I can't get into dashboard

Hi -
I just signed up for a free trial today. I was really impressed with it, and it seemed like it was going to solve a problem. I am using a Youtube playlist for my video gallery. I’m showing the gallery on our company’s B2B platform. Things seemed to be going well, i was able to see the gallery on our page. But then i tried to add another video to the playlist. I received an error code on our page. I tried to log back into Tubepress, and now i’m unable to see my dashboard. Everytime i try to login, it’s just white page. Somehow i blew everything up… :slight_smile: sorry!


Our apologies for the rough start! You should be able to log in successfully now. If you are still receiving an error on your webpage, it’s likely related to Google’s recent reduction of daily quota allowances. Since you are using a YouTube source for your TubePress gallery, we highly recommend obtaining a Google API key (which takes roughly 5 minutes) and saving it in the Credentials tab of your dashboard; that will fix things right up. If there is anything else we can do to assist, don’t hesitate to reach out again!

Thank you!

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