-09-25T17:56:08Z [channelId] => UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q [title] => Romance at The Office | The Arlo Wedding | Austin, Texas wedding video [description] => || Copyright, PenWeddings || ♥ Romance in The Office • Gaby & Kevin's Austin wedding at The Arlo ♥ They grew up 20 miles apart in Miami, but it wasn't until Gaby and Kevin each took a job at the same company in Austin, Texas that their paths crossed. Kevin may or may not have found any excuse to pass by Gaby's desk multiple times a day. Eventually, he asked for her number, and they've been inseparable ever since. Music licensed through Musicbed. http://share.mscbd.fm/penweddings GEAR LIST: CAMERAS Sony a7siii -- https://bhpho.to/3NTGvIa DJI Mavic 3 Pro -- https://bhpho.to/3MOUY6Z LENSES Sony 70-200 2.8 GM iii -- https://bhpho.to/3NWUDAt ZEISS Batis 85mm f/1.8 -- https://bhpho.to/4aQtDfG Sony Planar T* FE 50mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/4aHTZAN Sony Distagon T* FE 35mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/3S9TMio Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 DG DN Art -- https://bhpho.to/41MKwUF ZEISS Batis 18mm f/2.8 Lens -- https://bhpho.to/3qVZBVU SUPPORT Really Right Stuff TQC-14 Series 1 Mk2 -- https://bhpho.to/4aPjccA iFootage Komodo K5 Fluid Head -- https://bhpho.to/3vseEbI Sirui P-324S Monopod -- https://tinyurl.com/siruimonopod Manfrotto MVH500AH head -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMVH500AH Joby Gorillapod -- https://tinyurl.com/gorillapodjoby Platypod -- https://tinyurl.com/platypodmax RL Handcrafts Clydesdale Lite Harness - https://bhpho.to/3tLrJwk AUDIO Tascam DR10L -- https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr10l Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic black -- https://bhpho.to/48r2C0M Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic white -- https://bhpho.to/47mxs9G Tascam DR100 -- https://bhpho.to/47uFbCB Zoom H2n -- https://bhpho.to/3S9UMmJ Shure LensHopper -- https://bhpho.to/4aPS50G BAGS/CASES Think Tank Airport Advantage XT -- https://bhpho.to/48HUdpy Think Tank Airport TakeOff V2.0 -- https://bhpho.to/4b1HzE3 Think Tank Urban Access 15 Backpack -- https://bhpho.to/3NUwkDh WEDDING PRO TEAM: Wedding Filmmaker: @penweddings Planning & Design: @pearleventsaustin @betsyvillanueva Photography: @stacysmsphoto Venue: @eventsatthearlo Florals: @bouquetsofaustin Catering: @cravecateringtx Cake: @simonleebakery Band/MC: @strat_band After Party musicians: @sofitukker Ceremony musicians: @terravistastrings Rentals & Decor: @percheventdecor @premiereeventstx @peerlesseventsandtents Dance floor: @centerstage_floors Hair & Makeup: @leahtrogan Draping: @unique_design_and_events_ Lighting: @austineventlighting Stationery: @the_inviting_pear Getaway car: @atxclassiccars Ice sculpture: @full_spectrum_ice Rehearsal Dinner Venue: @therileybuilding Rehearsal Dinner Planning: @moeventco (Some of the above links are affiliate links. This means if we tell you about a product or service we love and you purchase something, we get a small percentage back. Thanks for trusting our referrals, and for helping us continue to invest time in wedding filmmaking education.) [thumbnails] => Array ( [default] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/iWuZ5NNjIxY/default.jpg [width] => 120 [height] => 90 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/iWuZ5NNjIxY/mqdefault.jpg [width] => 320 [height] => 180 ) [high] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/iWuZ5NNjIxY/hqdefault.jpg [width] => 480 [height] => 360 ) [standard] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/iWuZ5NNjIxY/sddefault.jpg [width] => 640 [height] => 480 ) [maxres] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/iWuZ5NNjIxY/maxresdefault.jpg [width] => 1280 [height] => 720 ) ) [channelTitle] => PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films [playlistId] => UU1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q [position] => 5 [resourceId] => Array ( [kind] => youtube#video [videoId] => iWuZ5NNjIxY ) [videoOwnerChannelTitle] => PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films [videoOwnerChannelId] => UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q ) ) [6] => Array ( [kind] => youtube#playlistItem [etag] => 7uOD6SWcDITCxAyLX9L3iObhFRM [id] => VVUxRHl4NWFyS0xLSW1maU1wY0dMMDFRLkp2ZDhKc2Rtb0pn [snippet] => Array ( [publishedAt] => 2022-08-31T11:44:37Z [channelId] => UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q [title] => "I Prayed For You" | Christ-centered Scottsdale destination wedding video will make you cry [description] => || Copyright, PenWeddings || ♥ Chandler & Conner's Christ-centered Scottsdale destination wedding ♥ "I was praying for you the whole time by name and didn't know it." As Chandler said it, “For years I prayed, asking God to bring me his best. I was praying for you the whole time by name and didn’t know it.” She met Conner Best, and knew quickly he was the one. Their Scottsdale destination wedding featured deep, heartfelt speeches and vows, and showcased a setting as beautiful as their story. Music licensed through Musicbed. http://share.mscbd.fm/penweddings GEAR LIST: -CAMERAS- Sony a7siii -- https://tinyurl.com/sonya7siii DJI Mavic 2 Pro -- https://tinyurl.com/djimavic2pro -LENSES- Canon 70-200 2.8 iii -- https://tinyurl.com/Canon7020028iii Canon 70-200 2.8 ii -- https://tinyurl.com/canon70200ii Canon 70-200 2.8 -- https://tinyurl.com/canon70200i Canon 50mm 1.2 -- https://tinyurl.com/canon50mm12 Canon 16-35 2.8 iii -- https://tinyurl.com/canon1635ii Sigma Art 35 1.4 -- https://tinyurl.com/sigmaart35 Sigma Art 50 1.4 -- https://tinyurl.com/sigmaart50 Sigma Art 85 1.4 -- https://tinyurl.com/sigmaart85ef -SUPPORT- Sirui P-324S Monopods -- amzn.to/2u1ReIR or https://tinyurl.com/siruimonopod Manfrotto 535 tripod -- http://tinyurl.com/Manfrotto535 Manfrotto MT290XTC3US tripod -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMT290 Manfrotto MT055CXPRO4 tripod -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMT055 Manfrotto 502HD head -- http://tinyurl.com/Manfrotto502HD Manfrotto MVH500AH head -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMVH500AH Joby Gorillapod -- amzn.to/2t7hIEe or https://tinyurl.com/gorillapodjoby Platypod -- http://amzn.to/2G10Oht or https://tinyurl.com/platypodmax Holdfast Money Maker harness - https://tinyurl.com/holdfastmoneymaker -AUDIO- Tascam DR10L -- amzn.to/2ubnmdB or https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr10l Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic black -- amzn.to/2u20Vaj Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic white -- amzn.to/2t7dzQG Tascam DR100 -- https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr100 Zoom H2n -- http://amzn.to/2Exb97U or https://tinyurl.com/Zoomh2nrecorder Shure LensHopper -- http://amzn.to/2C8qqqo or https://tinyurl.com/ShureLensHopper -BAGS/CASES- Manfrotto case -- amzn.to/2u6D7BI or https://tinyurl.com/manfrottorollingcase Think Tank Airport Antidote 2.0 -- http://bit.ly/2DShB8A Think Tank Takeoff Rolling Camera Bag -- http://bit.ly/2E6kEea Kelly Moore messenger bags -- https://tinyurl.com/kellymoorebags WEDDING PRO TEAM: Wedding Filmmaker: @penweddings Planning & Design: @detailsdarling Photography: @brandonkiddphoto Venue: @mountainshadowsaz Florals: @thewildflowersaz Cake: @abakeshop DJ/MC: @tregothedj Rentals & Decor: @primrentals & @eventrentsaz Hair stylist: @biancajpastrana Makeup artist: @mua_nat Photobooth: @pixsterphotobooth Stationery printing: @primandpixie Bride's Dress: @inesdisanto from @destinysbride Bride's Veil: @galialahav from @stanleykorshakbride Bride's Shoes: @louboutinworld Menswear: @suitsupply & @louboutinworld Bridesmaids' dresses: @bhldn (Some of the above links are affiliate links. This means if we tell you about a product or service we love and you purchase something, we get a small percentage back. Thanks for trusting our referrals, and for helping us continue to invest time in wedding filmmaking education.) [thumbnails] => Array ( [default] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Jvd8JsdmoJg/default.jpg [width] => 120 [height] => 90 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Jvd8JsdmoJg/mqdefault.jpg [width] => 320 [height] => 180 ) [high] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Jvd8JsdmoJg/hqdefault.jpg [width] => 480 [height] => 360 ) [standard] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Jvd8JsdmoJg/sddefault.jpg [width] => 640 [height] => 480 ) [maxres] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Jvd8JsdmoJg/maxresdefault.jpg [width] => 1280 [height] => 720 ) ) [channelTitle] => PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films [playlistId] => UU1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q [position] => 6 [resourceId] => Array ( [kind] => youtube#video [videoId] => Jvd8JsdmoJg ) [videoOwnerChannelTitle] => PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films [videoOwnerChannelId] => UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q ) ) [7] => Array ( [kind] => youtube#playlistItem [etag] => rS-ViRmCqjF2K80Fo11kSFg0n1Q [id] => VVUxRHl4NWFyS0xLSW1maU1wY0dMMDFRLjFVS29oaml5RmxR [snippet] => Array ( [publishedAt] => 2022-08-30T17:34:27Z [channelId] => UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q [title] => Grooms Surprises Bride with Song | Highlands North Carolina wedding video, The Farm at Old Edwards [description] => || Copyright, PenWeddings || ♥ Rachel & Chas' beautiful Highlands, North Carolina wedding at The Farm at Old Edwards Inn ♥ A few rain showers couldn't dampen Rachel & Chas' spirits on their gorgeous wedding day at The Farm at Old Edwards. Originally planned for 2020, they waited over a year to celebrate with their friends and family in the Highlands. The cherry on top of a perfect weekend was when Chas surprised Rachel at the reception with a performance of Taylor Swift's "Lover." He had reached out to the band one month before the wedding and said, "I'd like to serenade my bride." Rachel was shocked, and we're quite certain it made all the ladies swoon. Music licensed through Musicbed. http://share.mscbd.fm/penweddings GEAR LIST: -CAMERAS- Sony a7siii -- https://tinyurl.com/sonya7siii DJI Mavic 2 Pro -- https://tinyurl.com/djimavic2pro -LENSES- Canon 70-200 2.8 iii -- https://tinyurl.com/Canon7020028iii Canon 70-200 2.8 ii -- https://tinyurl.com/canon70200ii Canon 70-200 2.8 -- https://tinyurl.com/canon70200i Canon 50mm 1.2 -- https://tinyurl.com/canon50mm12 Canon 16-35 2.8 iii -- https://tinyurl.com/canon1635ii Sigma Art 35 1.4 -- https://tinyurl.com/sigmaart35 Sigma Art 50 1.4 -- https://tinyurl.com/sigmaart50 Sigma Art 85 1.4 -- https://tinyurl.com/sigmaart85ef -SUPPORT- Sirui P-324S Monopods -- amzn.to/2u1ReIR or https://tinyurl.com/siruimonopod Manfrotto 535 tripod -- http://tinyurl.com/Manfrotto535 Manfrotto MT290XTC3US tripod -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMT290 Manfrotto MT055CXPRO4 tripod -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMT055 Manfrotto 502HD head -- http://tinyurl.com/Manfrotto502HD Manfrotto MVH500AH head -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMVH500AH Joby Gorillapod -- amzn.to/2t7hIEe or https://tinyurl.com/gorillapodjoby Platypod -- http://amzn.to/2G10Oht or https://tinyurl.com/platypodmax Holdfast Money Maker harness - https://tinyurl.com/holdfastmoneymaker -AUDIO- Tascam DR10L -- amzn.to/2ubnmdB or https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr10l Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic black -- amzn.to/2u20Vaj Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic white -- amzn.to/2t7dzQG Tascam DR100 -- https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr100 Zoom H2n -- http://amzn.to/2Exb97U or https://tinyurl.com/Zoomh2nrecorder Shure LensHopper -- http://amzn.to/2C8qqqo or https://tinyurl.com/ShureLensHopper -BAGS/CASES- Manfrotto case -- amzn.to/2u6D7BI or https://tinyurl.com/manfrottorollingcase Think Tank Airport Antidote 2.0 -- http://bit.ly/2DShB8A Think Tank Takeoff Rolling Camera Bag -- http://bit.ly/2E6kEea Kelly Moore messenger bags -- https://tinyurl.com/kellymoorebags WEDDING PRO TEAM: Wedding filmmaker | PenWeddings Planning & Design | Beckon Events Venue & Catering | The Farm at Old Edwards Inn Photography | Olivia Griffin Foto Florals | Floressence Flowers Cake | Couture Cakes of Greenville Rehearsal Dinner | Highlander Mountain House Band | Perfect 10 Band & East Coast Entertainment Ceremony musicians | Deans Duets Rentals & Decor | Professional Party Rentals Lounge furniture | Industry Event Rentals Hair & Makeup | Latia Curtis (Some of the above links are affiliate links. This means if we tell you about a product or service we love and you purchase something, we get a small percentage back. Thanks for trusting our referrals, and for helping us continue to invest time in wedding filmmaking education.) [thumbnails] => Array ( [default] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/1UKohjiyFlQ/default.jpg [width] => 120 [height] => 90 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/1UKohjiyFlQ/mqdefault.jpg [width] => 320 [height] => 180 ) [high] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/1UKohjiyFlQ/hqdefault.jpg [width] => 480 [height] => 360 ) [standard] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/1UKohjiyFlQ/sddefault.jpg [width] => 640 [height] => 480 ) [maxres] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/1UKohjiyFlQ/maxresdefault.jpg [width] => 1280 [height] => 720 ) ) [channelTitle] => PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films [playlistId] => UU1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q [position] => 7 [resourceId] => Array ( [kind] => youtube#video [videoId] => 1UKohjiyFlQ ) [videoOwnerChannelTitle] => PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films [videoOwnerChannelId] => UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q ) ) [8] => Array ( [kind] => youtube#playlistItem [etag] => NEbTWF2qdGlzeeD2hXX4GRfoXoM [id] => VVUxRHl4NWFyS0xLSW1maU1wY0dMMDFRLkRPZmx0TVRGcUFZ [snippet] => Array ( [publishedAt] => 2022-08-30T02:53:14Z [channelId] => UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q [title] => Sweetest Wedding Speech Ever | Little Girl Toasts to the Bride and Groom [description] => || Copyright, PenWeddings || The sweetest wedding speech ever! This surprise toast made everyone cry. With: @pearleventsaustin @betsyvillanueva @stacysmsphoto @eventsatthearlo @full_spectrum_ice @leahtrogan @bouquetsofaustin @unique_design_and_events_ @austineventlighting @simonleebakery @cravecateringtx @percheventdecor @premiereeventstx @the_inviting_pear @terravistastrings @peerlesseventsandtents @centerstage_floors @atxclassiccars @strat_band @therileybuilding @moeventco [thumbnails] => Array ( [default] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/DOfltMTFqAY/default.jpg [width] => 120 [height] => 90 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/DOfltMTFqAY/mqdefault.jpg [width] => 320 [height] => 180 ) [high] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/DOfltMTFqAY/hqdefault.jpg [width] => 480 [height] => 360 ) [standard] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/DOfltMTFqAY/sddefault.jpg [width] => 640 [height] => 480 ) [maxres] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/DOfltMTFqAY/maxresdefault.jpg [width] => 1280 [height] => 720 ) ) [channelTitle] => PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films [playlistId] => UU1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q [position] => 8 [resourceId] => Array ( [kind] => youtube#video [videoId] => DOfltMTFqAY ) [videoOwnerChannelTitle] => PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films [videoOwnerChannelId] => UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q ) ) ) [pageInfo] => Array ( [totalResults] => 255 [resultsPerPage] => 9 ) )
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From the Mad Hatter's welcome to the grandeur of cathedral vows and reception under sparkling fireworks, each moment was brimming with character.\n\nBut amidst all this splendor, it's their vows that echo through every memory. Quoting a favorite song, Josh said, 'Everything is pointless without you,' a sentiment that resonates in every laugh, tear, and dance. This is not just a wedding; it's a testament to a love that declares, with every heartbeat, that life is truly incomplete without the other.\n\n\nMusic licensed through Musicbed. http://share.mscbd.fm/penweddings SyncID: MB01WBVSR9IK668\n\n\nGEAR LIST: \n\nCAMERAS\nSony a7siii -- https://bhpho.to/3NTGvIa\nDJI Mavic 3 Pro -- https://bhpho.to/3MOUY6Z\n\nLENSES\nSony 70-200 2.8 GM iii -- https://bhpho.to/3NWUDAt\nZEISS Batis 85mm f/1.8 -- https://bhpho.to/4aQtDfG\nSony Planar T* FE 50mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/4aHTZAN \nSony Distagon T* FE 35mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/3S9TMio\nSigma 24-70mm f/2.8 DG DN Art -- https://bhpho.to/41MKwUF\nZEISS Batis 18mm f/2.8 Lens -- https://bhpho.to/3qVZBVU\n\nSUPPORT\nReally Right Stuff TQC-14 Series 1 Mk2 -- https://bhpho.to/4aPjccA \niFootage Komodo K5 Fluid Head -- https://bhpho.to/3vseEbI\nSirui P-324S Monopod -- https://tinyurl.com/siruimonopod \nManfrotto MVH500AH head -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMVH500AH\nJoby Gorillapod -- https://tinyurl.com/gorillapodjoby \nPlatypod -- https://tinyurl.com/platypodmax\nRL Handcrafts Clydesdale Lite Harness - https://bhpho.to/3tLrJwk\n\nAUDIO\nTascam DR10L -- https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr10l \nCountryman B3 Lavalier Mic black -- https://bhpho.to/48r2C0M\nCountryman B3 Lavalier Mic white -- https://bhpho.to/47mxs9G\nTascam DR100 -- https://bhpho.to/47uFbCB\nZoom H2n -- https://bhpho.to/3S9UMmJ\nShure LensHopper -- https://bhpho.to/4aPS50G\n\nBAGS/CASES\nThink Tank Airport Advantage XT -- https://bhpho.to/48HUdpy\nThink Tank Airport TakeOff V2.0 -- https://bhpho.to/4b1HzE3\nThink Tank Urban Access 15 Backpack -- https://bhpho.to/3NUwkDh\n\n\nWEDDING PRO TEAM:\nWedding Planner | Dreams In Detail \nPhotography | Imogeneve Photography, Charlotte Griffiths, Andrew Bayda, Miss Aniela\nWedding Filmmaker | PenWeddings \nVenue | Chateau Challain\nFlorals | Butterfly Floral, Rutger M Flowers, Mister Brett Events\nBand/MC | Shine Live Band Paris\nWelcome Party Entertainment | Black Rabbit Projects\nWelcome Party Lighting | Jacob Co Creative\nAfter Party DJ | DJ Yoav\nCatering | Lessaveurs Dupre, In Season Dining\nBeauty Team | Riri Roya, Kristi Grimm, LaBelle Visage NJ\nLive Painting | Event Illustrator\nPool Party | Chateau Detresse\nBride's Gowns | Galia Lahav\n\n\n(Some of the above links are affiliate links. This means if we tell you about a product or service we love and you purchase something, we get a small percentage back. Thanks for trusting our referrals, and for helping us continue to invest time in wedding filmmaking education.)", "thumbnails": { "default": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/hUepbdqF_L8/default.jpg", "width": 120, "height": 90 }, "medium": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/hUepbdqF_L8/mqdefault.jpg", "width": 320, "height": 180 }, "high": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/hUepbdqF_L8/hqdefault.jpg", "width": 480, "height": 360 }, "standard": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/hUepbdqF_L8/sddefault.jpg", "width": 640, "height": 480 }, "maxres": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/hUepbdqF_L8/maxresdefault.jpg", "width": 1280, "height": 720 } }, "channelTitle": "PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films", "tags": [ "chateau", "chateau wedding", "chateau wedding france", "chateau wedding venue", "destination wedding", "destination wedding france", "destination wedding video", "destination wedding videography", "europe destination wedding", "european destination wedding", "european wedding video", "france destination wedding", "france wedding", "france wedding video", "french chateau", "french wedding", "french wedding video", "penweddings youtube channel", "penweddings youtube videos", "wedding video", "wedding videography" ], "categoryId": "19", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "defaultLanguage": "en", "localized": { "title": "Michelle & Josh's French Chateau Destination Wedding Video | Chateau Challain", "description": "|| Copyright, PenWeddings ||\n\n♥ Michelle & Josh's French Chateau Destination Wedding ♥\n\nMichelle and Josh's fairytale wedding week in France is one we will never forget. From the Mad Hatter's welcome to the grandeur of cathedral vows and reception under sparkling fireworks, each moment was brimming with character.