Hi Elisabeth,
Back in December I was having issues with TubePress. Initially you thought it might be my configuration but further into our conversation I signed up for the free 30 day trial of TubePress Express and had the same issues there, at that time you determined the problem was on your end. As I host a ton of different playlists across several websites, I was forced to stop using TubePress and update all of my lists with scripting from another developer while you worked to fix the issue.
Sometime in the near future I would like to return to tube press and convert my old pages to TubePress Express, but I do have a few questions.
Have you fully resolved the issue?
It has been far more than 30 days since I signed up for the trial is there any way to get another 30 day trial so I can dive in and see how it works?
Is there a limit to the number of playlists I can setup via TubePress Express?
As always, thank for your time!