Weebly widget not showing video gallery

Hello! I use the Tubepress widget on Weebly to showcase past sermon messages for my church. For the past week, the widget has been completely blank. Not showing anything at all. I’ve tried refreshing and removing the widget and putting it back on the webpage, but nothing works.

Right now, my Tubepress account is saying my free trial has expired. It says it expired in 2017, which is untrue. I have a current yearly subscription and have been paying yearly for many years since 2017.

I’ve been trying to get in contact with Tubepress support via email for the past week but have gotten no response, so I’ll try to get a response here. We need to get this page back up and running! Please help! Thanks!

Same. Appears the plugin has been fully abandoned. I suggest you cancel your subscription and look elsewhere.

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