I’m very pleased to announce that TubePress 2.2.5 is available for download! Along with a number of bug fixes and version bumps, this version features the following exciting new features…

  • “Lazy” play
    In the past, your users were forced to click twice just to watch a video from your TubePress gallery. Now they can simply click the thumbnail and the video will autoplay on its own; just like on youtube.com
  • More flexibility in custom themes
    You now have full control over the HTML that TubePress is used after a user clicks a thumbnail. In the past, you were restricted to just showing the title.
  • Mixed YouTube and Vimeo galleries
    TubePress Pro users can now enjoy galleries comprised of both Vimeo and YouTube. Very cool!
  •  New “detached” player location
    With TubePress Pro, you can now split up the thumbnail gallery from the embedded player. This gives you complete control over the layout of your site, and greatly expands the options for TubePress integration.
  • EmbedPlus Support
    YouTube galleries now have the option to use EmbedPlus: an embedded player that adds a ton of features to the YouTube video experience.

As usual, please report any issues in the forum. I hope you enjoy this new version!