\n\nBut amidst all this splendor, it's their vows that echo through every memory. Quoting a favorite song, Josh said, 'Everything is pointless without you,' a sentiment that resonates in every laugh, tear, and dance. This is not just a wedding; it's a testament to a love that declares, with every heartbeat, that life is truly incomplete without the other.\n\n\nMusic licensed through Musicbed. http://share.mscbd.fm/penweddings SyncID: MB01WBVSR9IK668\n\n\nGEAR LIST: \n\nCAMERAS\nSony a7siii -- https://bhpho.to/3NTGvIa\nDJI Mavic 3 Pro -- https://bhpho.to/3MOUY6Z\n\nLENSES\nSony 70-200 2.8 GM iii -- https://bhpho.to/3NWUDAt\nZEISS Batis 85mm f/1.8 -- https://bhpho.to/4aQtDfG\nSony Planar T* FE 50mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/4aHTZAN \nSony Distagon T* FE 35mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/3S9TMio\nSigma 24-70mm f/2.8 DG DN Art -- https://bhpho.to/41MKwUF\nZEISS Batis 18mm f/2.8 Lens -- https://bhpho.to/3qVZBVU\n\nSUPPORT\nReally Right Stuff TQC-14 Series 1 Mk2 -- https://bhpho.to/4aPjccA \niFootage Komodo K5 Fluid Head -- https://bhpho.to/3vseEbI\nSirui P-324S Monopod -- https://tinyurl.com/siruimonopod \nManfrotto MVH500AH head -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMVH500AH\nJoby Gorillapod -- https://tinyurl.com/gorillapodjoby \nPlatypod -- https://tinyurl.com/platypodmax\nRL Handcrafts Clydesdale Lite Harness - https://bhpho.to/3tLrJwk\n\nAUDIO\nTascam DR10L -- https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr10l \nCountryman B3 Lavalier Mic black -- https://bhpho.to/48r2C0M\nCountryman B3 Lavalier Mic white -- https://bhpho.to/47mxs9G\nTascam DR100 -- https://bhpho.to/47uFbCB\nZoom H2n -- https://bhpho.to/3S9UMmJ\nShure LensHopper -- https://bhpho.to/4aPS50G\n\nBAGS/CASES\nThink Tank Airport Advantage XT -- https://bhpho.to/48HUdpy\nThink Tank Airport TakeOff V2.0 -- https://bhpho.to/4b1HzE3\nThink Tank Urban Access 15 Backpack -- https://bhpho.to/3NUwkDh\n\n\nWEDDING PRO TEAM:\nWedding Planner | Dreams In Detail \nPhotography | Imogeneve Photography, Charlotte Griffiths, Andrew Bayda, Miss Aniela\nWedding Filmmaker | PenWeddings \nVenue | Chateau Challain\nFlorals | Butterfly Floral, Rutger M Flowers, Mister Brett Events\nBand/MC | Shine Live Band Paris\nWelcome Party Entertainment | Black Rabbit Projects\nWelcome Party Lighting | Jacob Co Creative\nAfter Party DJ | DJ Yoav\nCatering | Lessaveurs Dupre, In Season Dining\nBeauty Team | Riri Roya, Kristi Grimm, LaBelle Visage NJ\nLive Painting | Event Illustrator\nPool Party | Chateau Detresse\nBride's Gowns | Galia Lahav\n\n\n(Some of the above links are affiliate links. This means if we tell you about a product or service we love and you purchase something, we get a small percentage back. Thanks for trusting our referrals, and for helping us continue to invest time in wedding filmmaking education.)" }, "defaultAudioLanguage": "en" }, "contentDetails": { "duration": "PT12M28S", "dimension": "2d", "definition": "hd", "caption": "false", "licensedContent": true, "contentRating": {}, "projection": "rectangular" }, "statistics": { "viewCount": "2712", "likeCount": "86", "favoriteCount": "0", "commentCount": "8" } }, { "id": "Rs3xXC6MtC8", "snippet": { "publishedAt": "2023-10-08T18:48:07Z", "channelId": "UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q", "title": "Biltmore Estate Wedding | Crowd roars when bride enters rain-delayed ceremony", "description": "|| Copyright, PenWeddings ||\n\n♥ Christy & Michael's incredible celebration at Biltmore Estate ♥ \n\nTo the blue hills of Asheville they went for four magical days. Morning fog unveiled the beauty of The Biltmore Estate, while vintage Porsche drives through the North Carolina mountains set the tone for brunches, hugs, toasts, laughs, and late-night parties. Oh, and there may have also been a storm of epic proportions and moves from plan A to plan B to... well, who's keeping count? But true to their friends' words, Christy and Michael are pure sunshine, and did they ever light up the room.\n\n\nMusic licensed through Musicbed. http://share.mscbd.fm/penweddings\nSyncID: MB01OP4XOKF9QB8\n\n\nGEAR LIST: \n\nCAMERAS\nSony a7siii -- https://bhpho.to/3NTGvIa\nDJI Mavic 3 Pro -- https://bhpho.to/3MOUY6Z\n\nLENSES\nSony 70-200 2.8 GM iii -- https://bhpho.to/3NWUDAt\nZEISS Batis 85mm f/1.8 -- https://bhpho.to/4aQtDfG\nSony Planar T* FE 50mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/4aHTZAN \nSony Distagon T* FE 35mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/3S9TMio\nSigma 24-70mm f/2.8 DG DN Art -- https://bhpho.to/41MKwUF\nZEISS Batis 18mm f/2.8 Lens -- https://bhpho.to/3qVZBVU\n\nSUPPORT\nReally Right Stuff TQC-14 Series 1 Mk2 -- https://bhpho.to/4aPjccA \niFootage Komodo K5 Fluid Head -- https://bhpho.to/3vseEbI\nSirui P-324S Monopod -- https://tinyurl.com/siruimonopod \nManfrotto MVH500AH head -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMVH500AH\nJoby Gorillapod -- https://tinyurl.com/gorillapodjoby \nPlatypod -- https://tinyurl.com/platypodmax\nRL Handcrafts Clydesdale Lite Harness - https://bhpho.to/3tLrJwk\n\nAUDIO\nTascam DR10L -- https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr10l \nCountryman B3 Lavalier Mic black -- https://bhpho.to/48r2C0M\nCountryman B3 Lavalier Mic white -- https://bhpho.to/47mxs9G\nTascam DR100 -- https://bhpho.to/47uFbCB\nZoom H2n -- https://bhpho.to/3S9UMmJ\nShure LensHopper -- https://bhpho.to/4aPS50G\n\nBAGS/CASES\nThink Tank Airport Advantage XT -- https://bhpho.to/48HUdpy\nThink Tank Airport TakeOff V2.0 -- https://bhpho.to/4b1HzE3\nThink Tank Urban Access 15 Backpack -- https://bhpho.to/3NUwkDh\n\n\nWEDDING PRO TEAM:\nPlanning & Design: @missieporter of @ashevilleeventco\nVenue: @BiltmoreWeddingsNC @biltmoreestate\nPhotography: @perryvaile\nWedding Filmmaker: @penweddings\nFlorals: @floressenceflowers\nLighting and A/V: @frostfl_events\nBand/MC: @thedowntownband\nVintage Getaway Car: @coatscars\nVintage Adventure Shoot Car: @weddingcars.rent\nTransportation: The Trolley Company & @vaninblk\nPrinted Material/Signage: @dbsinvitations\nCeremony Music: @carolinamusicplanner\nPhoto Booth: @remixweddings\nBeauty: @beprettycharlotte & @cottonrougeandco\nLinens, Napkins and Reveal Wall: @bbjlatavola\nRentals: @professionalparty, @thecluxelook, @whitedoorevent, @emersonjamesrental, @curatedeventscharleston, @crushbyeventworks, @industryeventrentals\nRehearsal Dinner: @eventsathighlandbrewing @highlandbrewing\n\n\n\n(Some of the above links are affiliate links. This means if we tell you about a product or service we love and you purchase something, we get a small percentage back. Thanks for trusting our referrals, and for helping us continue to invest time in wedding filmmaking education.)", "thumbnails": { "default": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Rs3xXC6MtC8/default.jpg", "width": 120, "height": 90 }, "medium": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Rs3xXC6MtC8/mqdefault.jpg", "width": 320, "height": 180 }, "high": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Rs3xXC6MtC8/hqdefault.jpg", "width": 480, "height": 360 }, "standard": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Rs3xXC6MtC8/sddefault.jpg", "width": 640, "height": 480 }, "maxres": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Rs3xXC6MtC8/maxresdefault.jpg", "width": 1280, "height": 720 } }, "channelTitle": "PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films", "tags": [ "biltmore", "biltmore estate", "biltmore estate wedding", "biltmore wedding", "destination wedding", "destination wedding video", "destination wedding videographer", "destination wedding videography", "luxury wedding", "luxury wedding video", "penweddings", "penweddings youtube channel", "rain on your wedding day", "wedding", "wedding ceremony", "wedding ceremony entrance", "wedding film", "wedding ideas", "wedding video", "wedding video cinematic", "wedding video youtube", "wedding videographer", "wedding videography" ], "categoryId": "19", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "defaultLanguage": "en", "localized": { "title": "Biltmore Estate Wedding | Crowd roars when bride enters rain-delayed ceremony", "description": "|| Copyright, PenWeddings ||\n\n♥ Christy & Michael's incredible celebration at Biltmore Estate ♥ \n\nTo the blue hills of Asheville they went for four magical days. Morning fog unveiled the beauty of The Biltmore Estate, while vintage Porsche drives through the North Carolina mountains set the tone for brunches, hugs, toasts, laughs, and late-night parties. Oh, and there may have also been a storm of epic proportions and moves from plan A to plan B to... well, who's keeping count? But true to their friends' words, Christy and Michael are pure sunshine, and did they ever light up the room.\n\n\nMusic licensed through Musicbed. http://share.mscbd.fm/penweddings\nSyncID: MB01OP4XOKF9QB8\n\n\nGEAR LIST: \n\nCAMERAS\nSony a7siii -- https://bhpho.to/3NTGvIa\nDJI Mavic 3 Pro -- https://bhpho.to/3MOUY6Z\n\nLENSES\nSony 70-200 2.8 GM iii -- https://bhpho.to/3NWUDAt\nZEISS Batis 85mm f/1.8 -- https://bhpho.to/4aQtDfG\nSony Planar T* FE 50mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/4aHTZAN \nSony Distagon T* FE 35mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/3S9TMio\nSigma 24-70mm f/2.8 DG DN Art -- https://bhpho.to/41MKwUF\nZEISS Batis 18mm f/2.8 Lens -- https://bhpho.to/3qVZBVU\n\nSUPPORT\nReally Right Stuff TQC-14 Series 1 Mk2 -- https://bhpho.to/4aPjccA \niFootage Komodo K5 Fluid Head -- https://bhpho.to/3vseEbI\nSirui P-324S Monopod -- https://tinyurl.com/siruimonopod \nManfrotto MVH500AH head -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMVH500AH\nJoby Gorillapod -- https://tinyurl.com/gorillapodjoby \nPlatypod -- https://tinyurl.com/platypodmax\nRL Handcrafts Clydesdale Lite Harness - https://bhpho.to/3tLrJwk\n\nAUDIO\nTascam DR10L -- https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr10l \nCountryman B3 Lavalier Mic black -- https://bhpho.to/48r2C0M\nCountryman B3 Lavalier Mic white -- https://bhpho.to/47mxs9G\nTascam DR100 -- https://bhpho.to/47uFbCB\nZoom H2n -- https://bhpho.to/3S9UMmJ\nShure LensHopper -- https://bhpho.to/4aPS50G\n\nBAGS/CASES\nThink Tank Airport Advantage XT -- https://bhpho.to/48HUdpy\nThink Tank Airport TakeOff V2.0 -- https://bhpho.to/4b1HzE3\nThink Tank Urban Access 15 Backpack -- https://bhpho.to/3NUwkDh\n\n\nWEDDING PRO TEAM:\nPlanning & Design: @missieporter of @ashevilleeventco\nVenue: @BiltmoreWeddingsNC @biltmoreestate\nPhotography: @perryvaile\nWedding Filmmaker: @penweddings\nFlorals: @floressenceflowers\nLighting and A/V: @frostfl_events\nBand/MC: @thedowntownband\nVintage Getaway Car: @coatscars\nVintage Adventure Shoot Car: @weddingcars.rent\nTransportation: The Trolley Company & @vaninblk\nPrinted Material/Signage: @dbsinvitations\nCeremony Music: @carolinamusicplanner\nPhoto Booth: @remixweddings\nBeauty: @beprettycharlotte & @cottonrougeandco\nLinens, Napkins and Reveal Wall: @bbjlatavola\nRentals: @professionalparty, @thecluxelook, @whitedoorevent, @emersonjamesrental, @curatedeventscharleston, @crushbyeventworks, @industryeventrentals\nRehearsal Dinner: @eventsathighlandbrewing @highlandbrewing\n\n\n\n(Some of the above links are affiliate links. This means if we tell you about a product or service we love and you purchase something, we get a small percentage back. Thanks for trusting our referrals, and for helping us continue to invest time in wedding filmmaking education.)" }, "defaultAudioLanguage": "en" }, "contentDetails": { "duration": "PT1M36S", "dimension": "2d", "definition": "hd", "caption": "false", "licensedContent": true, "contentRating": {}, "projection": "rectangular" }, "statistics": { "viewCount": "2008", "likeCount": "42", "favoriteCount": "0", "commentCount": "3" } }, { "id": "EU80umjeyVA", "snippet": { "publishedAt": "2023-08-22T18:08:55Z", "channelId": "UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q", "title": "Wedding In France | Destination wedding video at Chateau Challain", "description": "♥ Michelle & Josh's destination wedding in France at Chateau Challain ♥ \n\nLost in the enchantment of a French chateau tale: A Mad Hatter's welcome, cathedral vows, Galia Lahav dreams, character-filled scenes, carriage whispers, fireworks painting the night sky, and a 'hangover' pool party for the morning after. Michelle & Josh's week? Lord have mercy, where do I begin?\n\n\nMusic licensed through Musicbed. http://share.mscbd.fm/penweddings\nSyncID: MB01COEI4U0DSGB\n\nGEAR LIST: \n\nCAMERAS\nSony a7siii -- https://bhpho.to/3NTGvIa\nDJI Mavic 3 Pro -- https://bhpho.to/3MOUY6Z\n\nLENSES\nSony 70-200 2.8 GM iii -- https://bhpho.to/3NWUDAt\nZEISS Batis 85mm f/1.8 -- https://bhpho.to/4aQtDfG\nSony Planar T* FE 50mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/4aHTZAN \nSony Distagon T* FE 35mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/3S9TMio\nSigma 24-70mm f/2.8 DG DN Art -- https://bhpho.to/41MKwUF\nZEISS Batis 18mm f/2.8 Lens -- https://bhpho.to/3qVZBVU\n\nSUPPORT\nReally Right Stuff TQC-14 Series 1 Mk2 -- https://bhpho.to/4aPjccA \niFootage Komodo K5 Fluid Head -- https://bhpho.to/3vseEbI\nSirui P-324S Monopod -- https://tinyurl.com/siruimonopod \nManfrotto MVH500AH head -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMVH500AH\nJoby Gorillapod -- https://tinyurl.com/gorillapodjoby \nPlatypod -- https://tinyurl.com/platypodmax\nRL Handcrafts Clydesdale Lite Harness - https://bhpho.to/3tLrJwk\n\nAUDIO\nTascam DR10L -- https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr10l \nCountryman B3 Lavalier Mic black -- https://bhpho.to/48r2C0M\nCountryman B3 Lavalier Mic white -- https://bhpho.to/47mxs9G\nTascam DR100 -- https://bhpho.to/47uFbCB\nZoom H2n -- https://bhpho.to/3S9UMmJ\nShure LensHopper -- https://bhpho.to/4aPS50G\n\nBAGS/CASES\nThink Tank Airport Advantage XT -- https://bhpho.to/48HUdpy\nThink Tank Airport TakeOff V2.0 -- https://bhpho.to/4b1HzE3\nThink Tank Urban Access 15 Backpack -- https://bhpho.to/3NUwkDh\n\n\nWEDDING PRO TEAM:\nVenue: @chateauchallain\nEvent producer: @cicievents_cynthia\nPlanning: @dreamsindetail @by_nicoleharris @ashleytheimer_\nPhotography: @missaniela @imogenevephotography @charlottegriffithsphotographer @andrew_bayda\nFlorals: @butterflyfloral @rutgermflowers @misterbrettevents\nBand/MC: @shinelivebandparis\nWelcome Party Entertainment: @blackrabbitprojects\nWelcome Party Lighting: @jacobco_creative\nAfter Party DJ: @djyoav\nCatering: @lessaveurs_dupre @inseasondining\nBeauty Team: @riri_roya @kristi.grimm @labellevisagenj\nLive Painting: @eventillustrator\nPool Party: @chateaudetresse\nBride's Gowns: @galialahav\n\n\n\n(Some of the above links are affiliate links. This means if we tell you about a product or service we love and you purchase something, we get a small percentage back. Thanks for trusting our referrals, and for helping us continue to invest time in wedding filmmaking education.)", "thumbnails": { "default": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EU80umjeyVA/default.jpg", "width": 120, "height": 90 }, "medium": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EU80umjeyVA/mqdefault.jpg", "width": 320, "height": 180 }, "high": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EU80umjeyVA/hqdefault.jpg", "width": 480, "height": 360 }, "standard": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EU80umjeyVA/sddefault.jpg", "width": 640, "height": 480 }, "maxres": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EU80umjeyVA/maxresdefault.jpg", "width": 1280, "height": 720 } }, "channelTitle": "PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films", "tags": [ "chateau challain", "chateau challain la potherie", "chateau challain wedding", "chateau wedding", "chateau wedding france", "destination wedding", "destination wedding france", "destination wedding trailer", "destination wedding video", "dream wedding", "europe wedding", "europe wedding video", "france wedding", "france wedding video", "french wedding", "galia lahav", "galia lahav wedding dresses", "penn weddings", "penweddings", "penweddings youtube", "wedding", "wedding film", "wedding in france", "wedding video" ], "categoryId": "19", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "defaultLanguage": "en", "localized": { "title": "Wedding In France | Destination wedding video at Chateau Challain", "description": "♥ Michelle & Josh's destination wedding in France at Chateau Challain ♥ \n\nLost in the enchantment of a French chateau tale: A Mad Hatter's welcome, cathedral vows, Galia Lahav dreams, character-filled scenes, carriage whispers, fireworks painting the night sky, and a 'hangover' pool party for the morning after. Michelle & Josh's week? Lord have mercy, where do I begin?\n\n\nMusic licensed through Musicbed. http://share.mscbd.fm/penweddings\nSyncID: MB01COEI4U0DSGB\n\nGEAR LIST: \n\nCAMERAS\nSony a7siii -- https://bhpho.to/3NTGvIa\nDJI Mavic 3 Pro -- https://bhpho.to/3MOUY6Z\n\nLENSES\nSony 70-200 2.8 GM iii -- https://bhpho.to/3NWUDAt\nZEISS Batis 85mm f/1.8 -- https://bhpho.to/4aQtDfG\nSony Planar T* FE 50mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/4aHTZAN \nSony Distagon T* FE 35mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/3S9TMio\nSigma 24-70mm f/2.8 DG DN Art -- https://bhpho.to/41MKwUF\nZEISS Batis 18mm f/2.8 Lens -- https://bhpho.to/3qVZBVU\n\nSUPPORT\nReally Right Stuff TQC-14 Series 1 Mk2 -- https://bhpho.to/4aPjccA \niFootage Komodo K5 Fluid Head -- https://bhpho.to/3vseEbI\nSirui P-324S Monopod -- https://tinyurl.com/siruimonopod \nManfrotto MVH500AH head -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMVH500AH\nJoby Gorillapod -- https://tinyurl.com/gorillapodjoby \nPlatypod -- https://tinyurl.com/platypodmax\nRL Handcrafts Clydesdale Lite Harness - https://bhpho.to/3tLrJwk\n\nAUDIO\nTascam DR10L -- https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr10l \nCountryman B3 Lavalier Mic black -- https://bhpho.to/48r2C0M\nCountryman B3 Lavalier Mic white -- https://bhpho.to/47mxs9G\nTascam DR100 -- https://bhpho.to/47uFbCB\nZoom H2n -- https://bhpho.to/3S9UMmJ\nShure LensHopper -- https://bhpho.to/4aPS50G\n\nBAGS/CASES\nThink Tank Airport Advantage XT -- https://bhpho.to/48HUdpy\nThink Tank Airport TakeOff V2.0 -- https://bhpho.to/4b1HzE3\nThink Tank Urban Access 15 Backpack -- https://bhpho.to/3NUwkDh\n\n\nWEDDING PRO TEAM:\nVenue: @chateauchallain\nEvent producer: @cicievents_cynthia\nPlanning: @dreamsindetail @by_nicoleharris @ashleytheimer_\nPhotography: @missaniela @imogenevephotography @charlottegriffithsphotographer @andrew_bayda\nFlorals: @butterflyfloral @rutgermflowers @misterbrettevents\nBand/MC: @shinelivebandparis\nWelcome Party Entertainment: @blackrabbitprojects\nWelcome Party Lighting: @jacobco_creative\nAfter Party DJ: @djyoav\nCatering: @lessaveurs_dupre @inseasondining\nBeauty Team: @riri_roya @kristi.grimm @labellevisagenj\nLive Painting: @eventillustrator\nPool Party: @chateaudetresse\nBride's Gowns: @galialahav\n\n\n\n(Some of the above links are affiliate links. This means if we tell you about a product or service we love and you purchase something, we get a small percentage back. Thanks for trusting our referrals, and for helping us continue to invest time in wedding filmmaking education.)" }, "defaultAudioLanguage": "en" }, "contentDetails": { "duration": "PT1M47S", "dimension": "2d", "definition": "hd", "caption": "false", "licensedContent": true, "contentRating": {}, "projection": "rectangular" }, "statistics": { "viewCount": "3179", "likeCount": "81", "favoriteCount": "0", "commentCount": "23" } }, { "id": "e9lC4lXb45s", "snippet": { "publishedAt": "2023-08-22T17:41:47Z", "channelId": "UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q", "title": "SoCal Wedding Video | Montage Laguna Beach | Destination wedding videographer", "description": "♥ Jess & Ben's Stunning SoCal Wedding at Montage Laguna Beach ♥ \n\nThree days of Jessica and Ben.