I just purchased TubePress Pro and was unable to get a YouTube playlist to display, and receiving this error:
YouTube responded with an error: The playlist identified with the request’s playlistId parameter cannot be found.
As I read on another thread the “PL” of the playlist was being stripped, so I thought I might add a second PL to the playlist ID, as such:
and it worked. But it’s not a long term solution as I’ll then likely have to fix all of the shortcodes at a later date to remove the extra “PL.” Also, while it’s a fix for shortcodes displaying only a single youtube playlist, it does not work when trying to display a vimeo album and a youtube playlist. Any iteration of “vimeoAlbum + playlist” will only show the vimeoAlbum. Am I doing something wrong in trying to combine sources? I’ve scoured documentation and cannot find anything, only OLD community support explaining the way to combine sources is through mode=“source1 + source2.”
Any suggestions/progress on a real fix?