Delay In Posting Videos

Hello! I’m working on a WordPress site using TubePress - - and there have regularly been delays with the videos posting. 19 hours ago there were 9 new videos posted on the channel that it pulls from - - and as of now only 3 of those have shown up on the site. I don’t have any caching plugins running on the site; can you help me figure out how to lessen the delay? Thank you in advance!


An additional question - is there a way we can set up a cron job to automate when it will update the videos? Your help would be greatly appreciated!


Hi @Slamdot, thank you for your questions. We recommend enabling and adjusting TubePress’ cache settings (WP Admin > Settings > TubePress > Cache) and setting the lifetimes of the caches to the highest value you can tolerate, tweaking the value as needed. Setting lower cache lifetimes will mean that delay will lessen, though you may see minor performance penalties. If you don’t update the channel that often, we recommend cache lifetimes on the order of days (e.g. 172800 seconds, or two days).

And while you can set up a cron job, it’s probably unnecessary if you adjust the cache settings to your needs. If you’d still like to, run a cron job that performs an HTTP GET on This will cause TubePress to wipe out its internal caches.

If there is anything else we can do to assist, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us again. Thanks!