\n\nOcean breezes. Culinary delights. Shots. Bear hugs. Cascading florals. More shots. Dance parties. Fashionistas.\n\nTrue love.\n\nAnd this is just the teaser...\n\n\nMusic licensed through Musicbed. http://share.mscbd.fm/penweddings\nSyncID: MB01CT7WSELAZHO\n\nGEAR LIST: \n\nCAMERAS\nSony a7siii -- https://bhpho.to/3NTGvIa\nDJI Mavic 3 Pro -- https://bhpho.to/3MOUY6Z\n\nLENSES\nSony 70-200 2.8 GM iii -- https://bhpho.to/3NWUDAt\nZEISS Batis 85mm f/1.8 -- https://bhpho.to/4aQtDfG\nSony Planar T* FE 50mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/4aHTZAN \nSony Distagon T* FE 35mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/3S9TMio\nSigma 24-70mm f/2.8 DG DN Art -- https://bhpho.to/41MKwUF\nZEISS Batis 18mm f/2.8 Lens -- https://bhpho.to/3qVZBVU\n\nSUPPORT\nReally Right Stuff TQC-14 Series 1 Mk2 -- https://bhpho.to/4aPjccA \niFootage Komodo K5 Fluid Head -- https://bhpho.to/3vseEbI\nSirui P-324S Monopod -- https://tinyurl.com/siruimonopod \nManfrotto MVH500AH head -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMVH500AH\nJoby Gorillapod -- https://tinyurl.com/gorillapodjoby \nPlatypod -- https://tinyurl.com/platypodmax\nRL Handcrafts Clydesdale Lite Harness - https://bhpho.to/3tLrJwk\n\nAUDIO\nTascam DR10L -- https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr10l \nCountryman B3 Lavalier Mic black -- https://bhpho.to/48r2C0M\nCountryman B3 Lavalier Mic white -- https://bhpho.to/47mxs9G\nTascam DR100 -- https://bhpho.to/47uFbCB\nZoom H2n -- https://bhpho.to/3S9UMmJ\nShure LensHopper -- https://bhpho.to/4aPS50G\n\nBAGS/CASES\nThink Tank Airport Advantage XT -- https://bhpho.to/48HUdpy\nThink Tank Airport TakeOff V2.0 -- https://bhpho.to/4b1HzE3\nThink Tank Urban Access 15 Backpack -- https://bhpho.to/3NUwkDh\n\n\nWEDDING PRO TEAM:\nPlanning & Design | @agoodaffair @agoodaffairnatalie\nPhotographer | @brandonkiddphoto\nWedding Filmmaker | @penweddings\nFlorals | @nisiesenchanted\nRentals & Decor | @delovelydetails @bbjlatavola @foundrentalco \nBand/MC | @elis.band\nVenue | @montagelaguna\nCatering | @bbhcatering\nBeauty | @1011makeupandhair\n\n\n\n(Some of the above links are affiliate links. This means if we tell you about a product or service we love and you purchase something, we get a small percentage back. Thanks for trusting our referrals, and for helping us continue to invest time in wedding filmmaking education.)", "thumbnails": { "default": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/e9lC4lXb45s/default.jpg", "width": 120, "height": 90 }, "medium": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/e9lC4lXb45s/mqdefault.jpg", "width": 320, "height": 180 }, "high": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/e9lC4lXb45s/hqdefault.jpg", "width": 480, "height": 360 }, "standard": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/e9lC4lXb45s/sddefault.jpg", "width": 640, "height": 480 }, "maxres": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/e9lC4lXb45s/maxresdefault.jpg", "width": 1280, "height": 720 } }, "channelTitle": "PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films", "tags": [ "california wedding", "destination wedding", "destination wedding trailer", "destination wedding video", "destination wedding videographer", "destination wedding videography", "eli's band wedding", "jewish wedding", "jewish wedding dance", "jewish wedding video", "laguna beach wedding", "montage laguna beach wedding", "orange county wedding", "penn weddings", "penweddings", "penweddings youtube", "socal wedding", "socal wedding venue", "socal wedding videographer", "wedding video", "wedding videography", "weddings" ], "categoryId": "19", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "defaultLanguage": "en", "localized": { "title": "SoCal Wedding Video | Montage Laguna Beach | Destination wedding videographer", "description": "♥ Jess & Ben's Stunning SoCal Wedding at Montage Laguna Beach ♥ \n\nThree days of Jessica and Ben.\n\nOcean breezes. Culinary delights. Shots. Bear hugs. Cascading florals. More shots. Dance parties. Fashionistas.\n\nTrue love.\n\nAnd this is just the teaser...\n\n\nMusic licensed through Musicbed. http://share.mscbd.fm/penweddings\nSyncID: MB01CT7WSELAZHO\n\nGEAR LIST: \n\nCAMERAS\nSony a7siii -- https://bhpho.to/3NTGvIa\nDJI Mavic 3 Pro -- https://bhpho.to/3MOUY6Z\n\nLENSES\nSony 70-200 2.8 GM iii -- https://bhpho.to/3NWUDAt\nZEISS Batis 85mm f/1.8 -- https://bhpho.to/4aQtDfG\nSony Planar T* FE 50mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/4aHTZAN \nSony Distagon T* FE 35mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/3S9TMio\nSigma 24-70mm f/2.8 DG DN Art -- https://bhpho.to/41MKwUF\nZEISS Batis 18mm f/2.8 Lens -- https://bhpho.to/3qVZBVU\n\nSUPPORT\nReally Right Stuff TQC-14 Series 1 Mk2 -- https://bhpho.to/4aPjccA \niFootage Komodo K5 Fluid Head -- https://bhpho.to/3vseEbI\nSirui P-324S Monopod -- https://tinyurl.com/siruimonopod \nManfrotto MVH500AH head -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMVH500AH\nJoby Gorillapod -- https://tinyurl.com/gorillapodjoby \nPlatypod -- https://tinyurl.com/platypodmax\nRL Handcrafts Clydesdale Lite Harness - https://bhpho.to/3tLrJwk\n\nAUDIO\nTascam DR10L -- https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr10l \nCountryman B3 Lavalier Mic black -- https://bhpho.to/48r2C0M\nCountryman B3 Lavalier Mic white -- https://bhpho.to/47mxs9G\nTascam DR100 -- https://bhpho.to/47uFbCB\nZoom H2n -- https://bhpho.to/3S9UMmJ\nShure LensHopper -- https://bhpho.to/4aPS50G\n\nBAGS/CASES\nThink Tank Airport Advantage XT -- https://bhpho.to/48HUdpy\nThink Tank Airport TakeOff V2.0 -- https://bhpho.to/4b1HzE3\nThink Tank Urban Access 15 Backpack -- https://bhpho.to/3NUwkDh\n\n\nWEDDING PRO TEAM:\nPlanning & Design | @agoodaffair @agoodaffairnatalie\nPhotographer | @brandonkiddphoto\nWedding Filmmaker | @penweddings\nFlorals | @nisiesenchanted\nRentals & Decor | @delovelydetails @bbjlatavola @foundrentalco \nBand/MC | @elis.band\nVenue | @montagelaguna\nCatering | @bbhcatering\nBeauty | @1011makeupandhair\n\n\n\n(Some of the above links are affiliate links. This means if we tell you about a product or service we love and you purchase something, we get a small percentage back. Thanks for trusting our referrals, and for helping us continue to invest time in wedding filmmaking education.)" }, "defaultAudioLanguage": "en" }, "contentDetails": { "duration": "PT1M37S", "dimension": "2d", "definition": "hd", "caption": "false", "licensedContent": true, "contentRating": {}, "projection": "rectangular" }, "statistics": { "viewCount": "1498", "likeCount": "20", "favoriteCount": "0", "commentCount": "1" } }, { "id": "T7hpWBbLaR0", "snippet": { "publishedAt": "2023-08-22T17:02:33Z", "channelId": "UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q", "title": "Colorful Wedding Video | Oklahoma City Golf & Country Club wedding", "description": "♥ Hannah & Trent's Colorful Oklahoma Wedding ♥ \n\nA brief glimpse into the kaleidoscope of colors and emotions that painted an unforgettable weekend. Stay tuned, because there is much more to come from Hannah & Trent's incredible celebration.\n\n\nMusic licensed through Musicbed. http://share.mscbd.fm/penweddings\nSyncID: MB01GK4LTMXDFNB\n\nGEAR LIST: \n\nCAMERAS\nSony a7siii -- https://bhpho.to/3NTGvIa\nDJI Mavic 3 Pro -- https://bhpho.to/3MOUY6Z\n\nLENSES\nSony 70-200 2.8 GM iii -- https://bhpho.to/3NWUDAt\nZEISS Batis 85mm f/1.8 -- https://bhpho.to/4aQtDfG\nSony Planar T* FE 50mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/4aHTZAN \nSony Distagon T* FE 35mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/3S9TMio\nSigma 24-70mm f/2.8 DG DN Art -- https://bhpho.to/41MKwUF\nZEISS Batis 18mm f/2.8 Lens -- https://bhpho.to/3qVZBVU\n\nSUPPORT\nReally Right Stuff TQC-14 Series 1 Mk2 -- https://bhpho.to/4aPjccA \niFootage Komodo K5 Fluid Head -- https://bhpho.to/3vseEbI\nSirui P-324S Monopod -- https://tinyurl.com/siruimonopod \nManfrotto MVH500AH head -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMVH500AH\nJoby Gorillapod -- https://tinyurl.com/gorillapodjoby \nPlatypod -- https://tinyurl.com/platypodmax\nRL Handcrafts Clydesdale Lite Harness - https://bhpho.to/3tLrJwk\n\nAUDIO\nTascam DR10L -- https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr10l \nCountryman B3 Lavalier Mic black -- https://bhpho.to/48r2C0M\nCountryman B3 Lavalier Mic white -- https://bhpho.to/47mxs9G\nTascam DR100 -- https://bhpho.to/47uFbCB\nZoom H2n -- https://bhpho.to/3S9UMmJ\nShure LensHopper -- https://bhpho.to/4aPS50G\n\nBAGS/CASES\nThink Tank Airport Advantage XT -- https://bhpho.to/48HUdpy\nThink Tank Airport TakeOff V2.0 -- https://bhpho.to/4b1HzE3\nThink Tank Urban Access 15 Backpack -- https://bhpho.to/3NUwkDh\n\n\nWEDDING PRO TEAM:\nPlanning & Design | @aislebewithyouweddings\nPhotographer | @charlastorey\nWedding Filmmaker | @penweddings\nFlorals | @bowsandarrowsflowers\nRentals & Decor | @mariannesrentals & @percheventdecor\nStationery | @eros_stationery\nSeating Chart & Custom Acrylics | @woodenheartsboutiquellc\nCake | @amycakes7\nBand/MC | @thegroovelinedallas\nDance Floor | @imperial_floors_\nLighting | @stage2lighting\nVenue & Catering | @okcgcc\nCeremony & Cocktail Hour Musicians | @okcentertainment\nBeauty | @brushedokc\nRehearsal Dinner | @firstnationalokc\nGetaway Car | @tulsaweddingcar\nGelato Cart | @propmypartyokc\nBride's Gown | @warrenbarronbridal\nMenswear | @alltons_clothing\n\n\n\n(Some of the above links are affiliate links. This means if we tell you about a product or service we love and you purchase something, we get a small percentage back. Thanks for trusting our referrals, and for helping us continue to invest time in wedding filmmaking education.)", "thumbnails": { "default": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/T7hpWBbLaR0/default.jpg", "width": 120, "height": 90 }, "medium": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/T7hpWBbLaR0/mqdefault.jpg", "width": 320, "height": 180 }, "high": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/T7hpWBbLaR0/hqdefault.jpg", "width": 480, "height": 360 }, "standard": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/T7hpWBbLaR0/sddefault.jpg", "width": 640, "height": 480 }, "maxres": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/T7hpWBbLaR0/maxresdefault.jpg", "width": 1280, "height": 720 } }, "channelTitle": "PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films", "tags": [ "colorful wedding", "colorful wedding ceremony", "colorful wedding flower arrangements", "colorful wedding flowers", "colorful wedding reception", "colorful wedding reception ideas", "colorful wedding video", "okc wedding videographer", "oklahoma wedding videographer", "penweddings", "penweddings youtube", "wedding day", "wedding film", "wedding ideas", "wedding planning", "wedding speech", "wedding story", "wedding teaser", "wedding toast", "wedding video", "wedding videography" ], "categoryId": "19", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "defaultLanguage": "en", "localized": { "title": "Colorful Wedding Video | Oklahoma City Golf & Country Club wedding", "description": "♥ Hannah & Trent's Colorful Oklahoma Wedding ♥ \n\nA brief glimpse into the kaleidoscope of colors and emotions that painted an unforgettable weekend. Stay tuned, because there is much more to come from Hannah & Trent's incredible celebration.\n\n\nMusic licensed through Musicbed. http://share.mscbd.fm/penweddings\nSyncID: MB01GK4LTMXDFNB\n\nGEAR LIST: \n\nCAMERAS\nSony a7siii -- https://bhpho.to/3NTGvIa\nDJI Mavic 3 Pro -- https://bhpho.to/3MOUY6Z\n\nLENSES\nSony 70-200 2.8 GM iii -- https://bhpho.to/3NWUDAt\nZEISS Batis 85mm f/1.8 -- https://bhpho.to/4aQtDfG\nSony Planar T* FE 50mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/4aHTZAN \nSony Distagon T* FE 35mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/3S9TMio\nSigma 24-70mm f/2.8 DG DN Art -- https://bhpho.to/41MKwUF\nZEISS Batis 18mm f/2.8 Lens -- https://bhpho.to/3qVZBVU\n\nSUPPORT\nReally Right Stuff TQC-14 Series 1 Mk2 -- https://bhpho.to/4aPjccA \niFootage Komodo K5 Fluid Head -- https://bhpho.to/3vseEbI\nSirui P-324S Monopod -- https://tinyurl.com/siruimonopod \nManfrotto MVH500AH head -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMVH500AH\nJoby Gorillapod -- https://tinyurl.com/gorillapodjoby \nPlatypod -- https://tinyurl.com/platypodmax\nRL Handcrafts Clydesdale Lite Harness - https://bhpho.to/3tLrJwk\n\nAUDIO\nTascam DR10L -- https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr10l \nCountryman B3 Lavalier Mic black -- https://bhpho.to/48r2C0M\nCountryman B3 Lavalier Mic white -- https://bhpho.to/47mxs9G\nTascam DR100 -- https://bhpho.to/47uFbCB\nZoom H2n -- https://bhpho.to/3S9UMmJ\nShure LensHopper -- https://bhpho.to/4aPS50G\n\nBAGS/CASES\nThink Tank Airport Advantage XT -- https://bhpho.to/48HUdpy\nThink Tank Airport TakeOff V2.0 -- https://bhpho.to/4b1HzE3\nThink Tank Urban Access 15 Backpack -- https://bhpho.to/3NUwkDh\n\n\nWEDDING PRO TEAM:\nPlanning & Design | @aislebewithyouweddings\nPhotographer | @charlastorey\nWedding Filmmaker | @penweddings\nFlorals | @bowsandarrowsflowers\nRentals & Decor | @mariannesrentals & @percheventdecor\nStationery | @eros_stationery\nSeating Chart & Custom Acrylics | @woodenheartsboutiquellc\nCake | @amycakes7\nBand/MC | @thegroovelinedallas\nDance Floor | @imperial_floors_\nLighting | @stage2lighting\nVenue & Catering | @okcgcc\nCeremony & Cocktail Hour Musicians | @okcentertainment\nBeauty | @brushedokc\nRehearsal Dinner | @firstnationalokc\nGetaway Car | @tulsaweddingcar\nGelato Cart | @propmypartyokc\nBride's Gown | @warrenbarronbridal\nMenswear | @alltons_clothing\n\n\n\n(Some of the above links are affiliate links. This means if we tell you about a product or service we love and you purchase something, we get a small percentage back. Thanks for trusting our referrals, and for helping us continue to invest time in wedding filmmaking education.)" }, "defaultAudioLanguage": "en" }, "contentDetails": { "duration": "PT1M28S", "dimension": "2d", "definition": "hd", "caption": "false", "licensedContent": true, "contentRating": {}, "projection": "rectangular" }, "statistics": { "viewCount": "822", "likeCount": "32", "favoriteCount": "0", "commentCount": "4" } }, { "id": "iWuZ5NNjIxY", "snippet": { "publishedAt": "2022-09-25T17:56:08Z", "channelId": "UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q", "title": "Romance at The Office | The Arlo Wedding | Austin, Texas wedding video", "description": "|| Copyright, PenWeddings ||\n\n♥ Romance in The Office • Gaby & Kevin's Austin wedding at The Arlo ♥\n\nThey grew up 20 miles apart in Miami, but it wasn't until Gaby and Kevin each took a job at the same company in Austin, Texas that their paths crossed. Kevin may or may not have found any excuse to pass by Gaby's desk multiple times a day. Eventually, he asked for her number, and they've been inseparable ever since.\n\n\nMusic licensed through Musicbed. http://share.mscbd.fm/penweddings\n\n\nGEAR LIST: \n\nCAMERAS\nSony a7siii -- https://bhpho.to/3NTGvIa\nDJI Mavic 3 Pro -- https://bhpho.to/3MOUY6Z\n\nLENSES\nSony 70-200 2.8 GM iii -- https://bhpho.to/3NWUDAt\nZEISS Batis 85mm f/1.8 -- https://bhpho.to/4aQtDfG\nSony Planar T* FE 50mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/4aHTZAN \nSony Distagon T* FE 35mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/3S9TMio\nSigma 24-70mm f/2.8 DG DN Art -- https://bhpho.to/41MKwUF\nZEISS Batis 18mm f/2.8 Lens -- https://bhpho.to/3qVZBVU\n\nSUPPORT\nReally Right Stuff TQC-14 Series 1 Mk2 -- https://bhpho.to/4aPjccA \niFootage Komodo K5 Fluid Head -- https://bhpho.to/3vseEbI\nSirui P-324S Monopod -- https://tinyurl.com/siruimonopod \nManfrotto MVH500AH head -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMVH500AH\nJoby Gorillapod -- https://tinyurl.com/gorillapodjoby \nPlatypod -- https://tinyurl.com/platypodmax\nRL Handcrafts Clydesdale Lite Harness - https://bhpho.to/3tLrJwk\n\nAUDIO\nTascam DR10L -- https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr10l \nCountryman B3 Lavalier Mic black -- https://bhpho.to/48r2C0M\nCountryman B3 Lavalier Mic white -- https://bhpho.to/47mxs9G\nTascam DR100 -- https://bhpho.to/47uFbCB\nZoom H2n -- https://bhpho.to/3S9UMmJ\nShure LensHopper -- https://bhpho.to/4aPS50G\n\nBAGS/CASES\nThink Tank Airport Advantage XT -- https://bhpho.to/48HUdpy\nThink Tank Airport TakeOff V2.0 -- https://bhpho.to/4b1HzE3\nThink Tank Urban Access 15 Backpack -- https://bhpho.to/3NUwkDh\n\n\nWEDDING PRO TEAM:\nWedding Filmmaker: @penweddings\nPlanning & Design: @pearleventsaustin @betsyvillanueva\nPhotography: @stacysmsphoto\nVenue: @eventsatthearlo\nFlorals: @bouquetsofaustin\nCatering: @cravecateringtx\nCake: @simonleebakery\nBand/MC: @strat_band\nAfter Party musicians: @sofitukker\nCeremony musicians: @terravistastrings\nRentals & Decor: @percheventdecor @premiereeventstx @peerlesseventsandtents\nDance floor: @centerstage_floors\nHair & Makeup: @leahtrogan\nDraping: @unique_design_and_events_\nLighting: @austineventlighting\nStationery: @the_inviting_pear\nGetaway car: @atxclassiccars\nIce sculpture: @full_spectrum_ice\nRehearsal Dinner Venue: @therileybuilding\nRehearsal Dinner Planning: @moeventco\n\n\n\n(Some of the above links are affiliate links. This means if we tell you about a product or service we love and you purchase something, we get a small percentage back. Thanks for trusting our referrals, and for helping us continue to invest time in wedding filmmaking education.)", "thumbnails": { "default": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/iWuZ5NNjIxY/default.jpg", "width": 120, "height": 90 }, "medium": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/iWuZ5NNjIxY/mqdefault.jpg", "width": 320, "height": 180 }, "high": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/iWuZ5NNjIxY/hqdefault.jpg", "width": 480, "height": 360 }, "standard": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/iWuZ5NNjIxY/sddefault.jpg", "width": 640, "height": 480 }, "maxres": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/iWuZ5NNjIxY/maxresdefault.jpg", "width": 1280, "height": 720 } }, "channelTitle": "PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films", "tags": [ "austin texas wedding", "austin texas wedding venues", "austin texas wedding videographer", "austin wedding", "austin wedding venues", "austin wedding video", "austin wedding videographer", "austin wedding videography", "penweddings", "sofi tukker", "texas wedding venues", "texas wedding videographer", "texas wedding videography", "texas wedding videos", "the arlo", "the arlo austin", "the arlo wedding", "the office love", "the office love story", "the office romance", "wedding", "wedding video", "wedding videography" ], "categoryId": "19", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "defaultLanguage": "en", "localized": { "title": "Romance at The Office | The Arlo Wedding | Austin, Texas wedding video", "description": "|| Copyright, PenWeddings ||\n\n♥ Romance in The Office • Gaby & Kevin's Austin wedding at The Arlo ♥\n\nThey grew up 20 miles apart in Miami, but it wasn't until Gaby and Kevin each took a job at the same company in Austin, Texas that their paths crossed. Kevin may or may not have found any excuse to pass by Gaby's desk multiple times a day. Eventually, he asked for her number, and they've been inseparable ever since.