YouTube responded with an error: The playlist identified with the request's <code>playlistId</code> parameter cannot be found

I’m getting this error on all of my playlists – I haven’t changed anything on my end at all in years. I updated wordpress hoping this would help and still nothing. Currently running WP 5.1.8 as well as Tubepress Pro 5.1.8

I have a few playlists and none of them work – Here is the code for one of the pages:
[tubepress mode=“playlist” playlistValue=“PLSSLpl48xR-qFwnUEYMAwnBZtrLp31DwV” resultsPerPage=“48” thumbWidth=“220” thumbHeight=“125” playerLocation = “popup”]

My site is

A post was merged into an existing topic: The playlist identified with the request’s playlistId parameter cannot be found