\n\n\nMusic licensed through Musicbed. http://share.mscbd.fm/penweddings\n\n\nGEAR LIST: \n\nCAMERAS\nSony a7siii -- https://bhpho.to/3NTGvIa\nDJI Mavic 3 Pro -- https://bhpho.to/3MOUY6Z\n\nLENSES\nSony 70-200 2.8 GM iii -- https://bhpho.to/3NWUDAt\nZEISS Batis 85mm f/1.8 -- https://bhpho.to/4aQtDfG\nSony Planar T* FE 50mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/4aHTZAN \nSony Distagon T* FE 35mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/3S9TMio\nSigma 24-70mm f/2.8 DG DN Art -- https://bhpho.to/41MKwUF\nZEISS Batis 18mm f/2.8 Lens -- https://bhpho.to/3qVZBVU\n\nSUPPORT\nReally Right Stuff TQC-14 Series 1 Mk2 -- https://bhpho.to/4aPjccA \niFootage Komodo K5 Fluid Head -- https://bhpho.to/3vseEbI\nSirui P-324S Monopod -- https://tinyurl.com/siruimonopod \nManfrotto MVH500AH head -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMVH500AH\nJoby Gorillapod -- https://tinyurl.com/gorillapodjoby \nPlatypod -- https://tinyurl.com/platypodmax\nRL Handcrafts Clydesdale Lite Harness - https://bhpho.to/3tLrJwk\n\nAUDIO\nTascam DR10L -- https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr10l \nCountryman B3 Lavalier Mic black -- https://bhpho.to/48r2C0M\nCountryman B3 Lavalier Mic white -- https://bhpho.to/47mxs9G\nTascam DR100 -- https://bhpho.to/47uFbCB\nZoom H2n -- https://bhpho.to/3S9UMmJ\nShure LensHopper -- https://bhpho.to/4aPS50G\n\nBAGS/CASES\nThink Tank Airport Advantage XT -- https://bhpho.to/48HUdpy\nThink Tank Airport TakeOff V2.0 -- https://bhpho.to/4b1HzE3\nThink Tank Urban Access 15 Backpack -- https://bhpho.to/3NUwkDh\n\n\nWEDDING PRO TEAM:\nWedding Filmmaker: @penweddings\nPlanning & Design: @pearleventsaustin @betsyvillanueva\nPhotography: @stacysmsphoto\nVenue: @eventsatthearlo\nFlorals: @bouquetsofaustin\nCatering: @cravecateringtx\nCake: @simonleebakery\nBand/MC: @strat_band\nAfter Party musicians: @sofitukker\nCeremony musicians: @terravistastrings\nRentals & Decor: @percheventdecor @premiereeventstx @peerlesseventsandtents\nDance floor: @centerstage_floors\nHair & Makeup: @leahtrogan\nDraping: @unique_design_and_events_\nLighting: @austineventlighting\nStationery: @the_inviting_pear\nGetaway car: @atxclassiccars\nIce sculpture: @full_spectrum_ice\nRehearsal Dinner Venue: @therileybuilding\nRehearsal Dinner Planning: @moeventco\n\n\n\n(Some of the above links are affiliate links. This means if we tell you about a product or service we love and you purchase something, we get a small percentage back. Thanks for trusting our referrals, and for helping us continue to invest time in wedding filmmaking education.)" }, "defaultAudioLanguage": "en" }, "contentDetails": { "duration": "PT8M2S", "dimension": "2d", "definition": "hd", "caption": "true", "licensedContent": true, "contentRating": {}, "projection": "rectangular" }, "statistics": { "viewCount": "10275", "likeCount": "199", "favoriteCount": "0", "commentCount": "16" } }, { "id": "Jvd8JsdmoJg", "snippet": { "publishedAt": "2022-08-31T11:44:37Z", "channelId": "UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q", "title": "\"I Prayed For You\" | Christ-centered Scottsdale destination wedding video will make you cry", "description": "|| Copyright, PenWeddings ||\n\n♥ Chandler & Conner's Christ-centered Scottsdale destination wedding ♥\n\n\"I was praying for you the whole time by name and didn't know it.\"\n\nAs Chandler said it, “For years I prayed, asking God to bring me his best. I was praying for you the whole time by name and didn’t know it.” She met Conner Best, and knew quickly he was the one. Their Scottsdale destination wedding featured deep, heartfelt speeches and vows, and showcased a setting as beautiful as their story.\n\n\n\nMusic licensed through Musicbed. http://share.mscbd.fm/penweddings\n\n\nGEAR LIST: \n-CAMERAS-\nSony a7siii -- https://tinyurl.com/sonya7siii\nDJI Mavic 2 Pro -- https://tinyurl.com/djimavic2pro\n\n-LENSES-\nCanon 70-200 2.8 iii -- https://tinyurl.com/Canon7020028iii \nCanon 70-200 2.8 ii -- https://tinyurl.com/canon70200ii \nCanon 70-200 2.8 -- https://tinyurl.com/canon70200i \nCanon 50mm 1.2 -- https://tinyurl.com/canon50mm12 \nCanon 16-35 2.8 iii -- https://tinyurl.com/canon1635ii \nSigma Art 35 1.4 -- https://tinyurl.com/sigmaart35 \nSigma Art 50 1.4 -- https://tinyurl.com/sigmaart50 \nSigma Art 85 1.4 -- https://tinyurl.com/sigmaart85ef\n\n-SUPPORT-\nSirui P-324S Monopods -- amzn.to/2u1ReIR or https://tinyurl.com/siruimonopod \nManfrotto 535 tripod -- http://tinyurl.com/Manfrotto535\nManfrotto MT290XTC3US tripod -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMT290\nManfrotto MT055CXPRO4 tripod -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMT055\nManfrotto 502HD head -- http://tinyurl.com/Manfrotto502HD\nManfrotto MVH500AH head -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMVH500AH\nJoby Gorillapod -- amzn.to/2t7hIEe or https://tinyurl.com/gorillapodjoby \nPlatypod -- http://amzn.to/2G10Oht or https://tinyurl.com/platypodmax\nHoldfast Money Maker harness - https://tinyurl.com/holdfastmoneymaker\n\n-AUDIO-\nTascam DR10L -- amzn.to/2ubnmdB or https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr10l \nCountryman B3 Lavalier Mic black -- amzn.to/2u20Vaj Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic white -- amzn.to/2t7dzQG \nTascam DR100 -- https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr100\nZoom H2n -- http://amzn.to/2Exb97U or https://tinyurl.com/Zoomh2nrecorder\nShure LensHopper -- http://amzn.to/2C8qqqo or https://tinyurl.com/ShureLensHopper \n\n-BAGS/CASES-\nManfrotto case -- amzn.to/2u6D7BI or https://tinyurl.com/manfrottorollingcase\nThink Tank Airport Antidote 2.0 -- http://bit.ly/2DShB8A\nThink Tank Takeoff Rolling Camera Bag -- http://bit.ly/2E6kEea\nKelly Moore messenger bags -- https://tinyurl.com/kellymoorebags\n\n\nWEDDING PRO TEAM:\nWedding Filmmaker: @penweddings\nPlanning & Design: @detailsdarling\nPhotography: @brandonkiddphoto\nVenue: @mountainshadowsaz\nFlorals: @thewildflowersaz\nCake: @abakeshop\nDJ/MC: @tregothedj \nRentals & Decor: @primrentals & @eventrentsaz\nHair stylist: @biancajpastrana\nMakeup artist: @mua_nat\nPhotobooth: @pixsterphotobooth\nStationery printing: @primandpixie\nBride's Dress: @inesdisanto from @destinysbride\nBride's Veil: @galialahav from @stanleykorshakbride\nBride's Shoes: @louboutinworld\nMenswear: @suitsupply & @louboutinworld\nBridesmaids' dresses: @bhldn\n\n\n(Some of the above links are affiliate links. This means if we tell you about a product or service we love and you purchase something, we get a small percentage back. Thanks for trusting our referrals, and for helping us continue to invest time in wedding filmmaking education.)", "thumbnails": { "default": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Jvd8JsdmoJg/default.jpg", "width": 120, "height": 90 }, "medium": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Jvd8JsdmoJg/mqdefault.jpg", "width": 320, "height": 180 }, "high": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Jvd8JsdmoJg/hqdefault.jpg", "width": 480, "height": 360 }, "standard": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Jvd8JsdmoJg/sddefault.jpg", "width": 640, "height": 480 }, "maxres": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Jvd8JsdmoJg/maxresdefault.jpg", "width": 1280, "height": 720 } }, "channelTitle": "PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films", "tags": [ "penweddings", "penweddings youtube", "groom cries", "groom cries when he sees bride", "groom cries at wedding", "groom cries first look", "destination wedding", "destination wedding video", "arizona wedding", "arizona wedding video", "scottsdale wedding", "scottsdale wedding video", "destination wedding videographer", "i prayed for you", "wedding video", "vows to my husband", "personal vows to my wife", "personal vows to husband", "Christ-centered", "Christ-centered wedding", "Christian wedding", "personal vows" ], "categoryId": "19", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "defaultLanguage": "en", "localized": { "title": "\"I Prayed For You\" | Christ-centered Scottsdale destination wedding video will make you cry", "description": "|| Copyright, PenWeddings ||\n\n♥ Chandler & Conner's Christ-centered Scottsdale destination wedding ♥\n\n\"I was praying for you the whole time by name and didn't know it.\"\n\nAs Chandler said it, “For years I prayed, asking God to bring me his best. I was praying for you the whole time by name and didn’t know it.” She met Conner Best, and knew quickly he was the one. Their Scottsdale destination wedding featured deep, heartfelt speeches and vows, and showcased a setting as beautiful as their story.\n\n\n\nMusic licensed through Musicbed. http://share.mscbd.fm/penweddings\n\n\nGEAR LIST: \n-CAMERAS-\nSony a7siii -- https://tinyurl.com/sonya7siii\nDJI Mavic 2 Pro -- https://tinyurl.com/djimavic2pro\n\n-LENSES-\nCanon 70-200 2.8 iii -- https://tinyurl.com/Canon7020028iii \nCanon 70-200 2.8 ii -- https://tinyurl.com/canon70200ii \nCanon 70-200 2.8 -- https://tinyurl.com/canon70200i \nCanon 50mm 1.2 -- https://tinyurl.com/canon50mm12 \nCanon 16-35 2.8 iii -- https://tinyurl.com/canon1635ii \nSigma Art 35 1.4 -- https://tinyurl.com/sigmaart35 \nSigma Art 50 1.4 -- https://tinyurl.com/sigmaart50 \nSigma Art 85 1.4 -- https://tinyurl.com/sigmaart85ef\n\n-SUPPORT-\nSirui P-324S Monopods -- amzn.to/2u1ReIR or https://tinyurl.com/siruimonopod \nManfrotto 535 tripod -- http://tinyurl.com/Manfrotto535\nManfrotto MT290XTC3US tripod -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMT290\nManfrotto MT055CXPRO4 tripod -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMT055\nManfrotto 502HD head -- http://tinyurl.com/Manfrotto502HD\nManfrotto MVH500AH head -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMVH500AH\nJoby Gorillapod -- amzn.to/2t7hIEe or https://tinyurl.com/gorillapodjoby \nPlatypod -- http://amzn.to/2G10Oht or https://tinyurl.com/platypodmax\nHoldfast Money Maker harness - https://tinyurl.com/holdfastmoneymaker\n\n-AUDIO-\nTascam DR10L -- amzn.to/2ubnmdB or https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr10l \nCountryman B3 Lavalier Mic black -- amzn.to/2u20Vaj Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic white -- amzn.to/2t7dzQG \nTascam DR100 -- https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr100\nZoom H2n -- http://amzn.to/2Exb97U or https://tinyurl.com/Zoomh2nrecorder\nShure LensHopper -- http://amzn.to/2C8qqqo or https://tinyurl.com/ShureLensHopper \n\n-BAGS/CASES-\nManfrotto case -- amzn.to/2u6D7BI or https://tinyurl.com/manfrottorollingcase\nThink Tank Airport Antidote 2.0 -- http://bit.ly/2DShB8A\nThink Tank Takeoff Rolling Camera Bag -- http://bit.ly/2E6kEea\nKelly Moore messenger bags -- https://tinyurl.com/kellymoorebags\n\n\nWEDDING PRO TEAM:\nWedding Filmmaker: @penweddings\nPlanning & Design: @detailsdarling\nPhotography: @brandonkiddphoto\nVenue: @mountainshadowsaz\nFlorals: @thewildflowersaz\nCake: @abakeshop\nDJ/MC: @tregothedj \nRentals & Decor: @primrentals & @eventrentsaz\nHair stylist: @biancajpastrana\nMakeup artist: @mua_nat\nPhotobooth: @pixsterphotobooth\nStationery printing: @primandpixie\nBride's Dress: @inesdisanto from @destinysbride\nBride's Veil: @galialahav from @stanleykorshakbride\nBride's Shoes: @louboutinworld\nMenswear: @suitsupply & @louboutinworld\nBridesmaids' dresses: @bhldn\n\n\n(Some of the above links are affiliate links. This means if we tell you about a product or service we love and you purchase something, we get a small percentage back. Thanks for trusting our referrals, and for helping us continue to invest time in wedding filmmaking education.)" }, "defaultAudioLanguage": "en" }, "contentDetails": { "duration": "PT9M51S", "dimension": "2d", "definition": "hd", "caption": "true", "licensedContent": true, "contentRating": {}, "projection": "rectangular" }, "statistics": { "viewCount": "106700", "likeCount": "2801", "favoriteCount": "0", "commentCount": "142" } }, { "id": "1UKohjiyFlQ", "snippet": { "publishedAt": "2022-08-30T17:34:27Z", "channelId": "UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q", "title": "Grooms Surprises Bride with Song | Highlands North Carolina wedding video, The Farm at Old Edwards", "description": "|| Copyright, PenWeddings ||\n\n♥ Rachel & Chas' beautiful Highlands, North Carolina wedding at The Farm at Old Edwards Inn ♥\n\nA few rain showers couldn't dampen Rachel & Chas' spirits on their gorgeous wedding day at The Farm at Old Edwards. Originally planned for 2020, they waited over a year to celebrate with their friends and family in the Highlands. The cherry on top of a perfect weekend was when Chas surprised Rachel at the reception with a performance of Taylor Swift's \"Lover.\" He had reached out to the band one month before the wedding and said, \"I'd like to serenade my bride.\" Rachel was shocked, and we're quite certain it made all the ladies swoon.\n\n\nMusic licensed through Musicbed. http://share.mscbd.fm/penweddings\n\n\nGEAR LIST: \n-CAMERAS-\nSony a7siii -- https://tinyurl.com/sonya7siii\nDJI Mavic 2 Pro -- https://tinyurl.com/djimavic2pro\n\n-LENSES-\nCanon 70-200 2.8 iii -- https://tinyurl.com/Canon7020028iii \nCanon 70-200 2.8 ii -- https://tinyurl.com/canon70200ii \nCanon 70-200 2.8 -- https://tinyurl.com/canon70200i \nCanon 50mm 1.2 -- https://tinyurl.com/canon50mm12 \nCanon 16-35 2.8 iii -- https://tinyurl.com/canon1635ii \nSigma Art 35 1.4 -- https://tinyurl.com/sigmaart35 \nSigma Art 50 1.4 -- https://tinyurl.com/sigmaart50 \nSigma Art 85 1.4 -- https://tinyurl.com/sigmaart85ef\n\n-SUPPORT-\nSirui P-324S Monopods -- amzn.to/2u1ReIR or https://tinyurl.com/siruimonopod \nManfrotto 535 tripod -- http://tinyurl.com/Manfrotto535\nManfrotto MT290XTC3US tripod -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMT290\nManfrotto MT055CXPRO4 tripod -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMT055\nManfrotto 502HD head -- http://tinyurl.com/Manfrotto502HD\nManfrotto MVH500AH head -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMVH500AH\nJoby Gorillapod -- amzn.to/2t7hIEe or https://tinyurl.com/gorillapodjoby \nPlatypod -- http://amzn.to/2G10Oht or https://tinyurl.com/platypodmax\nHoldfast Money Maker harness - https://tinyurl.com/holdfastmoneymaker\n\n-AUDIO-\nTascam DR10L -- amzn.to/2ubnmdB or https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr10l \nCountryman B3 Lavalier Mic black -- amzn.to/2u20Vaj Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic white -- amzn.to/2t7dzQG \nTascam DR100 -- https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr100\nZoom H2n -- http://amzn.to/2Exb97U or https://tinyurl.com/Zoomh2nrecorder\nShure LensHopper -- http://amzn.to/2C8qqqo or https://tinyurl.com/ShureLensHopper \n\n-BAGS/CASES-\nManfrotto case -- amzn.to/2u6D7BI or https://tinyurl.com/manfrottorollingcase\nThink Tank Airport Antidote 2.0 -- http://bit.ly/2DShB8A\nThink Tank Takeoff Rolling Camera Bag -- http://bit.ly/2E6kEea\nKelly Moore messenger bags -- https://tinyurl.com/kellymoorebags\n\n\nWEDDING PRO TEAM:\nWedding filmmaker | PenWeddings\nPlanning & Design | Beckon Events\nVenue & Catering | The Farm at Old Edwards Inn\nPhotography | Olivia Griffin Foto\nFlorals | Floressence Flowers\nCake | Couture Cakes of Greenville\nRehearsal Dinner | Highlander Mountain House\nBand | Perfect 10 Band & East Coast Entertainment\nCeremony musicians | Deans Duets\nRentals & Decor | Professional Party Rentals\nLounge furniture | Industry Event Rentals\nHair & Makeup | Latia Curtis\n\n\n(Some of the above links are affiliate links. This means if we tell you about a product or service we love and you purchase something, we get a small percentage back. Thanks for trusting our referrals, and for helping us continue to invest time in wedding filmmaking education.)", "thumbnails": { "default": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/1UKohjiyFlQ/default.jpg", "width": 120, "height": 90 }, "medium": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/1UKohjiyFlQ/mqdefault.jpg", "width": 320, "height": 180 }, "high": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/1UKohjiyFlQ/hqdefault.jpg", "width": 480, "height": 360 }, "standard": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/1UKohjiyFlQ/sddefault.jpg", "width": 640, "height": 480 }, "maxres": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/1UKohjiyFlQ/maxresdefault.jpg", "width": 1280, "height": 720 } }, "channelTitle": "PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films", "tags": [ "highlands nc", "highlands nc wedding", "highlands wedding", "highlands wedding video", "north carolina wedding", "north carolina wedding video", "north carolina wedding videographer", "penweddings", "penweddings youtube", "the farm at old edwards wedding", "old edwards inn and spa", "old edwards inn wedding", "the farm at old edwards wedding video", "old edwards inn wedding video", "destination wedding", "destination wedding video", "destination wedding videographer", "destination wedding videography", "wedding" ], "categoryId": "19", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "defaultLanguage": "en", "localized": { "title": "Grooms Surprises Bride with Song | Highlands North Carolina wedding video, The Farm at Old Edwards", "description": "|| Copyright, PenWeddings ||\n\n♥ Rachel & Chas' beautiful Highlands, North Carolina wedding at The Farm at Old Edwards Inn ♥\n\nA few rain showers couldn't dampen Rachel & Chas' spirits on their gorgeous wedding day at The Farm at Old Edwards. Originally planned for 2020, they waited over a year to celebrate with their friends and family in the Highlands. The cherry on top of a perfect weekend was when Chas surprised Rachel at the reception with a performance of Taylor Swift's \"Lover.\" He had reached out to the band one month before the wedding and said, \"I'd like to serenade my bride.\" Rachel was shocked, and we're quite certain it made all the ladies swoon.\n\n\nMusic licensed through Musicbed. http://share.mscbd.fm/penweddings\n\n\nGEAR LIST: \n-CAMERAS-\nSony a7siii -- https://tinyurl.com/sonya7siii\nDJI Mavic 2 Pro -- https://tinyurl.com/djimavic2pro\n\n-LENSES-\nCanon 70-200 2.8 iii -- https://tinyurl.com/Canon7020028iii \nCanon 70-200 2.8 ii -- https://tinyurl.com/canon70200ii \nCanon 70-200 2.8 -- https://tinyurl.com/canon70200i \nCanon 50mm 1.2 -- https://tinyurl.com/canon50mm12 \nCanon 16-35 2.8 iii -- https://tinyurl.com/canon1635ii \nSigma Art 35 1.4 -- https://tinyurl.com/sigmaart35 \nSigma Art 50 1.4 -- https://tinyurl.com/sigmaart50 \nSigma Art 85 1.4 -- https://tinyurl.com/sigmaart85ef\n\n-SUPPORT-\nSirui P-324S Monopods -- amzn.to/2u1ReIR or https://tinyurl.com/siruimonopod \nManfrotto 535 tripod -- http://tinyurl.com/Manfrotto535\nManfrotto MT290XTC3US tripod -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMT290\nManfrotto MT055CXPRO4 tripod -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMT055\nManfrotto 502HD head -- http://tinyurl.com/Manfrotto502HD\nManfrotto MVH500AH head -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMVH500AH\nJoby Gorillapod -- amzn.to/2t7hIEe or https://tinyurl.com/gorillapodjoby \nPlatypod -- http://amzn.to/2G10Oht or https://tinyurl.com/platypodmax\nHoldfast Money Maker harness - https://tinyurl.com/holdfastmoneymaker\n\n-AUDIO-\nTascam DR10L -- amzn.to/2ubnmdB or https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr10l \nCountryman B3 Lavalier Mic black -- amzn.to/2u20Vaj Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic white -- amzn.to/2t7dzQG \nTascam DR100 -- https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr100\nZoom H2n -- http://amzn.to/2Exb97U or https://tinyurl.com/Zoomh2nrecorder\nShure LensHopper -- http://amzn.to/2C8qqqo or https://tinyurl.com/ShureLensHopper \n\n-BAGS/CASES-\nManfrotto case -- amzn.to/2u6D7BI or https://tinyurl.com/manfrottorollingcase\nThink Tank Airport Antidote 2.0 -- http://bit.ly/2DShB8A\nThink Tank Takeoff Rolling Camera Bag -- http://bit.ly/2E6kEea\nKelly Moore messenger bags -- https://tinyurl.com/kellymoorebags\n\n\nWEDDING PRO TEAM:\nWedding filmmaker | PenWeddings\nPlanning & Design | Beckon Events\nVenue & Catering | The Farm at Old Edwards Inn\nPhotography | Olivia Griffin Foto\nFlorals | Floressence Flowers\nCake | Couture Cakes of Greenville\nRehearsal Dinner | Highlander Mountain House\nBand | Perfect 10 Band & East Coast Entertainment\nCeremony musicians | Deans Duets\nRentals & Decor | Professional Party Rentals\nLounge furniture | Industry Event Rentals\nHair & Makeup | Latia Curtis\n\n\n(Some of the above links are affiliate links. This means if we tell you about a product or service we love and you purchase something, we get a small percentage back. Thanks for trusting our referrals, and for helping us continue to invest time in wedding filmmaking education.)" }, "defaultAudioLanguage": "en" }, "contentDetails": { "duration": "PT8M13S", "dimension": "2d", "definition": "hd", "caption": "true", "licensedContent": true, "contentRating": {}, "projection": "rectangular" }, "statistics": { "viewCount": "6664", "likeCount": "133", "favoriteCount": "0", "commentCount": "10" } }, { "id": "DOfltMTFqAY", "snippet": { "publishedAt": "2022-08-30T02:53:14Z", "channelId": "UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q", "title": "Sweetest Wedding Speech Ever | Little Girl Toasts to the Bride and Groom", "description": "|| Copyright, PenWeddings ||\n\nThe sweetest wedding speech ever! This surprise toast made everyone cry.\n\nWith: @pearleventsaustin @betsyvillanueva @stacysmsphoto @eventsatthearlo @full_spectrum_ice @leahtrogan @bouquetsofaustin @unique_design_and_events_ @austineventlighting @simonleebakery @cravecateringtx @percheventdecor @premiereeventstx @the_inviting_pear @terravistastrings @peerlesseventsandtents @centerstage_floors @atxclassiccars @strat_band @therileybuilding @moeventco", "thumbnails": { "default": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/DOfltMTFqAY/default.jpg", "width": 120, "height": 90 }, "medium": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/DOfltMTFqAY/mqdefault.jpg", "width": 320, "height": 180 }, "high": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/DOfltMTFqAY/hqdefault.jpg", "width": 480, "height": 360 }, "standard": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/DOfltMTFqAY/sddefault.jpg", "width": 640, "height": 480 }, "maxres": { "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/DOfltMTFqAY/maxresdefault.jpg", "width": 1280, "height": 720 } }, "channelTitle": "PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films", "tags": [ "penweddings", "penweddings youtube", "wedding toast", "wedding speech", "emotional wedding speech", "emotional wedding toast", "wedding video", "wedding videography", "wedding videographer", "texas wedding video", "texas wedding videographer", "texas wedding videography", "cute kid", "best wedding speech", "best wedding toast", "wedding filmmaker", "texas wedding filmmaker", "the riley building", "the riley building austin", "austin wedding video", "austin wedding videographer", "austin wedding videographers" ], "categoryId": "19", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "defaultLanguage": "en", "localized": { "title": "Sweetest Wedding Speech Ever | Little Girl Toasts to the Bride and Groom", "description": "|| Copyright, PenWeddings ||\n\nThe sweetest wedding speech ever! This surprise toast made everyone cry.\n\nWith: @pearleventsaustin @betsyvillanueva @stacysmsphoto @eventsatthearlo @full_spectrum_ice @leahtrogan @bouquetsofaustin @unique_design_and_events_ @austineventlighting @simonleebakery @cravecateringtx @percheventdecor @premiereeventstx @the_inviting_pear @terravistastrings @peerlesseventsandtents @centerstage_floors @atxclassiccars @strat_band @therileybuilding @moeventco" }, "defaultAudioLanguage": "en" }, "contentDetails": { "duration": "PT42S", "dimension": "2d", "definition": "hd", "caption": "true", "licensedContent": true, "contentRating": {}, "projection": "rectangular" }, "statistics": { "viewCount": "12969", "likeCount": "443", "favoriteCount": "0", "commentCount": "3" } } ] }
[21:19:54.290541 - INFO] (YouTube Feed Handler) Decoded metadata collected from YouTube is visible in the HTML source of this page.Array ( [etag] => PXJP1uwA-xko2XRCeWy1WZdL0S0 [items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => hUepbdqF_L8 [snippet] => Array ( [publishedAt] => 2024-01-08T17:39:24Z [channelId] => UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q [title] => Michelle & Josh's French Chateau Destination Wedding Video | Chateau Challain [description] => || Copyright, PenWeddings || ♥ Michelle & Josh's French Chateau Destination Wedding ♥ Michelle and Josh's fairytale wedding week in France is one we will never forget. From the Mad Hatter's welcome to the grandeur of cathedral vows and reception under sparkling fireworks, each moment was brimming with character. But amidst all this splendor, it's their vows that echo through every memory. Quoting a favorite song, Josh said, 'Everything is pointless without you,' a sentiment that resonates in every laugh, tear, and dance. This is not just a wedding; it's a testament to a love that declares, with every heartbeat, that life is truly incomplete without the other. Music licensed through Musicbed. http://share.mscbd.fm/penweddings SyncID: MB01WBVSR9IK668 GEAR LIST: CAMERAS Sony a7siii -- https://bhpho.to/3NTGvIa DJI Mavic 3 Pro -- https://bhpho.to/3MOUY6Z LENSES Sony 70-200 2.8 GM iii -- https://bhpho.to/3NWUDAt ZEISS Batis 85mm f/1.8 -- https://bhpho.to/4aQtDfG Sony Planar T* FE 50mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/4aHTZAN Sony Distagon T* FE 35mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/3S9TMio Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 DG DN Art -- https://bhpho.to/41MKwUF ZEISS Batis 18mm f/2.8 Lens -- https://bhpho.to/3qVZBVU SUPPORT Really Right Stuff TQC-14 Series 1 Mk2 -- https://bhpho.to/4aPjccA iFootage Komodo K5 Fluid Head -- https://bhpho.to/3vseEbI Sirui P-324S Monopod -- https://tinyurl.com/siruimonopod Manfrotto MVH500AH head -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMVH500AH Joby Gorillapod -- https://tinyurl.com/gorillapodjoby Platypod -- https://tinyurl.com/platypodmax RL Handcrafts Clydesdale Lite Harness - https://bhpho.to/3tLrJwk AUDIO Tascam DR10L -- https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr10l Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic black -- https://bhpho.to/48r2C0M Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic white -- https://bhpho.to/47mxs9G Tascam DR100 -- https://bhpho.to/47uFbCB Zoom H2n -- https://bhpho.to/3S9UMmJ Shure LensHopper -- https://bhpho.to/4aPS50G BAGS/CASES Think Tank Airport Advantage XT -- https://bhpho.to/48HUdpy Think Tank Airport TakeOff V2.0 -- https://bhpho.to/4b1HzE3 Think Tank Urban Access 15 Backpack -- https://bhpho.to/3NUwkDh WEDDING PRO TEAM: Wedding Planner | Dreams In Detail Photography | Imogeneve Photography, Charlotte Griffiths, Andrew Bayda, Miss Aniela Wedding Filmmaker | PenWeddings Venue | Chateau Challain Florals | Butterfly Floral, Rutger M Flowers, Mister Brett Events Band/MC | Shine Live Band Paris Welcome Party Entertainment | Black Rabbit Projects Welcome Party Lighting | Jacob Co Creative After Party DJ | DJ Yoav Catering | Lessaveurs Dupre, In Season Dining Beauty Team | Riri Roya, Kristi Grimm, LaBelle Visage NJ Live Painting | Event Illustrator Pool Party | Chateau Detresse Bride's Gowns | Galia Lahav (Some of the above links are affiliate links. This means if we tell you about a product or service we love and you purchase something, we get a small percentage back. Thanks for trusting our referrals, and for helping us continue to invest time in wedding filmmaking education.) [thumbnails] => Array ( [default] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/hUepbdqF_L8/default.jpg [width] => 120 [height] => 90 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/hUepbdqF_L8/mqdefault.jpg [width] => 320 [height] => 180 ) [high] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/hUepbdqF_L8/hqdefault.jpg [width] => 480 [height] => 360 ) [standard] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/hUepbdqF_L8/sddefault.jpg [width] => 640 [height] => 480 ) [maxres] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/hUepbdqF_L8/maxresdefault.jpg [width] => 1280 [height] => 720 ) ) [channelTitle] => PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films [tags] => Array ( [0] => chateau [1] => chateau wedding [2] => chateau wedding france [3] => chateau wedding venue [4] => destination wedding [5] => destination wedding france [6] => destination wedding video [7] => destination wedding videography [8] => europe destination wedding [9] => european destination wedding [10] => european wedding video [11] => france destination wedding [12] => france wedding [13] => france wedding video [14] => french chateau [15] => french wedding [16] => french wedding video [17] => penweddings youtube channel [18] => penweddings youtube videos [19] => wedding video [20] => wedding videography ) [categoryId] => 19 [liveBroadcastContent] => none [defaultLanguage] => en [localized] => Array ( [title] => Michelle & Josh's French Chateau Destination Wedding Video | Chateau Challain [description] => || Copyright, PenWeddings || ♥ Michelle & Josh's French Chateau Destination Wedding ♥ Michelle and Josh's fairytale wedding week in France is one we will never forget. From the Mad Hatter's welcome to the grandeur of cathedral vows and reception under sparkling fireworks, each moment was brimming with character. But amidst all this splendor, it's their vows that echo through every memory. Quoting a favorite song, Josh said, 'Everything is pointless without you,' a sentiment that resonates in every laugh, tear, and dance. This is not just a wedding; it's a testament to a love that declares, with every heartbeat, that life is truly incomplete without the other. Music licensed through Musicbed. http://share.mscbd.fm/penweddings SyncID: MB01WBVSR9IK668 GEAR LIST: CAMERAS Sony a7siii -- https://bhpho.to/3NTGvIa DJI Mavic 3 Pro -- https://bhpho.to/3MOUY6Z LENSES Sony 70-200 2.8 GM iii -- https://bhpho.to/3NWUDAt ZEISS Batis 85mm f/1.8 -- https://bhpho.to/4aQtDfG Sony Planar T* FE 50mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/4aHTZAN Sony Distagon T* FE 35mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/3S9TMio Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 DG DN Art -- https://bhpho.to/41MKwUF ZEISS Batis 18mm f/2.8 Lens -- https://bhpho.to/3qVZBVU SUPPORT Really Right Stuff TQC-14 Series 1 Mk2 -- https://bhpho.to/4aPjccA iFootage Komodo K5 Fluid Head -- https://bhpho.to/3vseEbI Sirui P-324S Monopod -- https://tinyurl.com/siruimonopod Manfrotto MVH500AH head -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMVH500AH Joby Gorillapod -- https://tinyurl.com/gorillapodjoby Platypod -- https://tinyurl.com/platypodmax RL Handcrafts Clydesdale Lite Harness - https://bhpho.to/3tLrJwk AUDIO Tascam DR10L -- https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr10l Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic black -- https://bhpho.to/48r2C0M Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic white -- https://bhpho.to/47mxs9G Tascam DR100 -- https://bhpho.to/47uFbCB Zoom H2n -- https://bhpho.to/3S9UMmJ Shure LensHopper -- https://bhpho.to/4aPS50G BAGS/CASES Think Tank Airport Advantage XT -- https://bhpho.to/48HUdpy Think Tank Airport TakeOff V2.0 -- https://bhpho.to/4b1HzE3 Think Tank Urban Access 15 Backpack -- https://bhpho.to/3NUwkDh WEDDING PRO TEAM: Wedding Planner | Dreams In Detail Photography | Imogeneve Photography, Charlotte Griffiths, Andrew Bayda, Miss Aniela Wedding Filmmaker | PenWeddings Venue | Chateau Challain Florals | Butterfly Floral, Rutger M Flowers, Mister Brett Events Band/MC | Shine Live Band Paris Welcome Party Entertainment | Black Rabbit Projects Welcome Party Lighting | Jacob Co Creative After Party DJ | DJ Yoav Catering | Lessaveurs Dupre, In Season Dining Beauty Team | Riri Roya, Kristi Grimm, LaBelle Visage NJ Live Painting | Event Illustrator Pool Party | Chateau Detresse Bride's Gowns | Galia Lahav (Some of the above links are affiliate links. This means if we tell you about a product or service we love and you purchase something, we get a small percentage back. Thanks for trusting our referrals, and for helping us continue to invest time in wedding filmmaking education.) ) [defaultAudioLanguage] => en ) [contentDetails] => Array ( [duration] => PT12M28S [dimension] => 2d [definition] => hd [caption] => false [licensedContent] => 1 [contentRating] => Array ( ) [projection] => rectangular ) [statistics] => Array ( [viewCount] => 2712 [likeCount] => 86 [favoriteCount] => 0 [commentCount] => 8 ) ) [1] => Array ( [id] => Rs3xXC6MtC8 [snippet] => Array ( [publishedAt] => 2023-10-08T18:48:07Z [channelId] => UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q [title] => Biltmore Estate Wedding | Crowd roars when bride enters rain-delayed ceremony [description] => || Copyright, PenWeddings || ♥ Christy & Michael's incredible celebration at Biltmore Estate ♥ To the blue hills of Asheville they went for four magical days. Morning fog unveiled the beauty of The Biltmore Estate, while vintage Porsche drives through the North Carolina mountains set the tone for brunches, hugs, toasts, laughs, and late-night parties. Oh, and there may have also been a storm of epic proportions and moves from plan A to plan B to... well, who's keeping count? But true to their friends' words, Christy and Michael are pure sunshine, and did they ever light up the room. Music licensed through Musicbed. http://share.mscbd.fm/penweddings SyncID: MB01OP4XOKF9QB8 GEAR LIST: CAMERAS Sony a7siii -- https://bhpho.to/3NTGvIa DJI Mavic 3 Pro -- https://bhpho.to/3MOUY6Z LENSES Sony 70-200 2.8 GM iii -- https://bhpho.to/3NWUDAt ZEISS Batis 85mm f/1.8 -- https://bhpho.to/4aQtDfG Sony Planar T* FE 50mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/4aHTZAN Sony Distagon T* FE 35mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/3S9TMio Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 DG DN Art -- https://bhpho.to/41MKwUF ZEISS Batis 18mm f/2.8 Lens -- https://bhpho.to/3qVZBVU SUPPORT Really Right Stuff TQC-14 Series 1 Mk2 -- https://bhpho.to/4aPjccA iFootage Komodo K5 Fluid Head -- https://bhpho.to/3vseEbI Sirui P-324S Monopod -- https://tinyurl.com/siruimonopod Manfrotto MVH500AH head -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMVH500AH Joby Gorillapod -- https://tinyurl.com/gorillapodjoby Platypod -- https://tinyurl.com/platypodmax RL Handcrafts Clydesdale Lite Harness - https://bhpho.to/3tLrJwk AUDIO Tascam DR10L -- https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr10l Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic black -- https://bhpho.to/48r2C0M Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic white -- https://bhpho.to/47mxs9G Tascam DR100 -- https://bhpho.to/47uFbCB Zoom H2n -- https://bhpho.to/3S9UMmJ Shure LensHopper -- https://bhpho.to/4aPS50G BAGS/CASES Think Tank Airport Advantage XT -- https://bhpho.to/48HUdpy Think Tank Airport TakeOff V2.0 -- https://bhpho.to/4b1HzE3 Think Tank Urban Access 15 Backpack -- https://bhpho.to/3NUwkDh WEDDING PRO TEAM: Planning & Design: @missieporter of @ashevilleeventco Venue: @BiltmoreWeddingsNC @biltmoreestate Photography: @perryvaile Wedding Filmmaker: @penweddings Florals: @floressenceflowers Lighting and A/V: @frostfl_events Band/MC: @thedowntownband Vintage Getaway Car: @coatscars Vintage Adventure Shoot Car: @weddingcars.rent Transportation: The Trolley Company & @vaninblk Printed Material/Signage: @dbsinvitations Ceremony Music: @carolinamusicplanner Photo Booth: @remixweddings Beauty: @beprettycharlotte & @cottonrougeandco Linens, Napkins and Reveal Wall: @bbjlatavola Rentals: @professionalparty, @thecluxelook, @whitedoorevent, @emersonjamesrental, @curatedeventscharleston, @crushbyeventworks, @industryeventrentals Rehearsal Dinner: @eventsathighlandbrewing @highlandbrewing (Some of the above links are affiliate links. This means if we tell you about a product or service we love and you purchase something, we get a small percentage back. Thanks for trusting our referrals, and for helping us continue to invest time in wedding filmmaking education.) [thumbnails] => Array ( [default] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Rs3xXC6MtC8/default.jpg [width] => 120 [height] => 90 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Rs3xXC6MtC8/mqdefault.jpg [width] => 320 [height] => 180 ) [high] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Rs3xXC6MtC8/hqdefault.jpg [width] => 480 [height] => 360 ) [standard] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Rs3xXC6MtC8/sddefault.jpg [width] => 640 [height] => 480 ) [maxres] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Rs3xXC6MtC8/maxresdefault.jpg [width] => 1280 [height] => 720 ) ) [channelTitle] => PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films [tags] => Array ( [0] => biltmore [1] => biltmore estate [2] => biltmore estate wedding [3] => biltmore wedding [4] => destination wedding [5] => destination wedding video [6] => destination wedding videographer [7] => destination wedding videography [8] => luxury wedding [9] => luxury wedding video [10] => penweddings [11] => penweddings youtube channel [12] => rain on your wedding day [13] => wedding [14] => wedding ceremony [15] => wedding ceremony entrance [16] => wedding film [17] => wedding ideas [18] => wedding video [19] => wedding video cinematic [20] => wedding video youtube [21] => wedding videographer [22] => wedding videography ) [categoryId] => 19 [liveBroadcastContent] => none [defaultLanguage] => en [localized] => Array ( [title] => Biltmore Estate Wedding | Crowd roars when bride enters rain-delayed ceremony [description] => || Copyright, PenWeddings || ♥ Christy & Michael's incredible celebration at Biltmore Estate ♥ To the blue hills of Asheville they went for four magical days. Morning fog unveiled the beauty of The Biltmore Estate, while vintage Porsche drives through the North Carolina mountains set the tone for brunches, hugs, toasts, laughs, and late-night parties. Oh, and there may have also been a storm of epic proportions and moves from plan A to plan B to... well, who's keeping count? But true to their friends' words, Christy and Michael are pure sunshine, and did they ever light up the room. Music licensed through Musicbed. http://share.mscbd.fm/penweddings SyncID: MB01OP4XOKF9QB8 GEAR LIST: CAMERAS Sony a7siii -- https://bhpho.to/3NTGvIa DJI Mavic 3 Pro -- https://bhpho.to/3MOUY6Z LENSES Sony 70-200 2.8 GM iii -- https://bhpho.to/3NWUDAt ZEISS Batis 85mm f/1.8 -- https://bhpho.to/4aQtDfG Sony Planar T* FE 50mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/4aHTZAN Sony Distagon T* FE 35mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/3S9TMio Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 DG DN Art -- https://bhpho.to/41MKwUF ZEISS Batis 18mm f/2.8 Lens -- https://bhpho.to/3qVZBVU SUPPORT Really Right Stuff TQC-14 Series 1 Mk2 -- https://bhpho.to/4aPjccA iFootage Komodo K5 Fluid Head -- https://bhpho.to/3vseEbI Sirui P-324S Monopod -- https://tinyurl.com/siruimonopod Manfrotto MVH500AH head -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMVH500AH Joby Gorillapod -- https://tinyurl.com/gorillapodjoby Platypod -- https://tinyurl.com/platypodmax RL Handcrafts Clydesdale Lite Harness - https://bhpho.to/3tLrJwk AUDIO Tascam DR10L -- https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr10l Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic black -- https://bhpho.to/48r2C0M Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic white -- https://bhpho.to/47mxs9G Tascam DR100 -- https://bhpho.to/47uFbCB Zoom H2n -- https://bhpho.to/3S9UMmJ Shure LensHopper -- https://bhpho.to/4aPS50G BAGS/CASES Think Tank Airport Advantage XT -- https://bhpho.to/48HUdpy Think Tank Airport TakeOff V2.0 -- https://bhpho.to/4b1HzE3 Think Tank Urban Access 15 Backpack -- https://bhpho.to/3NUwkDh WEDDING PRO TEAM: Planning & Design: @missieporter of @ashevilleeventco Venue: @BiltmoreWeddingsNC @biltmoreestate Photography: @perryvaile Wedding Filmmaker: @penweddings Florals: @floressenceflowers Lighting and A/V: @frostfl_events Band/MC: @thedowntownband Vintage Getaway Car: @coatscars Vintage Adventure Shoot Car: @weddingcars.rent Transportation: The Trolley Company & @vaninblk Printed Material/Signage: @dbsinvitations Ceremony Music: @carolinamusicplanner Photo Booth: @remixweddings Beauty: @beprettycharlotte & @cottonrougeandco Linens, Napkins and Reveal Wall: @bbjlatavola Rentals: @professionalparty, @thecluxelook, @whitedoorevent, @emersonjamesrental, @curatedeventscharleston, @crushbyeventworks, @industryeventrentals Rehearsal Dinner: @eventsathighlandbrewing @highlandbrewing (Some of the above links are affiliate links. This means if we tell you about a product or service we love and you purchase something, we get a small percentage back. Thanks for trusting our referrals, and for helping us continue to invest time in wedding filmmaking education.) ) [defaultAudioLanguage] => en ) [contentDetails] => Array ( [duration] => PT1M36S [dimension] => 2d [definition] => hd [caption] => false [licensedContent] => 1 [contentRating] => Array ( ) [projection] => rectangular ) [statistics] => Array ( [viewCount] => 2008 [likeCount] => 42 [favoriteCount] => 0 [commentCount] => 3 ) ) [2] => Array ( [id] => EU80umjeyVA [snippet] => Array ( [publishedAt] => 2023-08-22T18:08:55Z [channelId] => UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q [title] => Wedding In France | Destination wedding video at Chateau Challain [description] => ♥ Michelle & Josh's destination wedding in France at Chateau Challain ♥ Lost in the enchantment of a French chateau tale: A Mad Hatter's welcome, cathedral vows, Galia Lahav dreams, character-filled scenes, carriage whispers, fireworks painting the night sky, and a 'hangover' pool party for the morning after. Michelle & Josh's week? Lord have mercy, where do I begin? Music licensed through Musicbed. http://share.mscbd.fm/penweddings SyncID: MB01COEI4U0DSGB GEAR LIST: CAMERAS Sony a7siii -- https://bhpho.to/3NTGvIa DJI Mavic 3 Pro -- https://bhpho.to/3MOUY6Z LENSES Sony 70-200 2.8 GM iii -- https://bhpho.to/3NWUDAt ZEISS Batis 85mm f/1.8 -- https://bhpho.to/4aQtDfG Sony Planar T* FE 50mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/4aHTZAN Sony Distagon T* FE 35mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/3S9TMio Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 DG DN Art -- https://bhpho.to/41MKwUF ZEISS Batis 18mm f/2.8 Lens -- https://bhpho.to/3qVZBVU SUPPORT Really Right Stuff TQC-14 Series 1 Mk2 -- https://bhpho.to/4aPjccA iFootage Komodo K5 Fluid Head -- https://bhpho.to/3vseEbI Sirui P-324S Monopod -- https://tinyurl.com/siruimonopod Manfrotto MVH500AH head -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMVH500AH Joby Gorillapod -- https://tinyurl.com/gorillapodjoby Platypod -- https://tinyurl.com/platypodmax RL Handcrafts Clydesdale Lite Harness - https://bhpho.to/3tLrJwk AUDIO Tascam DR10L -- https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr10l Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic black -- https://bhpho.to/48r2C0M Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic white -- https://bhpho.to/47mxs9G Tascam DR100 -- https://bhpho.to/47uFbCB Zoom H2n -- https://bhpho.to/3S9UMmJ Shure LensHopper -- https://bhpho.to/4aPS50G BAGS/CASES Think Tank Airport Advantage XT -- https://bhpho.to/48HUdpy Think Tank Airport TakeOff V2.0 -- https://bhpho.to/4b1HzE3 Think Tank Urban Access 15 Backpack -- https://bhpho.to/3NUwkDh WEDDING PRO TEAM: Venue: @chateauchallain Event producer: @cicievents_cynthia Planning: @dreamsindetail @by_nicoleharris @ashleytheimer_ Photography: @missaniela @imogenevephotography @charlottegriffithsphotographer @andrew_bayda Florals: @butterflyfloral @rutgermflowers @misterbrettevents Band/MC: @shinelivebandparis Welcome Party Entertainment: @blackrabbitprojects Welcome Party Lighting: @jacobco_creative After Party DJ: @djyoav Catering: @lessaveurs_dupre @inseasondining Beauty Team: @riri_roya @kristi.grimm @labellevisagenj Live Painting: @eventillustrator Pool Party: @chateaudetresse Bride's Gowns: @galialahav (Some of the above links are affiliate links. This means if we tell you about a product or service we love and you purchase something, we get a small percentage back. Thanks for trusting our referrals, and for helping us continue to invest time in wedding filmmaking education.) [thumbnails] => Array ( [default] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EU80umjeyVA/default.jpg [width] => 120 [height] => 90 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EU80umjeyVA/mqdefault.jpg [width] => 320 [height] => 180 ) [high] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EU80umjeyVA/hqdefault.jpg [width] => 480 [height] => 360 ) [standard] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EU80umjeyVA/sddefault.jpg [width] => 640 [height] => 480 ) [maxres] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EU80umjeyVA/maxresdefault.jpg [width] => 1280 [height] => 720 ) ) [channelTitle] => PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films [tags] => Array ( [0] => chateau challain [1] => chateau challain la potherie [2] => chateau challain wedding [3] => chateau wedding [4] => chateau wedding france [5] => destination wedding [6] => destination wedding france [7] => destination wedding trailer [8] => destination wedding video [9] => dream wedding [10] => europe wedding [11] => europe wedding video [12] => france wedding [13] => france wedding video [14] => french wedding [15] => galia lahav [16] => galia lahav wedding dresses [17] => penn weddings [18] => penweddings [19] => penweddings youtube [20] => wedding [21] => wedding film [22] => wedding in france [23] => wedding video ) [categoryId] => 19 [liveBroadcastContent] => none [defaultLanguage] => en [localized] => Array ( [title] => Wedding In France | Destination wedding video at Chateau Challain [description] => ♥ Michelle & Josh's destination wedding in France at Chateau Challain ♥ Lost in the enchantment of a French chateau tale: A Mad Hatter's welcome, cathedral vows, Galia Lahav dreams, character-filled scenes, carriage whispers, fireworks painting the night sky, and a 'hangover' pool party for the morning after. Michelle & Josh's week? Lord have mercy, where do I begin? Music licensed through Musicbed. http://share.mscbd.fm/penweddings SyncID: MB01COEI4U0DSGB GEAR LIST: CAMERAS Sony a7siii -- https://bhpho.to/3NTGvIa DJI Mavic 3 Pro -- https://bhpho.to/3MOUY6Z LENSES Sony 70-200 2.8 GM iii -- https://bhpho.to/3NWUDAt ZEISS Batis 85mm f/1.8 -- https://bhpho.to/4aQtDfG Sony Planar T* FE 50mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/4aHTZAN Sony Distagon T* FE 35mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/3S9TMio Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 DG DN Art -- https://bhpho.to/41MKwUF ZEISS Batis 18mm f/2.8 Lens -- https://bhpho.to/3qVZBVU SUPPORT Really Right Stuff TQC-14 Series 1 Mk2 -- https://bhpho.to/4aPjccA iFootage Komodo K5 Fluid Head -- https://bhpho.to/3vseEbI Sirui P-324S Monopod -- https://tinyurl.com/siruimonopod Manfrotto MVH500AH head -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMVH500AH Joby Gorillapod -- https://tinyurl.com/gorillapodjoby Platypod -- https://tinyurl.com/platypodmax RL Handcrafts Clydesdale Lite Harness - https://bhpho.to/3tLrJwk AUDIO Tascam DR10L -- https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr10l Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic black -- https://bhpho.to/48r2C0M Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic white -- https://bhpho.to/47mxs9G Tascam DR100 -- https://bhpho.to/47uFbCB Zoom H2n -- https://bhpho.to/3S9UMmJ Shure LensHopper -- https://bhpho.to/4aPS50G BAGS/CASES Think Tank Airport Advantage XT -- https://bhpho.to/48HUdpy Think Tank Airport TakeOff V2.0 -- https://bhpho.to/4b1HzE3 Think Tank Urban Access 15 Backpack -- https://bhpho.to/3NUwkDh WEDDING PRO TEAM: Venue: @chateauchallain Event producer: @cicievents_cynthia Planning: @dreamsindetail @by_nicoleharris @ashleytheimer_ Photography: @missaniela @imogenevephotography @charlottegriffithsphotographer @andrew_bayda Florals: @butterflyfloral @rutgermflowers @misterbrettevents Band/MC: @shinelivebandparis Welcome Party Entertainment: @blackrabbitprojects Welcome Party Lighting: @jacobco_creative After Party DJ: @djyoav Catering: @lessaveurs_dupre @inseasondining Beauty Team: @riri_roya @kristi.grimm @labellevisagenj Live Painting: @eventillustrator Pool Party: @chateaudetresse Bride's Gowns: @galialahav (Some of the above links are affiliate links. This means if we tell you about a product or service we love and you purchase something, we get a small percentage back. Thanks for trusting our referrals, and for helping us continue to invest time in wedding filmmaking education.) ) [defaultAudioLanguage] => en ) [contentDetails] => Array ( [duration] => PT1M47S [dimension] => 2d [definition] => hd [caption] => false [licensedContent] => 1 [contentRating] => Array ( ) [projection] => rectangular ) [statistics] => Array ( [viewCount] => 3179 [likeCount] => 81 [favoriteCount] => 0 [commentCount] => 23 ) ) [3] => Array ( [id] => e9lC4lXb45s [snippet] => Array ( [publishedAt] => 2023-08-22T17:41:47Z [channelId] => UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q [title] => SoCal Wedding Video | Montage Laguna Beach | Destination wedding videographer [description] => ♥ Jess & Ben's Stunning SoCal Wedding at Montage Laguna Beach ♥ Three days of Jessica and Ben. Ocean breezes. Culinary delights. Shots. Bear hugs. Cascading florals. More shots. Dance parties. Fashionistas. True love. And this is just the teaser... Music licensed through Musicbed. http://share.mscbd.fm/penweddings SyncID: MB01CT7WSELAZHO GEAR LIST: CAMERAS Sony a7siii -- https://bhpho.to/3NTGvIa DJI Mavic 3 Pro -- https://bhpho.to/3MOUY6Z LENSES Sony 70-200 2.8 GM iii -- https://bhpho.to/3NWUDAt ZEISS Batis 85mm f/1.8 -- https://bhpho.to/4aQtDfG Sony Planar T* FE 50mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/4aHTZAN Sony Distagon T* FE 35mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/3S9TMio Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 DG DN Art -- https://bhpho.to/41MKwUF ZEISS Batis 18mm f/2.8 Lens -- https://bhpho.to/3qVZBVU SUPPORT Really Right Stuff TQC-14 Series 1 Mk2 -- https://bhpho.to/4aPjccA iFootage Komodo K5 Fluid Head -- https://bhpho.to/3vseEbI Sirui P-324S Monopod -- https://tinyurl.com/siruimonopod Manfrotto MVH500AH head -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMVH500AH Joby Gorillapod -- https://tinyurl.com/gorillapodjoby Platypod -- https://tinyurl.com/platypodmax RL Handcrafts Clydesdale Lite Harness - https://bhpho.to/3tLrJwk AUDIO Tascam DR10L -- https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr10l Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic black -- https://bhpho.to/48r2C0M Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic white -- https://bhpho.to/47mxs9G Tascam DR100 -- https://bhpho.to/47uFbCB Zoom H2n -- https://bhpho.to/3S9UMmJ Shure LensHopper -- https://bhpho.to/4aPS50G BAGS/CASES Think Tank Airport Advantage XT -- https://bhpho.to/48HUdpy Think Tank Airport TakeOff V2.0 -- https://bhpho.to/4b1HzE3 Think Tank Urban Access 15 Backpack -- https://bhpho.to/3NUwkDh WEDDING PRO TEAM: Planning & Design | @agoodaffair @agoodaffairnatalie Photographer | @brandonkiddphoto Wedding Filmmaker | @penweddings Florals | @nisiesenchanted Rentals & Decor | @delovelydetails @bbjlatavola @foundrentalco Band/MC | @elis.band Venue | @montagelaguna Catering | @bbhcatering Beauty | @1011makeupandhair (Some of the above links are affiliate links. This means if we tell you about a product or service we love and you purchase something, we get a small percentage back. Thanks for trusting our referrals, and for helping us continue to invest time in wedding filmmaking education.) [thumbnails] => Array ( [default] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/e9lC4lXb45s/default.jpg [width] => 120 [height] => 90 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/e9lC4lXb45s/mqdefault.jpg [width] => 320 [height] => 180 ) [high] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/e9lC4lXb45s/hqdefault.jpg [width] => 480 [height] => 360 ) [standard] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/e9lC4lXb45s/sddefault.jpg [width] => 640 [height] => 480 ) [maxres] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/e9lC4lXb45s/maxresdefault.jpg [width] => 1280 [height] => 720 ) ) [channelTitle] => PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films [tags] => Array ( [0] => california wedding [1] => destination wedding [2] => destination wedding trailer [3] => destination wedding video [4] => destination wedding videographer [5] => destination wedding videography [6] => eli's band wedding [7] => jewish wedding [8] => jewish wedding dance [9] => jewish wedding video [10] => laguna beach wedding [11] => montage laguna beach wedding [12] => orange county wedding [13] => penn weddings [14] => penweddings [15] => penweddings youtube [16] => socal wedding [17] => socal wedding venue [18] => socal wedding videographer [19] => wedding video [20] => wedding videography [21] => weddings ) [categoryId] => 19 [liveBroadcastContent] => none [defaultLanguage] => en [localized] => Array ( [title] => SoCal Wedding Video | Montage Laguna Beach | Destination wedding videographer [description] => ♥ Jess & Ben's Stunning SoCal Wedding at Montage Laguna Beach ♥ Three days of Jessica and Ben. Ocean breezes. Culinary delights. Shots. Bear hugs. Cascading florals. More shots. Dance parties. Fashionistas. True love. And this is just the teaser... Music licensed through Musicbed. http://share.mscbd.fm/penweddings SyncID: MB01CT7WSELAZHO GEAR LIST: CAMERAS Sony a7siii -- https://bhpho.to/3NTGvIa DJI Mavic 3 Pro -- https://bhpho.to/3MOUY6Z LENSES Sony 70-200 2.8 GM iii -- https://bhpho.to/3NWUDAt ZEISS Batis 85mm f/1.8 -- https://bhpho.to/4aQtDfG Sony Planar T* FE 50mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/4aHTZAN Sony Distagon T* FE 35mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/3S9TMio Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 DG DN Art -- https://bhpho.to/41MKwUF ZEISS Batis 18mm f/2.8 Lens -- https://bhpho.to/3qVZBVU SUPPORT Really Right Stuff TQC-14 Series 1 Mk2 -- https://bhpho.to/4aPjccA iFootage Komodo K5 Fluid Head -- https://bhpho.to/3vseEbI Sirui P-324S Monopod -- https://tinyurl.com/siruimonopod Manfrotto MVH500AH head -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMVH500AH Joby Gorillapod -- https://tinyurl.com/gorillapodjoby Platypod -- https://tinyurl.com/platypodmax RL Handcrafts Clydesdale Lite Harness - https://bhpho.to/3tLrJwk AUDIO Tascam DR10L -- https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr10l Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic black -- https://bhpho.to/48r2C0M Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic white -- https://bhpho.to/47mxs9G Tascam DR100 -- https://bhpho.to/47uFbCB Zoom H2n -- https://bhpho.to/3S9UMmJ Shure LensHopper -- https://bhpho.to/4aPS50G BAGS/CASES Think Tank Airport Advantage XT -- https://bhpho.to/48HUdpy Think Tank Airport TakeOff V2.0 -- https://bhpho.to/4b1HzE3 Think Tank Urban Access 15 Backpack -- https://bhpho.to/3NUwkDh WEDDING PRO TEAM: Planning & Design | @agoodaffair @agoodaffairnatalie Photographer | @brandonkiddphoto Wedding Filmmaker | @penweddings Florals | @nisiesenchanted Rentals & Decor | @delovelydetails @bbjlatavola @foundrentalco Band/MC | @elis.band Venue | @montagelaguna Catering | @bbhcatering Beauty | @1011makeupandhair (Some of the above links are affiliate links. This means if we tell you about a product or service we love and you purchase something, we get a small percentage back. Thanks for trusting our referrals, and for helping us continue to invest time in wedding filmmaking education.) ) [defaultAudioLanguage] => en ) [contentDetails] => Array ( [duration] => PT1M37S [dimension] => 2d [definition] => hd [caption] => false [licensedContent] => 1 [contentRating] => Array ( ) [projection] => rectangular ) [statistics] => Array ( [viewCount] => 1498 [likeCount] => 20 [favoriteCount] => 0 [commentCount] => 1 ) ) [4] => Array ( [id] => T7hpWBbLaR0 [snippet] => Array ( [publishedAt] => 2023-08-22T17:02:33Z [channelId] => UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q [title] => Colorful Wedding Video | Oklahoma City Golf & Country Club wedding [description] => ♥ Hannah & Trent's Colorful Oklahoma Wedding ♥ A brief glimpse into the kaleidoscope of colors and emotions that painted an unforgettable weekend. Stay tuned, because there is much more to come from Hannah & Trent's incredible celebration. Music licensed through Musicbed. http://share.mscbd.fm/penweddings SyncID: MB01GK4LTMXDFNB GEAR LIST: CAMERAS Sony a7siii -- https://bhpho.to/3NTGvIa DJI Mavic 3 Pro -- https://bhpho.to/3MOUY6Z LENSES Sony 70-200 2.8 GM iii -- https://bhpho.to/3NWUDAt ZEISS Batis 85mm f/1.8 -- https://bhpho.to/4aQtDfG Sony Planar T* FE 50mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/4aHTZAN Sony Distagon T* FE 35mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/3S9TMio Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 DG DN Art -- https://bhpho.to/41MKwUF ZEISS Batis 18mm f/2.8 Lens -- https://bhpho.to/3qVZBVU SUPPORT Really Right Stuff TQC-14 Series 1 Mk2 -- https://bhpho.to/4aPjccA iFootage Komodo K5 Fluid Head -- https://bhpho.to/3vseEbI Sirui P-324S Monopod -- https://tinyurl.com/siruimonopod Manfrotto MVH500AH head -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMVH500AH Joby Gorillapod -- https://tinyurl.com/gorillapodjoby Platypod -- https://tinyurl.com/platypodmax RL Handcrafts Clydesdale Lite Harness - https://bhpho.to/3tLrJwk AUDIO Tascam DR10L -- https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr10l Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic black -- https://bhpho.to/48r2C0M Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic white -- https://bhpho.to/47mxs9G Tascam DR100 -- https://bhpho.to/47uFbCB Zoom H2n -- https://bhpho.to/3S9UMmJ Shure LensHopper -- https://bhpho.to/4aPS50G BAGS/CASES Think Tank Airport Advantage XT -- https://bhpho.to/48HUdpy Think Tank Airport TakeOff V2.0 -- https://bhpho.to/4b1HzE3 Think Tank Urban Access 15 Backpack -- https://bhpho.to/3NUwkDh WEDDING PRO TEAM: Planning & Design | @aislebewithyouweddings Photographer | @charlastorey Wedding Filmmaker | @penweddings Florals | @bowsandarrowsflowers Rentals & Decor | @mariannesrentals & @percheventdecor Stationery | @eros_stationery Seating Chart & Custom Acrylics | @woodenheartsboutiquellc Cake | @amycakes7 Band/MC | @thegroovelinedallas Dance Floor | @imperial_floors_ Lighting | @stage2lighting Venue & Catering | @okcgcc Ceremony & Cocktail Hour Musicians | @okcentertainment Beauty | @brushedokc Rehearsal Dinner | @firstnationalokc Getaway Car | @tulsaweddingcar Gelato Cart | @propmypartyokc Bride's Gown | @warrenbarronbridal Menswear | @alltons_clothing (Some of the above links are affiliate links. This means if we tell you about a product or service we love and you purchase something, we get a small percentage back. Thanks for trusting our referrals, and for helping us continue to invest time in wedding filmmaking education.) [thumbnails] => Array ( [default] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/T7hpWBbLaR0/default.jpg [width] => 120 [height] => 90 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/T7hpWBbLaR0/mqdefault.jpg [width] => 320 [height] => 180 ) [high] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/T7hpWBbLaR0/hqdefault.jpg [width] => 480 [height] => 360 ) [standard] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/T7hpWBbLaR0/sddefault.jpg [width] => 640 [height] => 480 ) [maxres] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/T7hpWBbLaR0/maxresdefault.jpg [width] => 1280 [height] => 720 ) ) [channelTitle] => PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films [tags] => Array ( [0] => colorful wedding [1] => colorful wedding ceremony [2] => colorful wedding flower arrangements [3] => colorful wedding flowers [4] => colorful wedding reception [5] => colorful wedding reception ideas [6] => colorful wedding video [7] => okc wedding videographer [8] => oklahoma wedding videographer [9] => penweddings [10] => penweddings youtube [11] => wedding day [12] => wedding film [13] => wedding ideas [14] => wedding planning [15] => wedding speech [16] => wedding story [17] => wedding teaser [18] => wedding toast [19] => wedding video [20] => wedding videography ) [categoryId] => 19 [liveBroadcastContent] => none [defaultLanguage] => en [localized] => Array ( [title] => Colorful Wedding Video | Oklahoma City Golf & Country Club wedding [description] => ♥ Hannah & Trent's Colorful Oklahoma Wedding ♥ A brief glimpse into the kaleidoscope of colors and emotions that painted an unforgettable weekend. Stay tuned, because there is much more to come from Hannah & Trent's incredible celebration. Music licensed through Musicbed. http://share.mscbd.fm/penweddings SyncID: MB01GK4LTMXDFNB GEAR LIST: CAMERAS Sony a7siii -- https://bhpho.to/3NTGvIa DJI Mavic 3 Pro -- https://bhpho.to/3MOUY6Z LENSES Sony 70-200 2.8 GM iii -- https://bhpho.to/3NWUDAt ZEISS Batis 85mm f/1.8 -- https://bhpho.to/4aQtDfG Sony Planar T* FE 50mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/4aHTZAN Sony Distagon T* FE 35mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/3S9TMio Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 DG DN Art -- https://bhpho.to/41MKwUF ZEISS Batis 18mm f/2.8 Lens -- https://bhpho.to/3qVZBVU SUPPORT Really Right Stuff TQC-14 Series 1 Mk2 -- https://bhpho.to/4aPjccA iFootage Komodo K5 Fluid Head -- https://bhpho.to/3vseEbI Sirui P-324S Monopod -- https://tinyurl.com/siruimonopod Manfrotto MVH500AH head -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMVH500AH Joby Gorillapod -- https://tinyurl.com/gorillapodjoby Platypod -- https://tinyurl.com/platypodmax RL Handcrafts Clydesdale Lite Harness - https://bhpho.to/3tLrJwk AUDIO Tascam DR10L -- https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr10l Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic black -- https://bhpho.to/48r2C0M Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic white -- https://bhpho.to/47mxs9G Tascam DR100 -- https://bhpho.to/47uFbCB Zoom H2n -- https://bhpho.to/3S9UMmJ Shure LensHopper -- https://bhpho.to/4aPS50G BAGS/CASES Think Tank Airport Advantage XT -- https://bhpho.to/48HUdpy Think Tank Airport TakeOff V2.0 -- https://bhpho.to/4b1HzE3 Think Tank Urban Access 15 Backpack -- https://bhpho.to/3NUwkDh WEDDING PRO TEAM: Planning & Design | @aislebewithyouweddings Photographer | @charlastorey Wedding Filmmaker | @penweddings Florals | @bowsandarrowsflowers Rentals & Decor | @mariannesrentals & @percheventdecor Stationery | @eros_stationery Seating Chart & Custom Acrylics | @woodenheartsboutiquellc Cake | @amycakes7 Band/MC | @thegroovelinedallas Dance Floor | @imperial_floors_ Lighting | @stage2lighting Venue & Catering | @okcgcc Ceremony & Cocktail Hour Musicians | @okcentertainment Beauty | @brushedokc Rehearsal Dinner | @firstnationalokc Getaway Car | @tulsaweddingcar Gelato Cart | @propmypartyokc Bride's Gown | @warrenbarronbridal Menswear | @alltons_clothing (Some of the above links are affiliate links. This means if we tell you about a product or service we love and you purchase something, we get a small percentage back. Thanks for trusting our referrals, and for helping us continue to invest time in wedding filmmaking education.) ) [defaultAudioLanguage] => en ) [contentDetails] => Array ( [duration] => PT1M28S [dimension] => 2d [definition] => hd [caption] => false [licensedContent] => 1 [contentRating] => Array ( ) [projection] => rectangular ) [statistics] => Array ( [viewCount] => 822 [likeCount] => 32 [favoriteCount] => 0 [commentCount] => 4 ) ) [5] => Array ( [id] => iWuZ5NNjIxY [snippet] => Array ( [publishedAt] => 2022-09-25T17:56:08Z [channelId] => UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q [title] => Romance at The Office | The Arlo Wedding | Austin, Texas wedding video [description] => || Copyright, PenWeddings || ♥ Romance in The Office • Gaby & Kevin's Austin wedding at The Arlo ♥ They grew up 20 miles apart in Miami, but it wasn't until Gaby and Kevin each took a job at the same company in Austin, Texas that their paths crossed. Kevin may or may not have found any excuse to pass by Gaby's desk multiple times a day. Eventually, he asked for her number, and they've been inseparable ever since. Music licensed through Musicbed. http://share.mscbd.fm/penweddings GEAR LIST: CAMERAS Sony a7siii -- https://bhpho.to/3NTGvIa DJI Mavic 3 Pro -- https://bhpho.to/3MOUY6Z LENSES Sony 70-200 2.8 GM iii -- https://bhpho.to/3NWUDAt ZEISS Batis 85mm f/1.8 -- https://bhpho.to/4aQtDfG Sony Planar T* FE 50mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/4aHTZAN Sony Distagon T* FE 35mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/3S9TMio Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 DG DN Art -- https://bhpho.to/41MKwUF ZEISS Batis 18mm f/2.8 Lens -- https://bhpho.to/3qVZBVU SUPPORT Really Right Stuff TQC-14 Series 1 Mk2 -- https://bhpho.to/4aPjccA iFootage Komodo K5 Fluid Head -- https://bhpho.to/3vseEbI Sirui P-324S Monopod -- https://tinyurl.com/siruimonopod Manfrotto MVH500AH head -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMVH500AH Joby Gorillapod -- https://tinyurl.com/gorillapodjoby Platypod -- https://tinyurl.com/platypodmax RL Handcrafts Clydesdale Lite Harness - https://bhpho.to/3tLrJwk AUDIO Tascam DR10L -- https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr10l Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic black -- https://bhpho.to/48r2C0M Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic white -- https://bhpho.to/47mxs9G Tascam DR100 -- https://bhpho.to/47uFbCB Zoom H2n -- https://bhpho.to/3S9UMmJ Shure LensHopper -- https://bhpho.to/4aPS50G BAGS/CASES Think Tank Airport Advantage XT -- https://bhpho.to/48HUdpy Think Tank Airport TakeOff V2.0 -- https://bhpho.to/4b1HzE3 Think Tank Urban Access 15 Backpack -- https://bhpho.to/3NUwkDh WEDDING PRO TEAM: Wedding Filmmaker: @penweddings Planning & Design: @pearleventsaustin @betsyvillanueva Photography: @stacysmsphoto Venue: @eventsatthearlo Florals: @bouquetsofaustin Catering: @cravecateringtx Cake: @simonleebakery Band/MC: @strat_band After Party musicians: @sofitukker Ceremony musicians: @terravistastrings Rentals & Decor: @percheventdecor @premiereeventstx @peerlesseventsandtents Dance floor: @centerstage_floors Hair & Makeup: @leahtrogan Draping: @unique_design_and_events_ Lighting: @austineventlighting Stationery: @the_inviting_pear Getaway car: @atxclassiccars Ice sculpture: @full_spectrum_ice Rehearsal Dinner Venue: @therileybuilding Rehearsal Dinner Planning: @moeventco (Some of the above links are affiliate links. This means if we tell you about a product or service we love and you purchase something, we get a small percentage back. Thanks for trusting our referrals, and for helping us continue to invest time in wedding filmmaking education.) [thumbnails] => Array ( [default] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/iWuZ5NNjIxY/default.jpg [width] => 120 [height] => 90 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/iWuZ5NNjIxY/mqdefault.jpg [width] => 320 [height] => 180 ) [high] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/iWuZ5NNjIxY/hqdefault.jpg [width] => 480 [height] => 360 ) [standard] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/iWuZ5NNjIxY/sddefault.jpg [width] => 640 [height] => 480 ) [maxres] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/iWuZ5NNjIxY/maxresdefault.jpg [width] => 1280 [height] => 720 ) ) [channelTitle] => PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films [tags] => Array ( [0] => austin texas wedding [1] => austin texas wedding venues [2] => austin texas wedding videographer [3] => austin wedding [4] => austin wedding venues [5] => austin wedding video [6] => austin wedding videographer [7] => austin wedding videography [8] => penweddings [9] => sofi tukker [10] => texas wedding venues [11] => texas wedding videographer [12] => texas wedding videography [13] => texas wedding videos [14] => the arlo [15] => the arlo austin [16] => the arlo wedding [17] => the office love [18] => the office love story [19] => the office romance [20] => wedding [21] => wedding video [22] => wedding videography ) [categoryId] => 19 [liveBroadcastContent] => none [defaultLanguage] => en [localized] => Array ( [title] => Romance at The Office | The Arlo Wedding | Austin, Texas wedding video [description] => || Copyright, PenWeddings || ♥ Romance in The Office • Gaby & Kevin's Austin wedding at The Arlo ♥ They grew up 20 miles apart in Miami, but it wasn't until Gaby and Kevin each took a job at the same company in Austin, Texas that their paths crossed. Kevin may or may not have found any excuse to pass by Gaby's desk multiple times a day. Eventually, he asked for her number, and they've been inseparable ever since. Music licensed through Musicbed. http://share.mscbd.fm/penweddings GEAR LIST: CAMERAS Sony a7siii -- https://bhpho.to/3NTGvIa DJI Mavic 3 Pro -- https://bhpho.to/3MOUY6Z LENSES Sony 70-200 2.8 GM iii -- https://bhpho.to/3NWUDAt ZEISS Batis 85mm f/1.8 -- https://bhpho.to/4aQtDfG Sony Planar T* FE 50mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/4aHTZAN Sony Distagon T* FE 35mm f/1.4 -- https://bhpho.to/3S9TMio Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 DG DN Art -- https://bhpho.to/41MKwUF ZEISS Batis 18mm f/2.8 Lens -- https://bhpho.to/3qVZBVU SUPPORT Really Right Stuff TQC-14 Series 1 Mk2 -- https://bhpho.to/4aPjccA iFootage Komodo K5 Fluid Head -- https://bhpho.to/3vseEbI Sirui P-324S Monopod -- https://tinyurl.com/siruimonopod Manfrotto MVH500AH head -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMVH500AH Joby Gorillapod -- https://tinyurl.com/gorillapodjoby Platypod -- https://tinyurl.com/platypodmax RL Handcrafts Clydesdale Lite Harness - https://bhpho.to/3tLrJwk AUDIO Tascam DR10L -- https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr10l Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic black -- https://bhpho.to/48r2C0M Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic white -- https://bhpho.to/47mxs9G Tascam DR100 -- https://bhpho.to/47uFbCB Zoom H2n -- https://bhpho.to/3S9UMmJ Shure LensHopper -- https://bhpho.to/4aPS50G BAGS/CASES Think Tank Airport Advantage XT -- https://bhpho.to/48HUdpy Think Tank Airport TakeOff V2.0 -- https://bhpho.to/4b1HzE3 Think Tank Urban Access 15 Backpack -- https://bhpho.to/3NUwkDh WEDDING PRO TEAM: Wedding Filmmaker: @penweddings Planning & Design: @pearleventsaustin @betsyvillanueva Photography: @stacysmsphoto Venue: @eventsatthearlo Florals: @bouquetsofaustin Catering: @cravecateringtx Cake: @simonleebakery Band/MC: @strat_band After Party musicians: @sofitukker Ceremony musicians: @terravistastrings Rentals & Decor: @percheventdecor @premiereeventstx @peerlesseventsandtents Dance floor: @centerstage_floors Hair & Makeup: @leahtrogan Draping: @unique_design_and_events_ Lighting: @austineventlighting Stationery: @the_inviting_pear Getaway car: @atxclassiccars Ice sculpture: @full_spectrum_ice Rehearsal Dinner Venue: @therileybuilding Rehearsal Dinner Planning: @moeventco (Some of the above links are affiliate links. This means if we tell you about a product or service we love and you purchase something, we get a small percentage back. Thanks for trusting our referrals, and for helping us continue to invest time in wedding filmmaking education.) ) [defaultAudioLanguage] => en ) [contentDetails] => Array ( [duration] => PT8M2S [dimension] => 2d [definition] => hd [caption] => true [licensedContent] => 1 [contentRating] => Array ( ) [projection] => rectangular ) [statistics] => Array ( [viewCount] => 10275 [likeCount] => 199 [favoriteCount] => 0 [commentCount] => 16 ) ) [6] => Array ( [id] => Jvd8JsdmoJg [snippet] => Array ( [publishedAt] => 2022-08-31T11:44:37Z [channelId] => UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q [title] => "I Prayed For You" | Christ-centered Scottsdale destination wedding video will make you cry [description] => || Copyright, PenWeddings || ♥ Chandler & Conner's Christ-centered Scottsdale destination wedding ♥ "I was praying for you the whole time by name and didn't know it." As Chandler said it, “For years I prayed, asking God to bring me his best. I was praying for you the whole time by name and didn’t know it.” She met Conner Best, and knew quickly he was the one. Their Scottsdale destination wedding featured deep, heartfelt speeches and vows, and showcased a setting as beautiful as their story. Music licensed through Musicbed. http://share.mscbd.fm/penweddings GEAR LIST: -CAMERAS- Sony a7siii -- https://tinyurl.com/sonya7siii DJI Mavic 2 Pro -- https://tinyurl.com/djimavic2pro -LENSES- Canon 70-200 2.8 iii -- https://tinyurl.com/Canon7020028iii Canon 70-200 2.8 ii -- https://tinyurl.com/canon70200ii Canon 70-200 2.8 -- https://tinyurl.com/canon70200i Canon 50mm 1.2 -- https://tinyurl.com/canon50mm12 Canon 16-35 2.8 iii -- https://tinyurl.com/canon1635ii Sigma Art 35 1.4 -- https://tinyurl.com/sigmaart35 Sigma Art 50 1.4 -- https://tinyurl.com/sigmaart50 Sigma Art 85 1.4 -- https://tinyurl.com/sigmaart85ef -SUPPORT- Sirui P-324S Monopods -- amzn.to/2u1ReIR or https://tinyurl.com/siruimonopod Manfrotto 535 tripod -- http://tinyurl.com/Manfrotto535 Manfrotto MT290XTC3US tripod -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMT290 Manfrotto MT055CXPRO4 tripod -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMT055 Manfrotto 502HD head -- http://tinyurl.com/Manfrotto502HD Manfrotto MVH500AH head -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMVH500AH Joby Gorillapod -- amzn.to/2t7hIEe or https://tinyurl.com/gorillapodjoby Platypod -- http://amzn.to/2G10Oht or https://tinyurl.com/platypodmax Holdfast Money Maker harness - https://tinyurl.com/holdfastmoneymaker -AUDIO- Tascam DR10L -- amzn.to/2ubnmdB or https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr10l Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic black -- amzn.to/2u20Vaj Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic white -- amzn.to/2t7dzQG Tascam DR100 -- https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr100 Zoom H2n -- http://amzn.to/2Exb97U or https://tinyurl.com/Zoomh2nrecorder Shure LensHopper -- http://amzn.to/2C8qqqo or https://tinyurl.com/ShureLensHopper -BAGS/CASES- Manfrotto case -- amzn.to/2u6D7BI or https://tinyurl.com/manfrottorollingcase Think Tank Airport Antidote 2.0 -- http://bit.ly/2DShB8A Think Tank Takeoff Rolling Camera Bag -- http://bit.ly/2E6kEea Kelly Moore messenger bags -- https://tinyurl.com/kellymoorebags WEDDING PRO TEAM: Wedding Filmmaker: @penweddings Planning & Design: @detailsdarling Photography: @brandonkiddphoto Venue: @mountainshadowsaz Florals: @thewildflowersaz Cake: @abakeshop DJ/MC: @tregothedj Rentals & Decor: @primrentals & @eventrentsaz Hair stylist: @biancajpastrana Makeup artist: @mua_nat Photobooth: @pixsterphotobooth Stationery printing: @primandpixie Bride's Dress: @inesdisanto from @destinysbride Bride's Veil: @galialahav from @stanleykorshakbride Bride's Shoes: @louboutinworld Menswear: @suitsupply & @louboutinworld Bridesmaids' dresses: @bhldn (Some of the above links are affiliate links. This means if we tell you about a product or service we love and you purchase something, we get a small percentage back. Thanks for trusting our referrals, and for helping us continue to invest time in wedding filmmaking education.) [thumbnails] => Array ( [default] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Jvd8JsdmoJg/default.jpg [width] => 120 [height] => 90 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Jvd8JsdmoJg/mqdefault.jpg [width] => 320 [height] => 180 ) [high] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Jvd8JsdmoJg/hqdefault.jpg [width] => 480 [height] => 360 ) [standard] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Jvd8JsdmoJg/sddefault.jpg [width] => 640 [height] => 480 ) [maxres] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Jvd8JsdmoJg/maxresdefault.jpg [width] => 1280 [height] => 720 ) ) [channelTitle] => PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films [tags] => Array ( [0] => penweddings [1] => penweddings youtube [2] => groom cries [3] => groom cries when he sees bride [4] => groom cries at wedding [5] => groom cries first look [6] => destination wedding [7] => destination wedding video [8] => arizona wedding [9] => arizona wedding video [10] => scottsdale wedding [11] => scottsdale wedding video [12] => destination wedding videographer [13] => i prayed for you [14] => wedding video [15] => vows to my husband [16] => personal vows to my wife [17] => personal vows to husband [18] => Christ-centered [19] => Christ-centered wedding [20] => Christian wedding [21] => personal vows ) [categoryId] => 19 [liveBroadcastContent] => none [defaultLanguage] => en [localized] => Array ( [title] => "I Prayed For You" | Christ-centered Scottsdale destination wedding video will make you cry [description] => || Copyright, PenWeddings || ♥ Chandler & Conner's Christ-centered Scottsdale destination wedding ♥ "I was praying for you the whole time by name and didn't know it." As Chandler said it, “For years I prayed, asking God to bring me his best. I was praying for you the whole time by name and didn’t know it.” She met Conner Best, and knew quickly he was the one. Their Scottsdale destination wedding featured deep, heartfelt speeches and vows, and showcased a setting as beautiful as their story. Music licensed through Musicbed. http://share.mscbd.fm/penweddings GEAR LIST: -CAMERAS- Sony a7siii -- https://tinyurl.com/sonya7siii DJI Mavic 2 Pro -- https://tinyurl.com/djimavic2pro -LENSES- Canon 70-200 2.8 iii -- https://tinyurl.com/Canon7020028iii Canon 70-200 2.8 ii -- https://tinyurl.com/canon70200ii Canon 70-200 2.8 -- https://tinyurl.com/canon70200i Canon 50mm 1.2 -- https://tinyurl.com/canon50mm12 Canon 16-35 2.8 iii -- https://tinyurl.com/canon1635ii Sigma Art 35 1.4 -- https://tinyurl.com/sigmaart35 Sigma Art 50 1.4 -- https://tinyurl.com/sigmaart50 Sigma Art 85 1.4 -- https://tinyurl.com/sigmaart85ef -SUPPORT- Sirui P-324S Monopods -- amzn.to/2u1ReIR or https://tinyurl.com/siruimonopod Manfrotto 535 tripod -- http://tinyurl.com/Manfrotto535 Manfrotto MT290XTC3US tripod -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMT290 Manfrotto MT055CXPRO4 tripod -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMT055 Manfrotto 502HD head -- http://tinyurl.com/Manfrotto502HD Manfrotto MVH500AH head -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMVH500AH Joby Gorillapod -- amzn.to/2t7hIEe or https://tinyurl.com/gorillapodjoby Platypod -- http://amzn.to/2G10Oht or https://tinyurl.com/platypodmax Holdfast Money Maker harness - https://tinyurl.com/holdfastmoneymaker -AUDIO- Tascam DR10L -- amzn.to/2ubnmdB or https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr10l Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic black -- amzn.to/2u20Vaj Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic white -- amzn.to/2t7dzQG Tascam DR100 -- https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr100 Zoom H2n -- http://amzn.to/2Exb97U or https://tinyurl.com/Zoomh2nrecorder Shure LensHopper -- http://amzn.to/2C8qqqo or https://tinyurl.com/ShureLensHopper -BAGS/CASES- Manfrotto case -- amzn.to/2u6D7BI or https://tinyurl.com/manfrottorollingcase Think Tank Airport Antidote 2.0 -- http://bit.ly/2DShB8A Think Tank Takeoff Rolling Camera Bag -- http://bit.ly/2E6kEea Kelly Moore messenger bags -- https://tinyurl.com/kellymoorebags WEDDING PRO TEAM: Wedding Filmmaker: @penweddings Planning & Design: @detailsdarling Photography: @brandonkiddphoto Venue: @mountainshadowsaz Florals: @thewildflowersaz Cake: @abakeshop DJ/MC: @tregothedj Rentals & Decor: @primrentals & @eventrentsaz Hair stylist: @biancajpastrana Makeup artist: @mua_nat Photobooth: @pixsterphotobooth Stationery printing: @primandpixie Bride's Dress: @inesdisanto from @destinysbride Bride's Veil: @galialahav from @stanleykorshakbride Bride's Shoes: @louboutinworld Menswear: @suitsupply & @louboutinworld Bridesmaids' dresses: @bhldn (Some of the above links are affiliate links. This means if we tell you about a product or service we love and you purchase something, we get a small percentage back. Thanks for trusting our referrals, and for helping us continue to invest time in wedding filmmaking education.) ) [defaultAudioLanguage] => en ) [contentDetails] => Array ( [duration] => PT9M51S [dimension] => 2d [definition] => hd [caption] => true [licensedContent] => 1 [contentRating] => Array ( ) [projection] => rectangular ) [statistics] => Array ( [viewCount] => 106700 [likeCount] => 2801 [favoriteCount] => 0 [commentCount] => 142 ) ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 1UKohjiyFlQ [snippet] => Array ( [publishedAt] => 2022-08-30T17:34:27Z [channelId] => UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q [title] => Grooms Surprises Bride with Song | Highlands North Carolina wedding video, The Farm at Old Edwards [description] => || Copyright, PenWeddings || ♥ Rachel & Chas' beautiful Highlands, North Carolina wedding at The Farm at Old Edwards Inn ♥ A few rain showers couldn't dampen Rachel & Chas' spirits on their gorgeous wedding day at The Farm at Old Edwards. Originally planned for 2020, they waited over a year to celebrate with their friends and family in the Highlands. The cherry on top of a perfect weekend was when Chas surprised Rachel at the reception with a performance of Taylor Swift's "Lover." He had reached out to the band one month before the wedding and said, "I'd like to serenade my bride." Rachel was shocked, and we're quite certain it made all the ladies swoon. Music licensed through Musicbed. http://share.mscbd.fm/penweddings GEAR LIST: -CAMERAS- Sony a7siii -- https://tinyurl.com/sonya7siii DJI Mavic 2 Pro -- https://tinyurl.com/djimavic2pro -LENSES- Canon 70-200 2.8 iii -- https://tinyurl.com/Canon7020028iii Canon 70-200 2.8 ii -- https://tinyurl.com/canon70200ii Canon 70-200 2.8 -- https://tinyurl.com/canon70200i Canon 50mm 1.2 -- https://tinyurl.com/canon50mm12 Canon 16-35 2.8 iii -- https://tinyurl.com/canon1635ii Sigma Art 35 1.4 -- https://tinyurl.com/sigmaart35 Sigma Art 50 1.4 -- https://tinyurl.com/sigmaart50 Sigma Art 85 1.4 -- https://tinyurl.com/sigmaart85ef -SUPPORT- Sirui P-324S Monopods -- amzn.to/2u1ReIR or https://tinyurl.com/siruimonopod Manfrotto 535 tripod -- http://tinyurl.com/Manfrotto535 Manfrotto MT290XTC3US tripod -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMT290 Manfrotto MT055CXPRO4 tripod -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMT055 Manfrotto 502HD head -- http://tinyurl.com/Manfrotto502HD Manfrotto MVH500AH head -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMVH500AH Joby Gorillapod -- amzn.to/2t7hIEe or https://tinyurl.com/gorillapodjoby Platypod -- http://amzn.to/2G10Oht or https://tinyurl.com/platypodmax Holdfast Money Maker harness - https://tinyurl.com/holdfastmoneymaker -AUDIO- Tascam DR10L -- amzn.to/2ubnmdB or https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr10l Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic black -- amzn.to/2u20Vaj Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic white -- amzn.to/2t7dzQG Tascam DR100 -- https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr100 Zoom H2n -- http://amzn.to/2Exb97U or https://tinyurl.com/Zoomh2nrecorder Shure LensHopper -- http://amzn.to/2C8qqqo or https://tinyurl.com/ShureLensHopper -BAGS/CASES- Manfrotto case -- amzn.to/2u6D7BI or https://tinyurl.com/manfrottorollingcase Think Tank Airport Antidote 2.0 -- http://bit.ly/2DShB8A Think Tank Takeoff Rolling Camera Bag -- http://bit.ly/2E6kEea Kelly Moore messenger bags -- https://tinyurl.com/kellymoorebags WEDDING PRO TEAM: Wedding filmmaker | PenWeddings Planning & Design | Beckon Events Venue & Catering | The Farm at Old Edwards Inn Photography | Olivia Griffin Foto Florals | Floressence Flowers Cake | Couture Cakes of Greenville Rehearsal Dinner | Highlander Mountain House Band | Perfect 10 Band & East Coast Entertainment Ceremony musicians | Deans Duets Rentals & Decor | Professional Party Rentals Lounge furniture | Industry Event Rentals Hair & Makeup | Latia Curtis (Some of the above links are affiliate links. This means if we tell you about a product or service we love and you purchase something, we get a small percentage back. Thanks for trusting our referrals, and for helping us continue to invest time in wedding filmmaking education.) [thumbnails] => Array ( [default] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/1UKohjiyFlQ/default.jpg [width] => 120 [height] => 90 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/1UKohjiyFlQ/mqdefault.jpg [width] => 320 [height] => 180 ) [high] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/1UKohjiyFlQ/hqdefault.jpg [width] => 480 [height] => 360 ) [standard] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/1UKohjiyFlQ/sddefault.jpg [width] => 640 [height] => 480 ) [maxres] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/1UKohjiyFlQ/maxresdefault.jpg [width] => 1280 [height] => 720 ) ) [channelTitle] => PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films [tags] => Array ( [0] => highlands nc [1] => highlands nc wedding [2] => highlands wedding [3] => highlands wedding video [4] => north carolina wedding [5] => north carolina wedding video [6] => north carolina wedding videographer [7] => penweddings [8] => penweddings youtube [9] => the farm at old edwards wedding [10] => old edwards inn and spa [11] => old edwards inn wedding [12] => the farm at old edwards wedding video [13] => old edwards inn wedding video [14] => destination wedding [15] => destination wedding video [16] => destination wedding videographer [17] => destination wedding videography [18] => wedding ) [categoryId] => 19 [liveBroadcastContent] => none [defaultLanguage] => en [localized] => Array ( [title] => Grooms Surprises Bride with Song | Highlands North Carolina wedding video, The Farm at Old Edwards [description] => || Copyright, PenWeddings || ♥ Rachel & Chas' beautiful Highlands, North Carolina wedding at The Farm at Old Edwards Inn ♥ A few rain showers couldn't dampen Rachel & Chas' spirits on their gorgeous wedding day at The Farm at Old Edwards. Originally planned for 2020, they waited over a year to celebrate with their friends and family in the Highlands. The cherry on top of a perfect weekend was when Chas surprised Rachel at the reception with a performance of Taylor Swift's "Lover." He had reached out to the band one month before the wedding and said, "I'd like to serenade my bride." Rachel was shocked, and we're quite certain it made all the ladies swoon. Music licensed through Musicbed. http://share.mscbd.fm/penweddings GEAR LIST: -CAMERAS- Sony a7siii -- https://tinyurl.com/sonya7siii DJI Mavic 2 Pro -- https://tinyurl.com/djimavic2pro -LENSES- Canon 70-200 2.8 iii -- https://tinyurl.com/Canon7020028iii Canon 70-200 2.8 ii -- https://tinyurl.com/canon70200ii Canon 70-200 2.8 -- https://tinyurl.com/canon70200i Canon 50mm 1.2 -- https://tinyurl.com/canon50mm12 Canon 16-35 2.8 iii -- https://tinyurl.com/canon1635ii Sigma Art 35 1.4 -- https://tinyurl.com/sigmaart35 Sigma Art 50 1.4 -- https://tinyurl.com/sigmaart50 Sigma Art 85 1.4 -- https://tinyurl.com/sigmaart85ef -SUPPORT- Sirui P-324S Monopods -- amzn.to/2u1ReIR or https://tinyurl.com/siruimonopod Manfrotto 535 tripod -- http://tinyurl.com/Manfrotto535 Manfrotto MT290XTC3US tripod -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMT290 Manfrotto MT055CXPRO4 tripod -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMT055 Manfrotto 502HD head -- http://tinyurl.com/Manfrotto502HD Manfrotto MVH500AH head -- http://tinyurl.com/ManfrottoMVH500AH Joby Gorillapod -- amzn.to/2t7hIEe or https://tinyurl.com/gorillapodjoby Platypod -- http://amzn.to/2G10Oht or https://tinyurl.com/platypodmax Holdfast Money Maker harness - https://tinyurl.com/holdfastmoneymaker -AUDIO- Tascam DR10L -- amzn.to/2ubnmdB or https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr10l Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic black -- amzn.to/2u20Vaj Countryman B3 Lavalier Mic white -- amzn.to/2t7dzQG Tascam DR100 -- https://tinyurl.com/tascamdr100 Zoom H2n -- http://amzn.to/2Exb97U or https://tinyurl.com/Zoomh2nrecorder Shure LensHopper -- http://amzn.to/2C8qqqo or https://tinyurl.com/ShureLensHopper -BAGS/CASES- Manfrotto case -- amzn.to/2u6D7BI or https://tinyurl.com/manfrottorollingcase Think Tank Airport Antidote 2.0 -- http://bit.ly/2DShB8A Think Tank Takeoff Rolling Camera Bag -- http://bit.ly/2E6kEea Kelly Moore messenger bags -- https://tinyurl.com/kellymoorebags WEDDING PRO TEAM: Wedding filmmaker | PenWeddings Planning & Design | Beckon Events Venue & Catering | The Farm at Old Edwards Inn Photography | Olivia Griffin Foto Florals | Floressence Flowers Cake | Couture Cakes of Greenville Rehearsal Dinner | Highlander Mountain House Band | Perfect 10 Band & East Coast Entertainment Ceremony musicians | Deans Duets Rentals & Decor | Professional Party Rentals Lounge furniture | Industry Event Rentals Hair & Makeup | Latia Curtis (Some of the above links are affiliate links. This means if we tell you about a product or service we love and you purchase something, we get a small percentage back. Thanks for trusting our referrals, and for helping us continue to invest time in wedding filmmaking education.) ) [defaultAudioLanguage] => en ) [contentDetails] => Array ( [duration] => PT8M13S [dimension] => 2d [definition] => hd [caption] => true [licensedContent] => 1 [contentRating] => Array ( ) [projection] => rectangular ) [statistics] => Array ( [viewCount] => 6664 [likeCount] => 133 [favoriteCount] => 0 [commentCount] => 10 ) ) [8] => Array ( [id] => DOfltMTFqAY [snippet] => Array ( [publishedAt] => 2022-08-30T02:53:14Z [channelId] => UC1Dyx5arKLKImfiMpcGL01Q [title] => Sweetest Wedding Speech Ever | Little Girl Toasts to the Bride and Groom [description] => || Copyright, PenWeddings || The sweetest wedding speech ever! This surprise toast made everyone cry. With: @pearleventsaustin @betsyvillanueva @stacysmsphoto @eventsatthearlo @full_spectrum_ice @leahtrogan @bouquetsofaustin @unique_design_and_events_ @austineventlighting @simonleebakery @cravecateringtx @percheventdecor @premiereeventstx @the_inviting_pear @terravistastrings @peerlesseventsandtents @centerstage_floors @atxclassiccars @strat_band @therileybuilding @moeventco [thumbnails] => Array ( [default] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/DOfltMTFqAY/default.jpg [width] => 120 [height] => 90 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/DOfltMTFqAY/mqdefault.jpg [width] => 320 [height] => 180 ) [high] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/DOfltMTFqAY/hqdefault.jpg [width] => 480 [height] => 360 ) [standard] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/DOfltMTFqAY/sddefault.jpg [width] => 640 [height] => 480 ) [maxres] => Array ( [url] => https://i.ytimg.com/vi/DOfltMTFqAY/maxresdefault.jpg [width] => 1280 [height] => 720 ) ) [channelTitle] => PenWeddings - Destination Wedding Videos & Films [tags] => Array ( [0] => penweddings [1] => penweddings youtube [2] => wedding toast [3] => wedding speech [4] => emotional wedding speech [5] => emotional wedding toast [6] => wedding video [7] => wedding videography [8] => wedding videographer [9] => texas wedding video [10] => texas wedding videographer [11] => texas wedding videography [12] => cute kid [13] => best wedding speech [14] => best wedding toast [15] => wedding filmmaker [16] => texas wedding filmmaker [17] => the riley building [18] => the riley building austin [19] => austin wedding video [20] => austin wedding videographer [21] => austin wedding videographers ) [categoryId] => 19 [liveBroadcastContent] => none [defaultLanguage] => en [localized] => Array ( [title] => Sweetest Wedding Speech Ever | Little Girl Toasts to the Bride and Groom [description] => || Copyright, PenWeddings || The sweetest wedding speech ever! This surprise toast made everyone cry. With: @pearleventsaustin @betsyvillanueva @stacysmsphoto @eventsatthearlo @full_spectrum_ice @leahtrogan @bouquetsofaustin @unique_design_and_events_ @austineventlighting @simonleebakery @cravecateringtx @percheventdecor @premiereeventstx @the_inviting_pear @terravistastrings @peerlesseventsandtents @centerstage_floors @atxclassiccars @strat_band @therileybuilding @moeventco ) [defaultAudioLanguage] => en ) [contentDetails] => Array ( [duration] => PT42S [dimension] => 2d [definition] => hd [caption] => true [licensedContent] => 1 [contentRating] => Array ( ) [projection] => rectangular ) [statistics] => Array ( [viewCount] => 12969 [likeCount] => 443 [favoriteCount] => 0 [commentCount] => 3 ) ) ) )
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[21:19:54.307080 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) We already tried to find a theme that contains single/embedded/youtube_iframe.html.twig in the theme hierarchy but didn't find it anywhere. Theme tubepress/default version 5.1.6.
[21:19:54.307212 - INFO] (Delegating Template Engine) Finished rendering template single/embedded/youtube_iframe
[21:19:54.307462 - INFO] (Delegating Template Engine) Start render of template gallery/players/normal/static
[21:19:54.307483 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) Seeing if we can find gallery/players/normal/static.tpl.php in the theme hierarchy. Theme tubepress/default version 5.1.6.
[21:19:54.307489 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) Looks like this is the first time searching for a theme that contains gallery/players/normal/static.tpl.php. Theme tubepress/default version 5.1.6.
[21:19:54.307496 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) Unable to find source of template gallery/players/normal/static.tpl.php from theme hierarchy.
[21:19:54.307514 - INFO] (Delegating Template Engine) Template engine tubepress_template_impl_php_PhpEngine cannot find template gallery/players/normal/static
[21:19:54.307523 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) Seeing if we can find gallery/players/normal/static.html.twig in the theme hierarchy. Theme tubepress/default version 5.1.6.
[21:19:54.307528 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) Looks like this is the first time searching for a theme that contains gallery/players/normal/static.html.twig. Theme tubepress/default version 5.1.6.
[21:19:54.307552 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) Unable to find source of template gallery/players/normal/static.html.twig from theme hierarchy.
[21:19:54.308584 - INFO] (Delegating Template Engine) Template engine tubepress_template_impl_twig_Engine will handle template gallery/players/normal/static
[21:19:54.308635 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) Seeing if we can find gallery/players/normal/static.html.twig in the theme hierarchy. Theme tubepress/default version 5.1.6.
[21:19:54.308646 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) We already tried to find a theme that contains gallery/players/normal/static.html.twig in the theme hierarchy but didn't find it anywhere. Theme tubepress/default version 5.1.6.
[21:19:54.309618 - INFO] (Delegating Template Engine) Finished rendering template gallery/players/normal/static
[21:19:54.309757 - INFO] (Delegating Template Engine) Start render of template gallery/main
[21:19:54.309774 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) Seeing if we can find gallery/main.tpl.php in the theme hierarchy. Theme tubepress/default version 5.1.6.
[21:19:54.309782 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) Looks like this is the first time searching for a theme that contains gallery/main.tpl.php. Theme tubepress/default version 5.1.6.
[21:19:54.309791 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) Unable to find source of template gallery/main.tpl.php from theme hierarchy.
[21:19:54.309827 - INFO] (Delegating Template Engine) Template engine tubepress_template_impl_php_PhpEngine cannot find template gallery/main
[21:19:54.309841 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) Seeing if we can find gallery/main.html.twig in the theme hierarchy. Theme tubepress/default version 5.1.6.
[21:19:54.309849 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) Looks like this is the first time searching for a theme that contains gallery/main.html.twig. Theme tubepress/default version 5.1.6.
[21:19:54.309856 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) Unable to find source of template gallery/main.html.twig from theme hierarchy.
[21:19:54.309900 - INFO] (Delegating Template Engine) Template engine tubepress_template_impl_twig_Engine will handle template gallery/main
[21:19:54.309908 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) Seeing if we can find gallery/main.html.twig in the theme hierarchy. Theme tubepress/default version 5.1.6.
[21:19:54.309914 - INFO] (Theme Template Locator) We already tried to find a theme that contains gallery/main.html.twig in the theme hierarchy but didn't find it anywhere. Theme tubepress/default version 5.1.6.
[21:19:54.312524 - INFO] (Delegating Template Engine) Finished rendering template gallery/main
[21:19:54.312751 - INFO] (Gallery Listener) Done assembling gallery 1605647702
[21:19:54.312785 - INFO] (WordPress Entry Point) End dispatch of event tubepress.wordpress.shortcode_found
Remember, this demo showcases just a small fraction of TubePress's capabilities.